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Topic: Dissatisfaction
Dragoness's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:24 PM

Do any of you know of someone that is just never satisfied?

Never satisfied with their life, money situtation, apartment, car, the way others do things, etc ....?

Does it get on your nerves?

At what point does this become unhealthy?

My room mate is this way, never satisfied, it drives me crazy sometimes.
yes my x she is bipolar.it is sad to watch it.


Dragoness's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:26 PM

People like that are referred to as "Negative Energy Vampires". devil

Be careful, they will suck your will to live and bring you down too!

I agree. Such a downer. Never happy about anything!

Energy Vampire

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An energy vampire or psychic vampire is a being said to have the ability to feed off the "life force" (often also called qi, prana, energy or vitality) of other living creatures. Alternative terms for these persons are pranic vampire, empathic vampire, energy predator (see below), psy/psi-vamp, energy parasite, energivore or psionic vampire.

Protect yourself! She is feeding off your life force!

Room mate is a male...lol But yes I feel that way sometimes. Taking my joy in life from me.

no photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:28 PM

My X grumble
Yes frustrated
The entire marriage for U reach the inevitable conclusion that your partner will never be satisfied regardless of your sincere effort.It becomes futile.ohwell


Thx! sweetheart{{{:smile:}}}flowers Long story short.For my 3 angels but I would never repeat this action or recommend anyone to make this decision.Godspeed!Cy;)

Queene123's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:29 PM

Do any of you know of someone that is just never satisfied?

Never satisfied with their life, money situtation, apartment, car, the way others do things, etc ....?

Does it get on your nerves?

At what point does this become unhealthy?

My room mate is this way, never satisfied, it drives me crazy sometimes.

yea the idiot of the guy i was seeing for he was never satisfied for he didnt want to talk to me or anyone else to that matter for no more than half/hour and he ran out of things to say..(i actually called him a chicken) but i can see why his ex wife cheated on him for he was never around, and he thought that sense he had nothing else to say. but actualy he did to the tv, for he thought the tv was more important..(i would call that unhealthy) especially when im the one that would keep asking when he would come down to visit and yet he only lived 1hour away in another town and had 2 days off but didnt try to accomplish anything..

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:30 PM
I tell them to fix their problems instead of telling me about them day after day, then choose to ignore them til they do.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:30 PM

My X grumble
Yes frustrated
The entire marriage for U reach the inevitable conclusion that your partner will never be satisfied regardless of your sincere effort.It becomes futile.ohwell


Thx! sweetheart{{{:smile:}}}flowers Long story short.For my 3 angels but I would never repeat this action or recommend anyone to make this decision.Godspeed!Cy;)

I am moving out at the end of the month so not too long to go.:wink: :banana:

no photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:32 PM
I am like that actually. But you are looking at it wrong. It is the desire to better yourself. Ok i just got a new truck it was the best i could get, but i want a better one so i push myself harder and make that possible. There is nothing wrong with that. It is only bad when someone whines but doesn't push themselfs to accel.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:46 PM

Do any of you know of someone that is just never satisfied?

Never satisfied with their life, money situtation, apartment, car, the way others do things, etc ....?

Does it get on your nerves?

At what point does this become unhealthy?

My room mate is this way, never satisfied, it drives me crazy sometimes.

yea the idiot of the guy i was seeing for he was never satisfied for he didnt want to talk to me or anyone else to that matter for no more than half/hour and he ran out of things to say..(i actually called him a chicken) but i can see why his ex wife cheated on him for he was never around, and he thought that sense he had nothing else to say. but actualy he did to the tv, for he thought the tv was more important..(i would call that unhealthy) especially when im the one that would keep asking when he would come down to visit and yet he only lived 1hour away in another town and had 2 days off but didnt try to accomplish anything..

That is the thing, they complain and complain but one: never try to change it and second they cannot be satisfied that it was an accomplishment for them to have it or get that far

Dragoness's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:51 PM

I am like that actually. But you are looking at it wrong. It is the desire to better yourself. Ok i just got a new truck it was the best i could get, but i want a better one so i push myself harder and make that possible. There is nothing wrong with that. It is only bad when someone whines but doesn't push themselfs to accel.

One can't see it as what you describe when they complain too much and do nothing about it.

Being driven is okay unless you are never ever satisfied with anything ever, never then you set yourself up for a dissatisfying life.

We all have to be satisfied first of all that we made it to live one more day, that in and of itself is an accomplishment. Then we have to be satisfied with those who love us in our lives because if someone loves you, you can't get any better than that.

I could not be with a man who is so driven that he makes me feel unworthy because he always wants something better.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:52 PM

I tell them to fix their problems instead of telling me about them day after day, then choose to ignore them til they do.


TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 06/14/09 09:13 PM

People like that are referred to as "Negative Energy Vampires". devil

Be careful, they will suck your will to live and bring you down too!

So very true myself there is no way I could have a room mate or anyone else around me daily that is like that. To me they just bring you down always complaining about everything in life.

Life is not perfect but nothing will be what we want if we don't in fact work at it to make it what we want.noway

Dragoness's photo
Sun 06/14/09 09:23 PM

People like that are referred to as "Negative Energy Vampires". devil

Be careful, they will suck your will to live and bring you down too!

So very true myself there is no way I could have a room mate or anyone else around me daily that is like that. To me they just bring you down always complaining about everything in life.

Life is not perfect but nothing will be what we want if we don't in fact work at it to make it what we want.noway

Even then we have to accept that we can work to get it more like we want but sometimes it will still not be perfect.

Life is always a give and take situation.

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