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Topic: hmmm??
yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/27/09 06:15 PM

Shshsh the cat will still land on it's feet then eat the toast since the butter will make it slide around to it's belly and the cat will be full as well as get shiny coat from the butter off the toastbigsmile :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

then the dog will lick the butter off the backlaugh

ForeverStumpy's photo
Sat 06/27/09 06:15 PM
I'd eat it! :laughing: :laughing: rofl :laughing: :laughing:

cabot's photo
Sat 06/27/09 06:17 PM
The lack of a collar bone is what makes the cat a special animal. they can get in holes so small it is amazing, it also aids in their ability to spin very quickly. Sorry if I was off topic earlier.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 06/27/09 06:19 PM

If cats always land on their feet, and buttered toast always lands butter-side down, what happens if you strap a piece of buttered toast to a cat's back and drop it?what surprised
:tongue: It will land on top of a redheads head:tongue:

no photo
Sat 06/27/09 06:19 PM
yeah a cat can get its whole body through any hole that its head will fit into

no photo
Sat 06/27/09 06:19 PM
Edited by Phuque on Sat 06/27/09 06:21 PM
And a cat's whiskers act as "curb feelers"...had a dog once who thought she could actually escape through the dryer vent...silly mutt got her head stuck in a wall...cats are rarely ever that stoopid...slaphead

Pffffffffffffft! Said it before you did, Cabot...:tongue:

cabot's photo
Sat 06/27/09 06:20 PM
Edited by cabot on Sat 06/27/09 06:21 PM

yeah a cat can get its whole body through any hole that its head will fit into

That is why their whiskers are so important. sensors.

I am late, Phuque is right. Never cut a cats whiskers. And if you find one, it is supposed to be good luck or lick..not sure, as I have never found a puss whisker.pitchfork

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