Topic: Palin Resigning As Alaska Governor
Bestinshow's photo
Wed 07/08/09 10:23 AM

Whack-a-doodle is even fun to say.laugh
Speaking of whack-a-doodle

By Susan Page, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Sarah Palin's bombshell that she is resigning as Alaska governor actually has boosted her a bit among Republicans, a nationwide USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, though it also has dented her standing among Democrats and independents.

Stuff likes this makes me think their is a certain% of the population that is just nuts, no matter what the issue truth and reality evades them.

Winx's photo
Wed 07/08/09 10:24 AM
Edited by Winx on Wed 07/08/09 10:24 AM

Whack-a-doodle is even fun to say.laugh
Speaking of whack-a-doodle

By Susan Page, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Sarah Palin's bombshell that she is resigning as Alaska governor actually has boosted her a bit among Republicans, a nationwide USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, though it also has dented her standing among Democrats and independents.

Stuff likes this makes me think their is a certain% of the population that is just nuts, no matter what the issue truth and reality evades them.

That doesn't make any sense. How can this possibly make her look good?

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 07/08/09 10:27 AM
Bonkers in Alaska
by Beth Quinn

Barrack Obama proved, finally, that anyone can grow up to be president. Sarah Palin, however, proved him wrong. Happily, lunatics are still not able to win the White House.

Sometimes presidents turn into lunatics while living in the Booby Hatch Capital of the World (Richard Nixon is a case in point), but Americans are still reluctant to make a national leader of someone who proves herself bonkers before even running.

She certainly appeared to be a certifiable maniac last Friday when she announced that she was quitting her governor job because ... well, basically because she's not a dead fish:

"And a problem in our country today is apathy," she explained at her hastily called press conference. "It would be apathetic to just hunker down and go with the flow. Nah, only dead fish go with the flow. No. Productive, fulfilled people determine where to put their efforts, choosing to wisely utilize precious time ... to BUILD UP."

Among the many mysteries as to what she meant by this, I confess I wasn't aware that dead fish ‘go with the flow.' I thought they kind of ‘float up to the surface and stink.' But then, I am not a fisherperson. Perhaps it's common in tackle shops to say, "Only dead fish go with the flow."

Perhaps there are even little wooden signs with those words carved into them that the rod and reel crowd hang on the wall in their fishing huts. (If any of you are in the know about this, please tell me. I'd hate to be unfair here.)

But I digress. The speculation, of course, is that Alaska's rogue maverick diva is stepping down in order to make a full-time job of preparing for a presidential run in 2012. For Tina Fey's sake, I hope so. She must be devastated.

But on the off chance that anyone who isn't a comedian thinks electing a President Palin is great idea, a little review of the past eight months might be in order:

She trotted her children, all named after imaginary things or sporting events or math functions, onto the public stage at the Republican Convention, where they sat, glassy-eyed, looking like refuges from the Village of the Damned. And that high school hockey player dude was sitting there, too -- Levi Johnston -- almost visibly praying the rosary that Sarah the Lunatic would lose the election so he wouldn't have to marry the very pregnant Bristol and have Sarah for a mother-in-law. Then, of course, the vice presidential hopeful got upset when the press wrote about her kids. Children should be off limits! she screeched. Indeed they should, Mom.

In an interview on CNBC last July she announced her confusion about the duties of the job she was aspiring to: "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"

Speaking to students in Wasilla last June, she revealed her understanding of God's role in our invasion of Iraq: "Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending soldiers out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan." She was sort of right about one thing. It would have been useful if there had been a plan.

When asked by Katie Couric during that disastrous interview last September what newspaper or magazine she reads, she was unable to name a single periodical: "All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years."

She also revealed to Katie that she has a lot of foreign policy experience due to being able to see Russia on a clear day. And, who knew? She revealed at a fundraiser last fall that Afghanistan is also located pretty close to Alaska: "They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan." (Apparently, she can see bin Laden's former cave from her house on a clear day, too.)

Then there's her lack of clarity on the abortion issue. She THINKS she's against abortion, but in fact she's pro-choice. At a recent Right to Life fundraiser, she described in great detail the fact that she considered an abortion when she found out she was pregnant at the age of 44, then again when she learned the baby she was carrying had Down syndrome. In the end, she chose to have the baby, not abort it. Bully for her. That was, apparently the right choice for her. But, oh Saaaarah ... that's called Choice. My two kids could be named Choice One and Choice Two. The fact that I chose to have them doesn't make me anti-abortion, you moron. It just means I chose to have them -- just like you.

There is so much more, but I'll move on now to last Friday when, in her rousing Tour de Force of Incoherence, she further explained her reason for quitting Alaska by announcing: "I choose to work very hard on a path for fruitfulness and productivity. I choose not to tear down and waste precious time, but to build up this state and our country and her industrious, generous, patriotic free people!!!!!"

Evidently, this fruitfulness can only happen if she's not a governor.

Now that I think of it, perhaps we should encourage her to run for president in 2012. Having Sarah Palin as the Republican candidate might well be the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic party. And it would sure keep Tina Fey happy.

p.s. If you haven't already done so, read Maureen Dowd's July 8 column, Sarah's Secret Diary. Very, very funny. And scary.

Beth can be reached at

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 10:45 AM

An article I read yesterday, quoting her attorney, said that part of the reason why she resigned were the comments made by David Letterman. I'm sure that will look great on a resume...

"Why did you quit your last job?"

"The media was mean to me."


no photo
Wed 07/08/09 10:45 AM

i see that winx...what 9 pages of assuming? she gave her reason and it's still not good enough. she doesn't owe anyone any more. she's gone...someone else took her place


Other things have been discussed too. This is all on the news too.

Are you saying that you want this thread to end?

after 9 pages of the same thing...hasn't it been all said???? just as you want to discuss other theories...I will keep saying that she is gone and someone new is in her place....she's gone.

So, stop saying the same thing over and over :wink:.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 10:50 AM

i see that winx...what 9 pages of assuming? she gave her reason and it's still not good enough. she doesn't owe anyone any more. she's gone...someone else took her place


Other things have been discussed too. This is all on the news too.

Are you saying that you want this thread to end?

after 9 pages of the same thing...hasn't it been all said???? just as you want to discuss other theories...I will keep saying that she is gone and someone new is in her place....she's gone.

So, stop saying the same thing over and over :wink:.

excuse me?????

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:07 AM

Eliot Spitzer ring a bell?????

I'd wonder more if people were acting like it was a normal thing for her to do. Who quits being a governor mid term?

I've never heard of it.

Why do you keep bringing up other people, wer'e talking about Palin not Spitzer...

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:10 AM
Edited by singmesweet on Wed 07/08/09 11:10 AM

i see that winx...what 9 pages of assuming? she gave her reason and it's still not good enough. she doesn't owe anyone any more. she's gone...someone else took her place


Other things have been discussed too. This is all on the news too.

Are you saying that you want this thread to end?

after 9 pages of the same thing...hasn't it been all said???? just as you want to discuss other theories...I will keep saying that she is gone and someone new is in her place....she's gone.

So, stop saying the same thing over and over :wink:.

excuse me?????

lol. Sorry, I was just commenting on your many posts saying Palin has given a reason. You said it was 9 pages of the same thing, yet you've been saying the same thing.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:12 AM

i see that winx...what 9 pages of assuming? she gave her reason and it's still not good enough. she doesn't owe anyone any more. she's gone...someone else took her place


Other things have been discussed too. This is all on the news too.

Are you saying that you want this thread to end?

after 9 pages of the same thing...hasn't it been all said???? just as you want to discuss other theories...I will keep saying that she is gone and someone new is in her place....she's gone.

So, stop saying the same thing over and over :wink:.

excuse me?????

lol. Sorry, I was just commenting on your many posts saying Palin has given a reason. You said it was 9 pages of the same thing, yet you've been saying the same thing.

recently in here yep I have. I avoided this thread until I said something about her being gone now and she's of no harm to anyone

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:13 AM

why the big deal???? whoa For those that don't like happy she's gone. For those that do like her....give her respect for her decision

this is almost as bad as people wondering why Rush is so popular and making tons of threads about him, giving him more publicity

Oh shush Putin... Believe me the kind of publicity she is getting now ain't helpful, but it is payback for her own bashing. I say leave her kids alone but if we are fair game for her she is too. Maybe she won't be in such a hurry to bash some americans again. Nah, she won't learn.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:14 AM

why the big deal???? whoa For those that don't like happy she's gone. For those that do like her....give her respect for her decision

this is almost as bad as people wondering why Rush is so popular and making tons of threads about him, giving him more publicity

Oh shush Putin... Believe me the kind of publicity she is getting now ain't helpful, but it is payback for her own bashing. I say leave her kids alone but if we are fair game for her she is too. Maybe she won't be in such a hurry to bash some americans again. Nah, she won't learn.

probably not...personally...I don't care laugh she's gone

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:15 AM

she has reasons...but she doesn't owe anyone an explanation.....

Ah excuse me, if you are a public official and you quit, you do own and explanation. What if she was president and decided to leave before her term, think people wouldn't want to know why?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:16 AM

she has reasons...but she doesn't owe anyone an explanation.....

Ah excuse me, if you are a public official and you quit, you do own and explanation. What if she was president and decided to leave before her term, think people wouldn't want to know why?

and as I also said...she gave a reason but it's still not good enough. she doesn't owe me and explanation and many people I know could care less why she is gone...we just know she is gone

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:17 AM

I'm sure her real reasons for resigning will come out soon enough.

Oh ya but guess what, she's setting herself up to be a victim, so that way her supporters won't believe a word of it because people don't like her. Well they have good reason not to like her.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:18 AM
I'll wait for the meatloaf to catch up laugh

franshade's photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:18 AM

she has reasons...but she doesn't owe anyone an explanation.....

Ah excuse me, if you are a public official and you quit, you do own and explanation. What if she was president and decided to leave before her term, think people wouldn't want to know why?

A public official is an employee (like most of us, but w/better pay and benes). Their reasons/excuses/explanations for resigning/quitting can range from I quit, I don't want to do this anymore, to a whole slew of other reasons... Now as for the people demanding and thinking they are due an explanation - good luck with that one - I can't get the govt much less a govt employee to answer me with a straight answer imagine those quitting their positions

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:20 AM

she has reasons...but she doesn't owe anyone an explanation.....

Yeah, she does. She owes it to the people that voted for her.

not's a job...if someone decides to quit...that's between her and her family. not too mention even if she gave a reason (which I believe she did) things like this thread would happen

This is not your regular every day job. her job as govenor gives here persks we certainly don't get and access to the tax payers money, so please, she damn well does own and explanation if she quits. She isn't flipping burgers some where, where she can get bored and leave with out a reason why.

This thread is happening, yes, just as the threads agains Obama. Come on Rose why is it ok to bash Obama and not Miss goodie two shoes?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:22 AM

she has reasons...but she doesn't owe anyone an explanation.....

Yeah, she does. She owes it to the people that voted for her.

not's a job...if someone decides to quit...that's between her and her family. not too mention even if she gave a reason (which I believe she did) things like this thread would happen

This is not your regular every day job. her job as govenor gives here persks we certainly don't get and access to the tax payers money, so please, she damn well does own and explanation if she quits. She isn't flipping burgers some where, where she can get bored and leave with out a reason why.

This thread is happening, yes, just as the threads agains Obama. Come on Rose why is it ok to bash Obama and not Miss goodie two shoes?

rofl rofl rofl rofl

I don't have a problem with people bashing her. I don't like her myself. my point is beating a dead horse. she gave her reasons and it's not enough I guess.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:31 AM
truth be told...I was only following this thread for different reasons pitchfork

franshade's photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:32 AM

truth be told...I was only following this thread for different reasons pitchfork

pray tell pitchfork