Topic: does spelling count?
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Thu 06/11/09 08:55 AM

Spelling doesn't matter to me, as long as I can understand what you're trying to say. I don't use spell check and if someone has a problem with my typos, sentence structure or spelling, I feel that that says more about them as a critical and judgemental personality than it does about my literacy.
You can be a genius at spelling and an english major and still be an arrogant and narcissistic person.

Just my opinion...

Aren't you doing the same thing that you don't like, by judging someone who cares about spelling and grammar?

To me, it's superficial whether or not someone has all the proper grammatical tools to communicate in written form. I do feel though that it is significant whether or not they're socially capable and willing to display empathy towards those who're maybe less schooled than they are...<--(sentence ended on a preposition) There's folks on this site who don't spell as well as I, that doesn't make them less, or me more... It doesn't have any thing to do with the "price of rice in China". They're here to socialize as best they can. I'm only saying that I don't begrudge them that, as long as they're sincere in their attempts.
It's not that "judging" per se is a bad thing, it's that judging someone harshly over such a superficial misgiving is (to me), a horse of a different color.

You have to keep in mind that people have preferences. They may be different than yours. There's nothing wrong with that.

auburngirl's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:57 AM

I give exceptions for typos. I know not everyone is great at typing. Some spelling errors are OK. What I don't like is simple grammar mistakes. I don't think this is the place "spell check" is important. Be yourself!! That is the most important!! If you suck at spelling I would rather know about it than you trying to impress women with someone your not. (If you type at work, always use spell check.)

My spell checker is generally in my ear going, "You spelled that wrong!" :laughing:

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:58 AM
it actually doesn't bother me. as long as I can read it and understand...I'm good to goohwell

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:59 AM

Pats, I recall a teacher from a while back, that had just about the worst spelling I have ever seen.

And these are the people educating children.....disturbing!

AllenAqua's photo
Thu 06/11/09 09:02 AM

It's not that "judging" per se is a bad thing, it's that judging someone harshly over such a superficial misgiving is (to me), a horse of a different color.

But you're not in a position to determine just HOW superficial this (or any) particular consideration might be for someone else -- and here's where the gray area comes in.

For me, writing and language skills are of tremendous importance -- for someone else, they won't be. It's the same with any individual preference or standard. Everyone has the right to their own determinations. It doesn't make anybody right or wrong -- it just makes us individuals with different concerns and desires.

But I am in a position to determine it for me. That's why I said "to me".

I agree though that you're exactly right. You choose your friends and I'll choose mine.

I'll choose someone with a good heart and an understanding nature over someone without those qualities but posseses a quick wit and sharp language skills.

But that's just me...

(sorry for the run-on sentences)ohwell

no photo
Thu 06/11/09 09:03 AM
like the person said, it's a preference

my preference is to not associate with people who write on a third grade level. I figure they probably think and act like third graders also

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 06/11/09 09:03 AM
I read a womans profile the other day that listed her profession as doktor. That made me nervous.

auburngirl's photo
Thu 06/11/09 09:04 AM
There are actually people with both. laugh

auburngirl's photo
Thu 06/11/09 09:04 AM

like the person said, it's a preference

my preference is to not associate with people who write on a third grade level. I figure they probably think and act like third graders also

Ohhhhh Hello!

AllenAqua's photo
Thu 06/11/09 09:05 AM

Spelling doesn't matter to me, as long as I can understand what you're trying to say. I don't use spell check and if someone has a problem with my typos, sentence structure or spelling, I feel that that says more about them as a critical and judgemental personality than it does about my literacy.
You can be a genius at spelling and an english major and still be an arrogant and narcissistic person.

Just my opinion...

Aren't you doing the same thing that you don't like, by judging someone who cares about spelling and grammar?

To me, it's superficial whether or not someone has all the proper grammatical tools to communicate in written form. I do feel though that it is significant whether or not they're socially capable and willing to display empathy towards those who're maybe less schooled than they are...<--(sentence ended on a preposition) There's folks on this site who don't spell as well as I, that doesn't make them less, or me more... It doesn't have any thing to do with the "price of rice in China". They're here to socialize as best they can. I'm only saying that I don't begrudge them that, as long as they're sincere in their attempts.
It's not that "judging" per se is a bad thing, it's that judging someone harshly over such a superficial misgiving is (to me), a horse of a different color.

You have to keep in mind that people have preferences. They may be different than yours. There's nothing wrong with that.

Yes, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you and you're quite right. I was only speaking for myself.

I thought we were all stating our preferences so I gave mine.

wannabecowboy299's photo
Thu 06/11/09 09:51 AM
lleps kcehc ton gnikrow rof em

no photo
Thu 06/11/09 10:05 AM

It's not that "judging" per se is a bad thing, it's that judging someone harshly over such a superficial misgiving is (to me), a horse of a different color.

But you're not in a position to determine just HOW superficial this (or any) particular consideration might be for someone else -- and here's where the gray area comes in.

For me, writing and language skills are of tremendous importance -- for someone else, they won't be. It's the same with any individual preference or standard. Everyone has the right to their own determinations. It doesn't make anybody right or wrong -- it just makes us individuals with different concerns and desires.

But I am in a position to determine it for me. That's why I said "to me".

I agree though that you're exactly right. You choose your friends and I'll choose mine.

I'll choose someone with a good heart and an understanding nature over someone without those qualities but posseses a quick wit and sharp language skills.

But that's just me...

(sorry for the run-on sentences)ohwell

No problem.

My interpetation of your original sentence, as I quoted above, was that your assessment of bad spelling/grammar/etc., as a "superficial misgiving," was something you were putting forth as more or less a given.

The parenthetical "(to me)" seemed to be in reference to the earlier portion of the statement, as in: "'s that judging someone harshly [over such a superficial misgiving] is (to me), a horse of a different color." I read that as saying that "judging someone harshly," was, to you, a horse of a different color, not that the bad spelling/etc. issue was, to you, that same alternatively-tinted equine.

Minor semantic issue, at best.

adj4u's photo
Thu 06/11/09 10:09 AM

It's not that "judging" per se is a bad thing, it's that judging someone harshly over such a superficial misgiving is (to me), a horse of a different color.

But you're not in a position to determine just HOW superficial this (or any) particular consideration might be for someone else -- and here's where the gray area comes in.

For me, writing and language skills are of tremendous importance -- for someone else, they won't be. It's the same with any individual preference or standard. Everyone has the right to their own determinations. It doesn't make anybody right or wrong -- it just makes us individuals with different concerns and desires.

But I am in a position to determine it for me. That's why I said "to me".

I agree though that you're exactly right. You choose your friends and I'll choose mine.

I'll choose someone with a good heart and an understanding nature over someone without those qualities but posseses a quick wit and sharp language skills.

But that's just me...

(sorry for the run-on sentences)ohwell

yer beating a dead horse i have been say the same type of things for years

they just do not understand the logic

they do not see how it can not be seen as important

After all, anyone that does not use proper spelling and grammar has to be stupid. Y et i have said many times, "maybe it is a test to see how anal some one may be, about trivial things. If they know what you are saying why is the presentation so important? If that is so important what about the really important things? Just think what a rift something that really made a difference would make in a relationship!

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

afder awe eyes doesnt even uz prawper pesan tatshon proseedure

no photo
Thu 06/11/09 10:11 AM

It's not that "judging" per se is a bad thing, it's that judging someone harshly over such a superficial misgiving is (to me), a horse of a different color.

But you're not in a position to determine just HOW superficial this (or any) particular consideration might be for someone else -- and here's where the gray area comes in.

For me, writing and language skills are of tremendous importance -- for someone else, they won't be. It's the same with any individual preference or standard. Everyone has the right to their own determinations. It doesn't make anybody right or wrong -- it just makes us individuals with different concerns and desires.

But I am in a position to determine it for me. That's why I said "to me".

I agree though that you're exactly right. You choose your friends and I'll choose mine.

I'll choose someone with a good heart and an understanding nature over someone without those qualities but posseses a quick wit and sharp language skills.

But that's just me...

(sorry for the run-on sentences)ohwell

They can't have a good heart, be understanding and have sharp language skills? :tongue:

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 06/11/09 03:00 PM
I've gotten used to dealing with the on-going typos and errors with some folks I chat with. It's a minor irritant.

Now, the local newspaper get royally on my nerves. Their advertisements/for sale section is hilarious to read through. 2 weeks ago, there was an ad

For Sale - Barbie Does Sheep. 2 horns and 4 horns. Call...

It should have been Barbados Sheep. I've also seen "gilding" horses for sale, (should be gelding). I would be happy to take a job at a newspaper or something as a professional spell-checker!

uk1971's photo
Thu 06/11/09 03:15 PM
Eye've neva had eny problims
:wink: :tongue: bigsmile :banana:

jtip1977's photo
Thu 06/11/09 03:19 PM
I jus luv me speelchecker

ron62449's photo
Thu 06/11/09 03:36 PM
Spelling is 45 percent of your grade point average!

geektothetenth's photo
Thu 06/11/09 04:37 PM
All these tiny violins are getting a little expensive. You're, the OP I mean, saying people shouldn't judge you on your spelling. Maybe they think you shouldn't judge them on their preferences.

It's like when morons like former Miss California cries about "oh what about my right to free speech" (after she made the comment about gay marriage and people were ripping her for it). Yes she has the right to free speech, so do all those people calling her a hateful skanky *****.

I'm not a fan of spelling errors, but I find people who have no grasp of how to use majiscule and miniscule (WTF, my spell check says I spelled majiscule and miniscule wrong...dumbass spell check) lettering to be worse.

no photo
Thu 06/11/09 05:47 PM
Is a total pet peeve of mineshocked