Topic: Be HONEST. Would you..?
AutonomousW's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:03 PM
yeah I agree meet at a restrant or somthing, never just go to his or her

at least I wouldnt, how do I know this girl didnt invite a bunch of her
friends over to gang rape me

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:04 PM
haha oh no

brokenheart74's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:05 PM
yes I have done it, sorority sums it up nicely

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:09 PM
Bored -- One turned out to be an arsonist. She never mentioned THAT in
her profile. She could have said "Sexy Arsonist Seeks Burning Hot Guy"
in her profile -- I mean, a CLUE would have been nice.

One was just so unbelievably demanding it was amazing. About a month
after we started talking on line, she had one of her friends anonymously
contact me on Xanga to find out if I was "interested" in anybody. And
when I said I wasn't, her friend went back and told her and she went
completely insane. Now, we weren't "dating" or even talking about it.
She just didn't like the idea that I wasn't telling the world I was
totally in love with someone I had never met and didn't know well enough
to even think about a relationship.

Another one was in college and just wanted me to write all her papers
for her. And she wanted me to tell people she had co-written my book
(which was basically finished before I had ever even heard of her!) --

Another one wanted me to rescue her from a guy who was "holding her
hostage" in Indiana -- only problem was that the guy was gone 12 hours a
day, and she could have left on her own anytime she wanted to. Her
excuse: "I can't leave until I can get a ride back to my parents' house
in Iowa." I suggested she call her parents. This was the one whose
idea of fun was to turn on her webcam so people could watch her yell at
a baby for hours on end.


I could go on and on....

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:12 PM
I guess the most "daring" thing I did was drive 1500 miles to AZ and
back. Stayed there six months. Didn't like the guy, he turned out to be
a liar, but I ended up quitting drinking and smoking after a 30-year
habit. So something good did come out of it!

AutonomousW's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:14 PM
yet another thing lex is turning me off of


no photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:15 PM

One wanted you to do all of her papers and wanted to be co-author of
your novel? Haa weirdo..

At first I thought this was sad but when I read he was gone 12 hours?

"holding her hostage" in Indiana -- only problem was that the guy was
gone 12 hours a
day, and she could have left on her own anytime she wanted to"

You ever follow-up on her to see if she's okay?

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:17 PM
that's a good thing Jean you quit those habits :)

FindMe1113's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:19 PM
Meeting people in real life, no matter where,is scary too!frown
frown frown

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:22 PM
I believe I would meet someone off of here only if I was really

interested. It would have to be after we coresponded for quite

some time though- on here and on the phone. I would only meet in

a public place and make sure several people knew about the

meeting before hand. Safety would be my first priority. This day

and age you never know! :smile:

mickalainell's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:36 PM
oh yea. i've dated locally and long distance. all in state tho. have
yet to do the long distance out of state thing. i have visited onlne
friends out of state but we were just friends. thank god for frequent
flier miles. happy

no photo
Sun 05/20/07 11:37 AM
I agree Ms teddy :)

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sun 05/20/07 11:47 AM
Ive made a lot of good friends from online. They used to hold parties in
a centralized area. A lot of them have met their mate at these parties.
I guess you just need to follow some safety guidelines.
Go in with your eyes open, have fun, and if nothing else you may have
found a new friend.

no photo
Sun 05/20/07 11:58 AM
Lex is so hilarious I love his post. I fell out of my seat reading that.

slikylisa's photo
Sun 05/20/07 12:04 PM
i would laugh laugh

auburngirl's photo
Wed 05/27/09 06:59 PM

TxsSun's photo
Wed 05/27/09 07:00 PM

Would you REALLY meet someone in person from online?

If so, then when do you know it's safe to actually meet that person?

What are some warning signs to not meet that person?

We live in a CRAZY dangerous world.

I have, not meaning to and it was great....blushing

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Wed 05/27/09 07:09 PM
Geez. After months and months of searching (sort of), and quite a few weeks of talking in e mail and IM, I finally found someone who was willing to come meet me in person sometime in the next few weeks. I'm a pretty good guy and would never even think of hurting someone I met here, nor would I be afraid of them hurting me. If I was really that scared, I'd meet her in a crowded mall or something, and have no problem with her feeling the same way. But thanks to half of your horror stories, she might take a look into this thread and change her mind. Thanks a lot for trying to ruin my chances. grumble

AngelFireDream's photo
Wed 05/27/09 07:15 PM

Would you REALLY meet someone in person from online?

If so, then when do you know it's safe to actually meet that person?

What are some warning signs to not meet that person?

We live in a CRAZY dangerous world.

I have MANY times.

As to when you know its safe? You need to learn as much about them as you can and feel in your gut that it is safe. Do not ignore your intuition!

krupa's photo
Wed 05/27/09 07:25 PM

Would you REALLY meet someone in person from online?

If so, then when do you know it's safe to actually meet that person?

What are some warning signs to not meet that person?

We live in a CRAZY dangerous world.

Sure you meet them...sometimes it works out great...sometimes it don't...

If we really got hung up on not taking a chance..we wouldn't fly...or eat fast food or ever gotten into a car....

Safe is nice...but, taking a chance is where you can find the love you can't seem to find when you are safe.....(at least it applies to me that way.)