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Topic: Would you forgive a friend if
Totage's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:59 PM
they lost something you let them borrow that was special to you?

Riding_Dubz's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:59 PM
depends how special we talking ?

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:00 PM

they lost something you let them borrow that was special to you?
:smile: I would certainly be upset:smile:

7z3r05's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:01 PM

they lost something you let them borrow that was special to you?

stuff is just stuff. we can all get more stuff, thats why god made money. friends are irreplaceable, and cannot be bought. well, the good ones cant be bought.

7z3r05's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:01 PM
Edited by 7z3r05 on Tue 06/23/09 02:01 PM
gotta love those zany double posts.

johncarl's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:01 PM
no my one friend did that to my car then we found it. and he had trash the car. he is no longer my friend.and he even paid for it to get fixed.

pong_sicxs's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:03 PM
over time, I usually forgive anybody.

ledi180's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:04 PM
I'm with Dubz on this one. If it was THAT special, I shouldn't have lent it out to begin with I'm thinking.

depends how special we talking ?

littleike's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:29 PM

they lost something you let them borrow that was special to you?
yes, if there a true friend it was a mistake and we all make them

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:30 PM
Well, im wondering what that guy did with my virginity...

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:30 PM
Only in time after i have stolen 3 three things of high value from them:smile:

FETTS61's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:36 PM
its easy, i have no friends so i dont worry about forgiveness:banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 03:01 PM

they lost something you let them borrow that was special to you?
a good friend,would takecare off something,you had lent::thumbsup:

Totage's photo
Tue 06/23/09 05:19 PM

Well, im wondering what that guy did with my virginity...


1mellowguy's photo
Tue 06/23/09 07:02 PM

they lost something you let them borrow that was special to you?

I would probably smack him in the back of the head a couple of times, then he would takle me in the weeds iI would be missing acouple of teeth, his nose would be sideways. But you know, he's my friend, and we would have a beer and laugh about it.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Tue 06/23/09 08:26 PM
I would most likely forgive him. He is my friend and the thing he lost was only a thing. It will never help me when I need a friend.

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:42 PM

they lost something you let them borrow that was special to you?

In a word, no. If anything, the question should be "how deep would you bury the person". laugh

egoodrich's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:45 PM
depends on a couple things:

1. how valuable is it?

2. am i gonna get into trouble if this is found? i.e. letting a friend borrow my pistol to go shooting with, him losing it, then some dikhole finds it and robs someone

3. how good of a friend? cause my best friend could lose just about anything of mine and i'd forgive him after a bit of being pissed.

but in all actuality, its just an object. a good friend is not something i'd rather lose than a possession.

trgirl's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:46 PM
life is to short to worry about lost things. if they were a real friend there would be no question as to weather i would forgive them or not. nothing silly like lost things should ruin a friendship flowerforyou

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 06/23/09 10:03 PM
I had a freind. "Bear" was the d!ckheads name. Well bears car broke down. He asked me if he could borrow my pickup truck while I was gone during the week so he could get to work. I said no. He said he was going to drive it 6 miles to and from work. I let him use my pickup truck. He lied to me. First thing he did was broke off my speedometer cable in trying to disconnect it so I wouldn't know how many miles he intended to put on it. He drove 800 miles out to south dakota to see his brother. I got my pickup truck back with an empty 40 gallon tank, broken speedo cable, broken windshield, destroyed exhaust system that was brand new, undercarriage damage, and other assorted damage. I'm 5'7", 170 pounds of f*ck you motherf*cker. Bear is 6'7", 305 pounds of big ugly motherf*cker. I beat the hell out of him and knocked him out with a cast iron skillet to the head in front of my freinds. Bear and I are no longer freinds.

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