Topic: David Carradine found hanging in hotel room.
yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:13 PM at some point the wrists are bound to everything else..when ids that oh mistress??? (kidding)

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:15 PM

:banana: i found drangoness' kink :banana:

pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork

Sillynoway :wink: laugh

I have been tied up before though by a man but I did not like it and it is dangerous to boot if you are with a partner that you do not know extremely well.shocked

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:16 PM

:banana: i found drangoness' kink :banana:

pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork

Sillynoway :wink: laugh

I have been tied up before though by a man but I did not like it and it is dangerous to boot if you are with a partner that you do not know extremely well.shocked

ok I have done handcuffs...BUT the point is someone else was involved

wait...have you noticed 2 women are talking about this???? laugh

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:22 PM

:banana: i found drangoness' kink :banana:

pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork

Sillynoway :wink: laugh

I have been tied up before though by a man but I did not like it and it is dangerous to boot if you are with a partner that you do not know extremely well.shocked

ok I have done handcuffs...BUT the point is someone else was involved

wait...have you noticed 2 women are talking about this???? laugh

Yes I have noticed, oh well.

Those things we have been involved in are a bit different then that erotic asphyxiation thing though.

I have heard they do it in pairs sometimes but it is still masterbation.

I know so much about it because a kid I went to school with hung himself doing the same thing by himself. It came out that there were males and females in our school who were doing it.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:23 PM
hanging I know can happen....but the wrists are suspicious to me

hehehe made ya think

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:26 PM

hanging I know can happen....but the wrists are suspicious to me

hehehe made ya think

I think that was sadistic because the genitals were tied up too so he was trying to inflict pain on himself I think.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:29 PM

hanging I know can happen....but the wrists are suspicious to me

hehehe made ya think

I think that was sadistic because the genitals were tied up too so he was trying to inflict pain on himself I think.

(putting on my sherlock holmes cap and pipe) I think dear watson...the genitals were for pleasure...but the wrist indicarte a 2nd person..elementary my dear watson...Moriarty did it acting as the butler with the candestick glasses

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:32 PM

hanging I know can happen....but the wrists are suspicious to me

hehehe made ya think

I think that was sadistic because the genitals were tied up too so he was trying to inflict pain on himself I think.

(putting on my sherlock holmes cap and pipe) I think dear watson...the genitals were for pleasure...but the wrist indicarte a 2nd person..elementary my dear watson...Moriarty did it acting as the butler with the candestick glasses

But dear sherlock, the wrists can be tied while you are alone so that is not a completely accurate

They were talking on the radio here and it is said that he had ordered so much sex stuff on back order he is still recieving stuff from the sex stores even

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:32 PM

I like where this is goingpitchfork

no photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:33 PM
I'm impressed

you know who Moriarty is

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:34 PM

I like where this is goingpitchfork

i knew you MEN were perving laugh

quiet...what??? I can't know Sherlock Holmes being a redneck???? although in my version they are all wearing overalls laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:35 PM

hanging I know can happen....but the wrists are suspicious to me

hehehe made ya think

I think that was sadistic because the genitals were tied up too so he was trying to inflict pain on himself I think.

(putting on my sherlock holmes cap and pipe) I think dear watson...the genitals were for pleasure...but the wrist indicarte a 2nd person..elementary my dear watson...Moriarty did it acting as the butler with the candestick glasses

But dear sherlock, the wrists can be tied while you are alone so that is not a completely accurate

They were talking on the radio here and it is said that he had ordered so much sex stuff on back order he is still recieving stuff from the sex stores even

oh but dr what order are things tied...that makes a difference...did the genitals come first???? or was it the chicken?laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:35 PM
not sure how to take quiet's comment yet laugh

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:36 PM
Hey ya'll when you come into this thread look up at the banner we usually have on the top of the thread, it is blank on this The program doesn't know what banner to put up for this

no photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:37 PM
nothing to do with being a redneck. most people in general wouldnt know that

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:37 PM
watson...i think we need a volunteer to reenact this case

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:38 PM

nothing to do with being a redneck. most people in general wouldnt know that

I iz a smartz rednek bigsmile

no photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:39 PM
hahahaha okay smarty pants

who died first? Holmes or Moriarty?

no photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:41 PM
hahahahah you're googlin

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:43 PM
Most important of all if you had help you would not need to use the closet.