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Topic: Homeschooling
rozey2680's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:09 AM
I have an 8 year old daughter whom I am homeschooling next year... I was
homeschooled till 3rd grade and was very advanced educationally because
of it... I am a little nervous about it though, and would appreciate any
advice from people who have homeschooled, if there are any out there

Thanks guys! flowerforyou

PurpleDragons's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:46 AM
personally... home school if you can afford it, but also join some of
then benifits that groups has that are for home schoolers. The only
reason I don't home school... I need to work and not easy being a single
mom, with a son that demands a lot.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:48 AM
I’ve never homeschooled, but I have been a teacher in classrooms. Prior
to that I had also taught workers skills in industry, as well as being
the leader of various teams.

For me, the single most important thing is to get the student’s
interest. Whatever the subject, its important that the student finds
the lessons interesting. This should be the number one goal of any
teacher. If you can make the lessons interesting and enjoyable then
you have gone a very long way toward helping to make the learning
process easier for everyone involved (both the student and the teacher)

Don’t be afraid to use ‘field trips’ or even other ‘teachers’ who may
not even be official ‘teachers’. One good thing about homeschooling is
that you are freed up to take advantage of other resources and people.

I’ve also learned that it not important for a teacher to actually know
the subject all that well. What’s much more important is that the
teacher have the ability to help the student organize the subject in a
meaningful way for the student. As an example, if you can even help the
student find materials that explain the subject in a way that the
student can easily grasp it you have done your job. And often times you
can actually learn the subject right along side the student.

I’ve actually had that happen I was once asked to teach a class on a
topic I knew absolutely nothing about and I had to learn each lesson
prior to teaching it. Also, never be afraid to tell the student that
you don’t know the answer to a question. Just say, “I’ll find the
answer to that and get back to you”. And then do it, even if you need
to go ask someone else on your own. Never pretend to know something
that you honestly don’t know. That’s a huge mistake that many teachers

It’s also alright if the student points out a mistake that you’ve made.
Be gracious about it, tell the student that they are on the ball, and
don’t be afraid to admit that you get confused sometimes too.

I love to teach. And for me, teaching is so much more about ‘mentoring’
or ‘leading’ the student down a path that works best for them. If you
try to just push a predetermined lesson plans on them it could potential
create a huge brick wall that can be impossible to deal with.

Not to imply that you shouldn’t begin with lesson plans. But if you see
they aren’t working, try to figure out other approaches. Ask around for
other people’s ideas (like you’re already obviously doing).

I think you’ll do just fine.

rozey2680's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:52 AM
Thank you guys... I've already contacted a local church that has "friday
school" for homeschooled kids... I also would make sure to have her
involved in sports and other group activities!

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 05/18/07 12:27 PM
i am in the same boat as purple, if i could take time off to do it,i
would homeschool.good luck to you.

AutonomousW's photo
Fri 05/18/07 12:43 PM
My mom and dad home schooled me from 4-8 grade I came back way ahead of
the curve to spite the administration of the school i was in before hand
being completely against it.

GaMail50's photo
Fri 05/18/07 02:27 PM
There is alot to be said for a one to one teacher to student ratio.

rozey2680's photo
Fri 05/18/07 03:14 PM
yup... I'm excited! She isn't thriving in the school she is in now... I
think this will be a much healthier environment for her!

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 04:00 PM
the schools hate homeschooling... why? they loose money when they loose
a student. study after study shows better educated, well balanced kids
are the product of homeschooling.

lazyj321's photo
Fri 05/18/07 04:10 PM
i have well balanced girls.. and they aren't home schooled.. actually
they0 are more socially advanced because they get to see the real word..
I daughter has been flying throught the us by her self since she was
ten.. but nothing against home schooling.. if that is what you want to

rozey2680's photo
Fri 05/18/07 04:18 PM
that's great Lazy and you're right they are well balanced girls... but
not all kids are like yours... some need a little extra attention...
plus if you read what I said I will keep her involved with healthy

lazyj321's photo
Fri 05/18/07 04:20 PM
it wasn't directed towards you.. and thank you I have worked hard with
my girls.. but don't take my post personally.. it wasn't directed at

rozey2680's photo
Fri 05/18/07 04:28 PM
alrighty then

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 04:53 PM
i was homescholled and i came out prety good.lollaugh

Greyhound's photo
Sat 05/19/07 03:11 AM
My daughter knows this couple who have an 8 year old son. The mom
teaches him at home and I don't think it's working out too well. Not
because of homeschooling, but the reason being is that they don't do any
healthy activities what so ever with the boy.All he does is play video
games and plays in the backyard on nice days. My daughter took him out
with my 8 year old granddaughter one day at Chucky Cheese and let them
loose in the place. He doesn't know how to socialize with other kids and
he's a real bully. I think it's a real shame.

lazyj321's photo
Sat 05/19/07 08:19 AM
greyhound that sucks.. poor kid.. I can't even imagine doing that to a
child.. social skills are a very important part of being able to cope
with everyday life.. I have some friends that were home schooled they
are great people but lack sometimes on fitting in.. I understand and
feel bad.. but hey we all have choices.. and they affect our children
either in a good way or a bad way.. either you build them up or cripple

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sat 05/19/07 08:21 AM
I see nothing at all wrong with homeschooling..I wish that I was
homeschooled when I was a kid..the teachers I had were idiots..the
children were cruel and evil..and these days..You stand a bigger chance
of getting your child back at the end of the day in a body bag rather
than in one piece like you sent them out the door that morning.

lazyj321's photo
Sat 05/19/07 08:48 AM
lady of magic you are right.. it is a cruel world out there.. but my
girls go threw it and they are stronger for it.. I build them up and
teach them how to cope.. yea someone could kill my girls or take them
away from me. but if i shelter them and always try to keep them from
harm.. am i helping them or hurting them.. I want them to be strong and
make good choices.. i am sure they are going to make some bad ones, but
that is how they learn.. so yea the world is cruel but you can use it as
a positive thing.. best lesson to teach..

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sat 05/19/07 08:55 AM
If you've taught them well it isn't THEIR choices that you need to be
concerned with..its the child at their school that isn't completely
there mentally and decides that going to school and shooting 32 students
is the right thing to do like the boy at Virginia Tech did that people
need to worry about.

lazyj321's photo
Sat 05/19/07 09:06 AM
you are right.. but i can't ever prevent that from happening.. I don't
want to them to live at home forever.. sure something or someone could
do that.. but I can't disable my children because of a fear that might
or might not happen.. Hopefully god will protect them from that.. I want
them to enjoy life and everything that comes their way..

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