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Topic: In Considering--
JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 06/06/09 06:34 PM

So going by the answers so far, it is not a good idea to think it's possible to meet your match here then?

Anything is possible.

Is it likely??? Not really.

DamnPhule's photo
Sat 06/06/09 06:37 PM

bigsmile Reality is a crutch for people that can't deal with fantasybigsmile

What a good point, farcical but good point

laugh laugh

and to me, unless you meet, it's basically fantasy. ohwell

no photo
Sat 06/06/09 09:11 PM

So going by the answers so far, it is not a good idea to think it's possible to meet your match here then?

What I've learned, the hard way -- the kind of person I would be interested in just doesn't use dating sites. I have no idea why that's the case, but, based on the people I've met from dating sites, it's clearly true.

I should add that I've never met anyone from this site....!

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Sun 06/07/09 02:03 AM

bigsmile Reality is a crutch for people that can't deal with fantasybigsmile

laugh laugh

and to me, unless you meet, it's basically fantasy. ohwell

:thumbsup: As much as I prefer the fantasy, I still must agree. :thumbsup:

no photo
Sun 06/07/09 02:11 AM

In considering relationships on Mingle, how do you distunguish the fantasy of it from the reality?

Hmmm....it probably depends on how you distinguish the fantasy vesus reality of relationships in "real time".

papersmile's photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:27 AM
Edited by papersmile on Sun 06/07/09 03:27 AM

In considering relationships on Mingle, how do you distunguish the fantasy of it from the reality?

although i never felt as though my own relationship was purely fantasy before we actually met, i'd have to say it doesn't have a complete realness about it until that's happened and you've become a part of their physical life as well, meaning having met some of their family, their friends, their co-workers, etc.

if the entire basis of your friendship or romantic relationship is based on the amount of logged-in hours you spend at the computer, how real is that? i guess the personal perception of the friendship is what's important; however, i guess i equate 'real' with 'physical' and 'alive'.

i'd thought about this quite awhile ago. if some emergency happened to any one of us who are here online, is there any family member and/or friend who'd call to advise you of their condition? if not, i'd say it's just a fantasy.

no photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:38 AM
reality? fantasy? they are both one and the same. your reality is that you are living the fantasy.

no photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:40 AM
papersmile is right. Papersmile you are a genious. did you figure all that by yourself? but nevertheless you are right. until you actually meet the person you are living in fantasy and dreaming of what you wish could be.

papersmile's photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:46 AM

papersmile is right. Papersmile you are a genious. did you figure all that by yourself? but nevertheless you are right. until you actually meet the person you are living in fantasy and dreaming of what you wish could be.

on the other hand, what about the girl you've met at a bar, or in school, or wherever, and you've a big crush on her that isn't reciprocated.

you've met -- though isn't that still a fantasy?

i can't say that it depends entirely on whether you've physically met or not; it's just a small portion of what realness entails (to me).

michiganman3's photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:56 AM
There is someone here I would have my family notify if something happened, we've never met face to face.

DamnPhule's photo
Sun 06/07/09 05:25 AM
Something we all must concider and I learned a couple of years ago.

Your perception is your reality.

auburngirl's photo
Sun 06/07/09 08:10 AM
I perceive that he is very real.

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 06/07/09 08:11 AM
I don't consider any relationship here on Mingle.

prisoner's photo
Sun 06/07/09 08:14 AM
:banana: "It's just a fantasy,It's not the real thing."...Billy Joel. be seeing you

babygirl98270's photo
Sun 06/07/09 08:27 AM
Jane I can only speak from my own experience.. I have had great connections on this site and the other one I am on.. Except They usually live across the USA. Long distant relationships are not for me.. So unless one of us is willing to relocate than It kinda gets frustrating at times ... Good luck in your journey

no photo
Sun 06/07/09 08:33 AM

papersmile is right. Papersmile you are a genious. did you figure all that by yourself? but nevertheless you are right. until you actually meet the person you are living in fantasy and dreaming of what you wish could be.

on the other hand, what about the girl you've met at a bar, or in school, or wherever, and you've a big crush on her that isn't reciprocated.

you've met -- though isn't that still a fantasy?

i can't say that it depends entirely on whether you've physically met or not; it's just a small portion of what realness entails (to me).

we have a real relationship that is solidly based in reality

we did try mixing some fantasies in there. but we found out that feathers and whip cream dont mix very well

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