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Topic: What cruel things did your older siblings do to you as a chi
MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:05 AM
ahhhhhhhh sisterly brotherly love!!!!!

lucky some survived...happy

tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:05 AM

Tina211's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:08 AM
I just hit my bro on the head three days ago, turns out the inflatable
had a really hard end on it...

ellgee1976's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:18 AM
my brother's hated me, i was the only girl, and i was the good kid..

so..to get me back for being good, they lied and got me in trouble, then
of course blamed everything they did on me too...

my older brother still 'loves' me tho, for my 22nd b-day him and his
friend were having a paintball gun 'showdown'

they happened to come in for a 'break' and he came up to me, pointed the
gun in the side of my stomache, asked if it would hurt, and of course i
said yes...he said happy birthday sister, and shot me, point
blank...with the paintball gun..

of course this wasn't the first time the man has shot me, when we were
younger, he was 10 i was 8, he threatened to shoot me with his BB gun, i
ran to go 'tell on him' and sure enough..he shot me...in the leg, the
calf to be exact, from about 5 ft away...the gun i watched him pump 22

it was lovei tell ya...we were kids lol

tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:24 AM
tina lmfaolaugh

bibby7's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:28 AM
They did..I punched the crap ot of them..laugh

We are friends now..laugh

tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:30 AM
well i hope so robert!laugh

Alada's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:57 AM
the fact that they were younger didn't change their thirst for vengeance
against me.

I am terrified of spiders, and when I was 18 we were at the beach house
and my brother found a particularly horrible, but harmless, spider. I
was sitting reading under a tree and he carefully put it on my chest...
I jumped up, saw the monster walking towards my face, screamed murder
and passed out...

My father, who was deaf and used a device, heard me, and came running
towards me and saw my brother standing over me, breathless from
laughter, tears streaming his face. At 16 he was 6' tall, my dad's
height. My dad took a look at the situation, knew what he had done,
punch my brother, who reeled and went down like a sack of cement, and
rushed me to the ER, hyperventilating.

No more spider jokes ever for me.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 05/15/07 12:04 PM
i'm the oldest...bigsmile

bibby7's photo
Tue 05/15/07 12:07 PM
OMG...Jax!! How they must have suffered..laugh laugh flowerforyou

WolfSpirt's photo
Tue 05/15/07 01:28 PM
I never had that problem, I dont have any siblings, darn it,what what
else have I missed out on. glasses

lulu24's photo
Tue 05/15/07 02:53 PM
my brother is six years my senior, and my cousin is an additional two
years older...the two of them were quite the pair.

1) tied me to the coffee table on a regular basis, to watch me get
loose. i can dislocate, so i always did...until they tied me down with
a wet leather strap. (louie)

2) shoved me in a sleeping bag when mom was away so that they could
play...would pull me out thirty minutes before she got home to clean the
puke off of me. (louie and bill)

3) tied me in a garbage bag and threw me in the pond. (louie and bill)

4) put the cats up in the attic and then laughed when they tore a hole
through the ceiling and landed on the table. (louie and bill)

5) put comet powder in the baby powder shaker, then gave it to my aunt
to pour down her leg when she was in a hip-cast. (bill)

6) made lemonade, then drank all but one glass. mom told him to save it
for me...he later brought me a glass of lemonade. turns out he drank it
and then urinated in the glass. (louie)

7) heated up a fork over the stove until it was red-hot, then walked up
and slapped my arm with it, saying, "lighting struck ya, lightning
struck ya!". i still have the scar. (louie)

8) took me out of school and had me drive three hours with him to break
into an old lady's house to steal the money that was in her
refrigerator. upon entering, i found the money to be gone and fantastic
new furniture to be in its place. (louie)

9) had me date BOTH of his roommates so that they would move with him
and pay rent.

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