Topic: Very long Winded, but if you read it I could use some advice | |
BACKGROUND: I moved to a new city a while ago and I was lucky enough to
make two really great friends, who were just starting to become friends on their own when we all met, and since then we have become the The Three Bacheloretteers! The things that makes our dynamic so great is that we each have such strong personalities, but sooooo different. FRIEND 1 is hugely type-A and is very organized, takes control, makes decisions, knows what she wants and persistent until she gets it, and very familial so she is very loving and would do anything for you and there are little boundaries to be found. Very positive and fun to be around. Her Type-A qualities are often the glue that keeps our trips and plans from turning into disaster. Never confrontational and very respectful in her communication, though she tends to bottle more up than express herself especially in conflict. Has a fear of expressing herself and being unloved based on what she said. FRIEND 2 is genuine, not fake. she is blunt and to the point so wether you like it or not you will know exactly what she is thinking or feeling at any time, she can be very selfish and will often only do things for others if it benefits her in some way and will let you know how it impacts her. She often needs 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinions of things and seems to have a hard time making decisions without other peoples input. When this friend wants something she will insist it and it is her way or the highway and there is no interest in negotiation. She also has some serious space issues. She likes her space and is easily offended when it is invaded. Overall her approach is to say what she wants and if you don't like it then "F" you. Also it is hard to hold a conversation with her most of the time because she is so self focused that in your mid-sentence she will start talking about something personal of hers and she is really bad at listening in general. FRIEND 3 (ME) is for the most part a neutral party. I have a good time anywhere I go and can get along with most anyone so I generally dont have too much to say unless I feel strongly towards/against something which is rare. I have always been good about thinking outside my own head and understanding where other people come from so I am not quick to judge. I am a bit of a combination of the two friends. I never blurt or vent on people, instead I am very careful with my words but make it very clear what my point is. Never bottle up things and will point out things right away instead of stewing on them, just very genuinely and tactfully. PROBLEM: Friend1 and Friend2 are closer knit than I am because #2 always needs advice and #1 loves to give advice, and because I tend to keep Friend2 at a safe distance. We have a good time, I care about her, but I just feel like when push comes to shove she might not really be there for me in a time of need. Friend2 is probably someone I would not have as a close friend generally, but Friend1 and I are very great compliments to one another and we seem to balance out the three of us. Friend1 has been offended by Friend2's selfish behavior but dismissed it as nothing personal, just her personality. Last week she had the final offense and is now contemplating completely cutting friend2 off. What set her off? Basically #1 and #2 exchanged housekeys. #2 freaked out about something that #1 used up of hers and so #1 thought it would be a nice gesture to lug the replacement upstairs to #2's apartment while she was at work. #1 called and left a message then ventured over, put the stuff away, hopped onto the internet for 2 seconds to get directions to her next errand and locked up behind her. (I think they had similar situations before that was ok by #2) but this time #2 called late that night and made it very clear that she "never ever wanted her in her apartment when she was not home, ever again" to which #1 simply gritted her teeth and said "O-k". Ultimately #1 is very familial and took the key exchange as a very personal welcome into her life. She was made to feel like a dirty stranger criminal person by #2's response to her nice gesture. Her feelings are why give me a key if you do not trust me and it was helpful to get the directions with no impact on friend2, what is wrong with that? HUGELY OFFENDED and wondering why she has a person like this as her friend. #2 doesn't really know how FURIOUS #1 is except for the email stating that she is furious, she is offended, and she mailed her keys back to her. #2 doesnt really seem to care or be expressing any thoughts about anything other than the dates she has been on and how much fun she had at her salsa class, etc. Her phone call which started this was that she never ever wanted her in her apartment when she was not home ever again and that those keys are to be used only in an extreme emergency. I am in the middle, I see both sides and blame it on a difference in personalities and they are both being very extreme about it. They could talk about it like normal adults, but they are both so extreme it will just be a mess and noone will conform. So do I just sit back and let it happen however it happens and let them decide what they want to do? It seems so sad that these two are a part of their every day lives, their families embrace each of them as a member, and its going to fall apart like that?? |
That's just too "high school" for me. I haven't had friends who act like
that SINCE high school and, if I did, I'd drop them and find "Friends 4,5 and 6" as "replacements." Me, I just don't have time or energy for that kind of childish b.s. |
Way too much drama.
I am glad I have grown out of that. Life to short for that kinda of BS. |
Get some space from each other for awhile.
Did you know if you hang out with the same women all the time you'll even get your periods the same week? Maybe thats the reason for this immature behavior. See example #1 & #2 ![]() |
Get some new friends.
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I dont have any friends
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OH, ur so right, Twin! Me and my best friend always start within 2 days
of one another! |
Seems to me, you need to take a back seat to all that drama! What my
first question would be, how can you accept#2 as a friend, when friends look out for eachother! To have someone in my life, that is only self absorbed, defeats the whole purpose of HAVING a friend!!! I would suggest, you check your priorities, not leading with your heart, but your head!!! GOOD LUCK LADY!!! |
Drama Drama Drama...... Step back and let them work through it.. its not
your issue, just smile nod and change the convo if one or the other brings it up. |
run away cause they will turn on you...
reading all that gave me a headache
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being friends with those idiots would give me one..she needs to make
friends who are grownups.. |
Ok, I have to admit after simply WRITING that darn post I felt much
better! haha. Guess I just needed to put it out there to really see what the hell was going on and honestly none of your responses were any different from my own thoughts! haha. I posted that a couple days ago and totally forgot about it until now, so I thought I would come back and see if I was crazy or not. Now that I know I am not crazy (it's always good to double check by the way!) I have already addressed the issue. Bottom Line: You are who you surround yourself with and I am SO NOT these people and it's time to move on! Something I already knew, but I guess living in a new town it was sad but true to think that the few normal people I thought I met really are not normal! DOH! Movin on up ;) |
dont listen to "meanjean" shes just kiddin lmao