Topic: Least Favorite...?
EZ4Sheezy's photo
Fri 07/03/09 10:57 AM

no photo
Fri 07/03/09 04:08 PM
I was simply designed to work outside the home and have a wife or maid for the housework, just DON'T like it ... ohwell

Prolly more to do w/ having a Norwegian mother that had me dust, vacuum ... and more daily ... sad

Then, to wit, one bully brother also forced me to do all his housework chores, under threat of death if I ever "told Mom"! ... sad2

I actually bought it! ... slaphead

HATE, loathe AND detest ( ... !!! ...:tongue: ... !!! ...) dusting and vacuuming to this day ... grumble

Christinacospgs's photo
Fri 07/03/09 04:13 PM
Seeing what ComedyMan posts about others online! Sheez...sorry but meanness and nastiness doesn't score well with anyone. :angry:

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:58 AM

Cleaning out the junk drawer. Where does all that crap come from?ohwell

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:03 AM
I hate having to deal with excuses, whether they're coming from coworkers, friends, or people I'm interested in. I also hate doing the dishes.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:07 AM
Cleaning House and mine needs to be cleaned any volunteer's? Shshshsh I sooooooooooooo do need a maid...noway bigsmile

74Drew's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:12 AM



. . .

Eddiemma's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:18 AM
Dishes, but I do them everyday anyways...because I can't stand to see them build up...

I wish people/friends/relatives would scrape their plates and rinse before they put them in the sink... and only one side of the sink houses dirty dishes, so the other side is functional for other things... How hard is that to comprehend? Their is my rant..ha! Rat-in-frat-in!

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:20 AM

vortecpowered's photo
Wed 07/08/09 02:47 PM
does having a migraine count as an activity? yeah, i hate that.

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Wed 07/08/09 03:00 PM
dishes and having to be nice to people i don't like.

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 03:04 PM
Masturbation has lost it's fun.

mistarr's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:41 PM
Paying the salary of incompetent or corrupt cops while some of their fellow workers are underpaid.

tngxl65's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:42 PM
Does 'not having sex' qualify?

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:44 PM
Communicating with my ex.

Communicating with my exs mother.

Changing a catbox.

Being stuck in a car with someone I hate.

hereformore's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:45 PM
The first 20 minutes of my workout.

zanne46's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:47 PM
gasping to breath...

and not hearing from my Marine son who is in the states...

and he has time....oh wellllllll

mssilverfox's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:49 PM
Dishes, but I have a dishwasher now in my appt...

zanne46's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:53 PM

does having a migraine count as an activity? yeah, i hate that.

oh it's an activity alright...

toss and turn....pain..pain..pain...

it's like a bad work out...

u looses weight to from the inability to eat and ur blood pressure rises from pain....

not arobicks..

migraines..suck....devil explodeslaphead

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:55 PM
Wow, I don't mind paying my bills at all. Takes about 15 mins. online.
Feels good to know that I am responsible, no one calling me up, no disconnect notice on my door. No interruptions of service, late fees, service charges. No little reminders or snide remarks when I go to the dentist or Dr's office.

Can you tell I wasn't always this way?