Topic: a question for pondering | |
okay so this is just really something to try to see how people think
about it.. not to get to deep or to .. furious at one another lol.. okay so in the bible when God makes everyone speak a different language, because they are trying to build a stairway to heaven.. why does he bother to make different languages i mean really.. we've seen what's above the clouds.. so techinically even if we built it all the way up wouldn't we just float off into space lol |
Maybe so we could learn to work together and find a common
understanding? |
good answer different
LOL sorority I love you but you LOST me buddy?! I'm confused what scriptures. At first I thought you were referring to Pentecost with the first appearance of the Holy Spirit when they were speaking in tongues. But as I read I was huh? |
they were getting prideful and trying to do things without God. so he
had to cause confusion so people would rely on Him. and to teach others a lesson. |
the tower of babylon.. wasn't it yall ... do i have my towers confused..
someone help brain dead |
tower of babel lol |
yes tower of babel.
what they were trying to build was actually a temple. and God had said 'be fruitful and populate the earth' and to do that they would have to scatter and they built the temple to not scatter. so they were going against God's command |
gen 11 bored
yes thats what the subtext of my bible says that they were suppose to "
fill the earth" and it says the lord fewars the human power that might result from ethnic and linguisity unity. |
was just seeing if anyone had any other ideas about it
yeah it really didnt have nething to do with them trying to reach God.
it had to do with the pride of them trying to reach God without God's help. |
Genesis 11:1-9
The purpose of the tower was two fold: Make a name for themselves and so that they would never be scattered. They were worshipping themselves and disobeying God (...fill the earth...). Their languages were confused and they were scattered across the world as punishment. When people have peace and happiness, they turn away from God and instead congratulate themselves for being so wonderful. Today, just like then, people only seek God when there is trouble, when we should always seek God's face. |
Great job on the answer and much more eloquent than mine. |
Without the account of the Tower of Babel in the Bible's book of
Genesis, we would have no idea how the many languages of the world came about. Language scholars have marveled that there are so many languages in the world and that all have a type of grammar. They marvel that there is no such thing as a “primitive” language, because even cultures that seem primitive have languages as complex as modern cultural groups. Interestingly, the earliest records of written language date no further back than four or five thousand years (the time, according to Bible chronology, that the Tower of Babel events would have taken place). Babel was a city founded by a warrior named Nimrod on a plain in the land of Shinar in ancient Babylonia. The history of the building of the city and its tower,((( “whose top may reach unto heaven” )))is described in the Bible's book of Genesis (chapter 11). Nimrod is an ancient hero known to have existed not only from the Bible, but from Sumerian and Assyrian records as well. The Bible record bears all the marks of a reliable historical account, for it is generally assumed that the tower was what archaeologists know as a ziggurat: a multilevel pyramid-like tower with a ramp to its temple on top. The Bible gives us an excellent history of what happened at Babel that gave rise to the different languages in the world: Before Babel, everyone on earth spoke the same language (Genesis 11:1). As people journeyed from the east they found a plain in Shinar (Sumeria) and dwelt there (11:2). They decided to build a city and a tower with top-quality bricks and mortar (11:3). This was to make a name for themselves and to prevent being scattered all over the earth (11:4). God was not pleased with their motives, because he had previously commanded that people and animals multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 1:28, 9:1, 9:7). So God confused their language to the extent that they could not understand one another's speech (11:7). This forced the people to leave off building their city and tower and to scatter all over the earth (11:8), presumably now with much smaller groups or families whose language was similar enough that they could at least communicate with each other. Those who dismiss this explanation of the origin of language do not necessarily have a better explanation for the origin of language. The Bible says the first man on earth could speak and understand language (Genesis 2:16, 20). Then, as we have seen, the Bible gives a reasonable explanation of how other languages came about. Note that the Bible does not say that God created a whole pile of exotic languages from scratch at Babel. It says He ((confounded or confused)) the one language that everyone originally spoke. So the elements of grammar of that original language would still be there, and similarities in many words and expressions would be an obvious outcome. Evolutionists know that language appeared abruptly. But this fact seems totally alien to their idea that humans evolved over millions of years from ape-like animals. There are no human-like languages among apes, and what evolutionists believe to be our closest ancestors are completely incapable of making speech like we do (for example, the hypoglossal nerve canals in chimps are only half as wide as in humans. These nerves supply the muscles of the tongue and hyoid bone). Interesting info: Chimps may be taught to do certain things when they see human-created symbols or letters, but chimps are incapable of coming up to someone and exchanging philosophies in a language that both understand. (It may be argued that human babies cannot do this either, but human babies can utter words very soon after they are born, and can tell you what they want at a very young age, even before they can write. Apes cannot speak human languages at any age.) Kat What we are left with is that the Bible's explanation and timing for human language appearance and dispersion completely fits the facts in world history as we know it. On the other hand, evolution has no support for the idea that language evolved from animal sounds, or explanation as to why written language appeared suddenly about 4000-5000 years ago, or how grammar got into the equation. If someone is looking for an explanation of the origin of language, the Bible's explanation is clearly the best we have. |
oo nicely done guys! !!!
In high school our Spanish teacher told us that there is a theory that a
baby makes every sound in every language but discards the ones it doesn't hear as it matures. I don't know if this is true or not but an interesting hypothesis. Its also interesting that people of one language all have trouble with the same things in another language when they try to speak it. Just something to think about. |
hmm i like the baby thing that is an interesting thought to ponder
sororitygurl...go look for a book called The 12th Planet and
read that...has a different spin on a lot of the bible stories.. it will change the way you view things.. |
wow they pretty much have you taken care of
pretty sure i don't believe in the bible lol ... so i dunno if it could
change much davinci |