Topic: Illinois baby obtains gun permit (OMFG!!!)
Belushi's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:15 AM
Bubba Ludwig may only be 10 months old, but he has already successfully
obtained a gun licence in the US state of Illinois.

Bubba's father, Howard Ludwig, applied on his behalf after his
grandfather gave him a shotgun as an heirloom.

Mr Ludwig said he had not expected to succeed, but he filled in the
online form, paid $5 and the licence was his.

The licence includes a picture of a toothless Bubba and a squiggle that
represents his best attempt at a signature.

Two rejections did in fact come, he said, but both related to technical
problems - on one application he forgot to tick a box stating his son
was a US citizen - rather than Bubba's youth.

His third attempt was rewarded with a state firearm owner's
identification card (FOID), complete with details of Bubba's height,
weight and date of birth

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:18 AM
i guess he is not a felon nor mentally ill yet

but if they change the law he may be "grandfathered" in

punny huh

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:55 AM
I guess anyone can get a gun...noway sick

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:56 AM
not anyone

just nonfelons and mentally sound

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

iRon's photo
Wed 05/16/07 11:20 AM
Well good for bubba, he is now a Good American and done by the age of 10

oldsage's photo
Wed 05/16/07 11:24 AM
It is a permit to own, not to carry.
Just so we keep the facts straight.
also we are talking about a shot gun passing down the family.

no photo
Wed 05/16/07 11:26 AM

If I can add something to what you posted. The owners permit is
required by law, so not getting a permit for the actual owner of the gun
("Bubba") would be a gun crime.

GaMail50's photo
Wed 05/16/07 12:26 PM
I had shotguns and rifles that were passed to me at birth. Here in GA we
don't have to have liscenses to possess firearms. You have to have one
to carry a handgun (with many restrictions) but not longarms.

Jess642's photo
Wed 05/16/07 06:08 PM
noway Whatever happened to the father keeping it safe, till the child
is old enough to know what the bloody thing is...?

Is it an heirloom, or a weapon?

For goodness sake!

If it was an ancient priceless ming vase, would the father get a
collector's permit for the baby too?

armydoc4u's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:08 PM
funny thing about gun permits, we do require them for hand guns, but
shotguns and rifles? never had to get one for either of those or let
alone my picture taken. if this child has a gun permit obtained because
of his father, then i would have to make some kind of assumption that
this is a politically motivated hoax. hierlooms given to minors are
usually held in trust by the legal guardian or parent of course i could
be wrong and every state has their own laws, but . . . . . i dunno,
screw it, there is just no pleasing people now a days, damned if you do,
damned if you dont, and if we dont all get along its my fault. sorry


GaMail50's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:13 PM
Doc-my post was just meant to shed a little light on stuff. In GA you
don't have to have a liscense to own a handgun, just to carry it in
public. You can have it in your home or vehicle at any time. Also there
are many restrictions as to places you cannot carry it in public. So
many in fact that I never understood where it was legal to carry it and
where not to.
I am not familiar with laws in Illinois which I believe is where the
child lives. So I'm in the dark on that.

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:37 PM
Anyone named "Bubba Ludwig" needs to have a gun permit, IMO.

laugh :tongue:

armydoc4u's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:44 PM
hey its cool, i wasnt trying to say anything to you about it, i
understand that in some places the license is to carry a Handgun, but
you still need one to purchase them, federal law.

my point was that as a child, especially an infant, you legally cannot
own assets, those assets may be yours but they are held in trust by the
guardian, i only know this because of the will the army made me get, i
had to set up a trust for my dauhter because she is a minor.

the other point was that it does not require a gun permit for a shotgun
or a rifle, not even to purchase one. AND not just that but, this
shotgun is a gift, so even if a license was required to purchase it
still would not be required in this case because it wasnt bought, only
transfered from one family member to another one, albeit a really small

so the final point is that someone was trying to use this as either a
hoax, or as a way of finding a flaw in the system, if it is the latter
then some fraud had to have been present to accomplish it (even if the
fraud was unintentional). if it is the former then, well, not really too
much to say except that i hope the perpatrators of it receive the full
penalty under the law.

recapping- dont need a license for a shotgun
dont have your picture taken for a permit to purchase a firearm
in illinios, a background check (ncic) is done to include finger prints,
before the issuance of any permits to carry a HANDGUN.
this want purchased, it was given(and yes makes a difference)

oldsage's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:46 PM
Just due to business & financial laws, I transfered items to my son
LEGALLY just to avoid them being claimed in any law suit, that my
business could have brought me under.

Thus for a baby to LEGALLY own the heirloom (if it is) had to have a

armydoc4u's photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:00 PM
you know im pretty sure it doesnt apply, but im not saying that id stake
my nuts on it, so im going to give a call to my sister who works in this
particular field (law- specifically living trust, wills, and real
property) and ask if she knows the correct no BS answer, before i go on
anymore rants.

i do know this- the permit would not have been to purchase or even own a
shotgun, gun being the key word. that item doesnt require a permit for
any citizen to purchase or own.

GaMail50's photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:14 PM
Doc-its cool.....I read thru your post a little quick and missed a
couple of the fine points you were making..Sorry bout that. And I didn't
realize about the Federal law cause I've never purchased a fire arm from
a dealer. Mine were all handed down or bought from family or friends.

armydoc4u's photo
Thu 05/17/07 08:31 PM
its cool gamail,

hey old sage how old was your kid when you transfered assets to him? was
he a minor? if he was, isnt that shady? not picking a fight, just
curious as to how it would apply in this discussion.
