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Topic: gas prices
hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:20 PM
do u beleive cheneys secret energy meeting in 2000 is reason why gas is
so high.

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:25 PM
The person who posted the thread isn't even American, shes a foriegn
student from Hungary.

got u again. LOL

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:27 PM
you are right. i,m from hungary but still no when gas prices go up when
county is run by to former oil men. if u put 1 and 1 together it comes
up to 2

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:30 PM
Dude she is a student at Clemson University. I'll bet she is here
legally. Why do you dog her when we have plenty of illegal immigrants in
this country?

Hungary 22, what do you think about your topic?

iRon's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:32 PM
Nothing would suprise ne when it comes to this administartion

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:32 PM
Yes it does but/and thats the way the world is set up its a big chess
game. OIL is plentiful in some part of the world and not so plentiful in
others. In venuzela it something ridiculous like 40 cents a gallon.

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:34 PM
well really gas prices are high here to america but last time i was
home last month gas was in your money over 9 dollars a gallon.

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:41 PM
I am from Texas (sorry) I now live in San Diego, LA now. Gas is about
$3.75 a gallon and its not going to go down. Globally especially here in
America its sufficating the world. New tech is and has to make some
ground. The High prices I think are impossed to get people to start
looking at Hybrids, bio fuels etc.

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:54 PM
dont you think the oil companys could have come up with somethink else
by now.

Divideddestiny07's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:59 PM
Gas prices are high because we have too much oil and not enough
refinerys to produce "gas." So we have to suffer because the gov. has no
insight into the future to predict such things.

Duffy's photo
Tue 05/15/07 08:02 PM
a theory told by me is that there is someone trying to get control of
the world.....who could it be? the lone ranger is dead, and so is his
so gas prices have gone has everything else. back in the 80's,
i visited japan where a summer dress in a big city cost around $100, and
a cantaloupe was about $5.00.:wink:

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 08:16 PM
i understand everything is higher that way everywhere what i dont
understand is why all the sudden gas goes up

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/15/07 09:17 PM
if it was a secret meeting, how do you know it happened? were you there?
was it made public by cheney? or someone who was there? cheney isnt big
oil company guy anyway. ask OPEC countries why it is that four months
ago oil was 50 dollars a barrel and now it is 62 dollars a barrel. think
that the problem lies with the middle east and not the US. but of course
that would mean that the US isnt the bad guys right, and holy sh1t
couldnt have that now could we. hope it is you and not someone else
paying for your education, if it were me flipping the bill i'd be
p;ssed, doesnt seem as though your learning anything.

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 09:26 PM
well we all dont agree . i would not say america is the good guy but of
course i was not raised here and dont plan on staying.

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/15/07 09:30 PM
so why are you here again?

and of course dont agree that it is the OPEC countries that set the
price for oil, i mean it is there oil after all, what do you think, we
tell saudi arabia, and the rest how much they can sell their oil for.

dont want to stay, great, dont, dont wait to leave either, wont break my
heart. bye bye.

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 09:35 PM
ok well i no what i have seen since i been here . i was always told home
of the free not the case when my college is over i plan on leaving.
going to place where they dont attack other county . that make up a
excuse why.

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/15/07 09:51 PM
so sadaam was a good guu, and kiling upwards of 2,000,ooo people is okay
where your from?

like it or not, we got rid of the bastard. just like milochavic. guess
you were lucky enough to be on the non ethnic clensed side of town when
you were little huh? amazing, and did you say, we're not the land of the
free, hey babe do and say whatever the hell you want, practice whatever
crazy religion you want, live anywhere, get any job you want, its your
choice, or did you think that land of the free meant we would just give
it to you because americans dont work or some thing.

free doesnt mean free to take and not give back, sorry you didnt read
the fine print.

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 09:58 PM
see the one problem i have it seem america dont no when to mind there
own bussiness. u can not push your way of life on everybody . u may
think your way is the best. but most would disagree. as a child under
russia rule. are family never went without were we rich no but we were

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:30 PM
Look at the history for the past 50 plus years.
there is alot of people who would have been speaking either German Or
Japanese. What is the national language of hungary?

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:33 PM
the lanuage of my homeland is hungarain . but in certain parts its
german and russia i speak four lanuage english is my worst lanuage.

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