Topic: gas prices
Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:43 PM
You and everyone might have been speaking only german and been under the
3rd Riechs control. The Germans were on the cutting edge of technology
during WWII and had several inventions no one had. Things could be very

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:44 PM
thats in the past we are talking about now . it seem to me u people
think this is greatest place in the world i have to strongly disagree.

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:55 PM
It is good and great in many places on this earth and it is sad and
horrible in some places. It may be great in your city. Right now my
country is at war on many fronts in many realms. I am an American I have
Uncles and a Grandfather that have fought for this country that your
getting an education in. Many men have died and given up their lives,
their chances for families, children and to become Grandpas for the
freedom we have know.

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:03 PM
i only came hear for school was not my choice was my father choice. i
have nothing agaist people of america just the government. my family has
fought in wars and died to

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:13 PM
I would like to go to your city and see what u are so passionate about.
Have you asked your dad why he sent u to America. He must know that the
experience would do something for u.

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:15 PM
yes i have ask him i,m sure you would not like him either. he works for
union nations he sent me over hear to show me how spoiled you people
are. he was right.

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:20 PM
Life is good here in america we have a high standard, quality, of life.
We plan on keeping it that way.

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:21 PM
yes i see by attacking other county for no reason. that really something
to be proud of.

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:29 PM
U are a christian just like me. Alot of this also has to do with Israel
the Holy Land and oil. Your Dad would like me I have been in 3 Unions
for labor.
Attacking 2 countries one for each of the twin towers.

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:33 PM
well i had to to tell u this i dislike isael more then the american
government. anyone who shoots kids for throwing rock i have problem with
that i beleive god like you . i just dont beleive my dislike for israel
. has nothing to do with god.

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:43 PM
Over here in America you have freedom of religion. Over in Israel the
muslims would like to exterminate everyone that does not believe in
muslims ways including christians. The Jews have every right to be their
just as the christians do.
If you are muslim every one else is an infidale and they will kill you
if u don't belief in allah.
The muslims will not leave the Jews alone so the jews defend themselves.
If I was born a jew I would ride in a tank also.

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:47 PM
see that where the problem lies it always poor jews. no one thinks how
those poor kids have to suffer i have been over there they treat those
child worse then u treated the blacks in america,both sides are wrong
killing each other, that being said. the muslim have no choice but to
fight back. its all the same you kill us we kill you. both sides are
wrong but it will never end.

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:55 PM
That is the way of a dead and dieing world. The only peace I have known
has been with Jesus. He gives me peace, comfort, and freedom from worry.
It is easy to get caught up and lost in the day to day journey we each
have, but such is life.

Check this site out I hope it brings you joy

hungary22's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:59 PM
first off sir i enjoy having friendly dicussing with u thank u for
showing me u have class by not calling me names thank u

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Wed 05/16/07 12:02 AM
I got that other guy in the first discusion a little upset. Did u read
all of the discussion.

hungary22's photo
Wed 05/16/07 12:06 AM
yes i red up i no i,m not america never tryed to act like i was but
really was not that bad we all beleive my father is more on your side
then mine we dont never talk about my veiws on the world.

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Wed 05/16/07 12:15 AM
U live on the East Coast what time is it there now. I don't curse
people(unless u are attacking me HAHA)I have an understanding of people
and try my best to understand others perspectives. The War is
frustrating to all of those who want peace. But peace has not been a
normal experience for mankind

hungary22's photo
Wed 05/16/07 12:18 AM
where i,m at its 318 am but at work i work at crimelab are you surprized
i have to pay for college.

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Wed 05/16/07 12:23 AM
what are u working towards as far as a degree.

hungary22's photo
Wed 05/16/07 12:25 AM
oh sorry i,m taking biogoly for dna studys.