Topic: David Carradine found hanging in hotel room.
boredinaz06's photo
Thu 06/11/09 04:15 PM

that the actor's body was found nude, with ropes around his neck, wrist and genitals

i'm no expert at asphixiation, but how did the wrist get tied as well without someone else helping? I've neveer tried to tie myself up so I really don't know how someone would do that

He was a Kung Fu Master....He could do anything.

no photo
Thu 06/11/09 04:17 PM

that the actor's body was found nude, with ropes around his neck, wrist and genitals

i'm no expert at asphixiation, but how did the wrist get tied as well without someone else helping? I've neveer tried to tie myself up so I really don't know how someone would do that

He was a Kung Fu Master....He could do anything.

everything except hold his breath forever

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 04:18 PM

that the actor's body was found nude, with ropes around his neck, wrist and genitals

i'm no expert at asphixiation, but how did the wrist get tied as well without someone else helping? I've neveer tried to tie myself up so I really don't know how someone would do that


You have never tried to tie yourself up?? What????rofl

I believe people who are into this kind of thing would be able to do it since they do it by themselves most of the time.

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 06/11/09 04:20 PM

that the actor's body was found nude, with ropes around his neck, wrist and genitals

i'm no expert at asphixiation, but how did the wrist get tied as well without someone else helping? I've neveer tried to tie myself up so I really don't know how someone would do that

He was a Kung Fu Master....He could do anything.

everything except hold his breath forever

yeah yeah BURST my bubble why don't yalaugh

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 04:21 PM

that the actor's body was found nude, with ropes around his neck, wrist and genitals

i'm no expert at asphixiation, but how did the wrist get tied as well without someone else helping? I've neveer tried to tie myself up so I really don't know how someone would do that

He was a Kung Fu Master....He could do anything.

everything except hold his breath forever



I think it is sad. Such a great career and persona. And then you accidentally kill yourself in such a degrading circumstance.indifferent

norslyman's photo
Thu 06/11/09 04:40 PM

Even if he wasn't killed, this would explain why he was into this type of stuff.


Carradine: Killed By "Kung Fu" Illuminatus?

David Carradine may have been killed by an illuminatus, a supposed enlightened one, even if the victim also turns out to be the perpetrator. Maybe he was murdered because he had become a "seeker"? Carradine, it appears, was investigating "secret societies." (See update at the end for the latest on the Carradine family's "Kung Fu" conspiracy angle.)

John Carradine/David Carradine: OTO?

Here is where the Carradine name pops into the story.

In Craig Heimbichner's Blood on the Altar: The Secret History of the World's Most Dangerous Secret Society, it notes that the cofounder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jack Parsons was the OTO's Agape Lodge cofounder. The OTO, he characterizes, as a group involved in sex-magick, pedopilia, and other tales of power and perversion. (BTW, agape is Greek for "brotherly love.")

Heimbichner observes (p. 121), "His Agape Lodge was affiliated with many Hollywood writers and actors, including John Carradine, father of [David] the star of "Kung Fu" and the cinematic blood-geyser Kill Bill. The elder Carradine read one of [Aleister] Crowley's poems at the inauguration of the Agape Lodge No. 2 in 1935." (Author Heimbichner also mentions actors Dennis Hopper and Dean Stockwell, and filmmaker Kenneth Anger, as Thelemites, the term for OTO members.)

Two of the OTO's most famous: Jack Parsons's girlfriend, Marjorie Cameron and Dennis Hopper.

Indeed, the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) is easily researchable online, as clearly having ties with many people, from the actor John Carradine to the gay activist Harry Hay.

The groundbreaking 2000 book, Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons by John Carter and the 2005 copycat work, Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons by George Pendle, give more details, especially in the realm of "following the money."

The Parsons books note that the stimulus for the Agape Lodge came from a visit to the Vancouver branch of OTO, in which Wilfred T. Smith met Aleister Crowley. Soon Smith was sending money to Crowley for the Hollywood OTO. It was Smith who registered and incorporated The Church of Thelema at 1746 North Winona Boulevard in 1934. With Parsons in the background, Smith asked Crowley's permission to form a branch of OTO under the name Agape Lodge.

John Carradine visited the house perhaps because he was a member of OTO, or, as Pendle wonders, for "research purposes: He was soon to play the organist of a satanic cult in the film The Black Cat."

John Carradine (1906-1988) appeared in The Black Cat (1934), playing the "cult organist" who was killed in an explosion (along with the rest of the cultists) when the Bela Lugosi character blows up the cult's headquarters. Lugosi is shown activating the bomb, followed by an exterior shot of the house exploding.

John Carradine's wild sexual ways, as one of The Bundy Drive Boys, is also discussed in Hollywood's Hellfire Club (2007) by author Gregory William Mank and contributors Charles Heard and Bill Nelson.

So, was the father to the clan a dedicated OTO member in the 1930s, or in stereotypical Hollywood fashion, merely getting closer to his topic, as Heath Ledger would do recently with the Joker role, to more deeply understand the forbidden subject matter being researched? Was David Carradine doing something similar in Bangkok and elsewhere?

The elder Carradine, we now know, worked with those who were trying to understand the modern versions of the Illuminati. John Carradine is listed as the narrator for Gary Allen's cassette recording of the tape, "The Establishment - C. F. R." It is noted as an "in-depth look at the 'invisible government' that controls the United States. C.F.R. as a modern manifestation of the conspiracy begun by the Illuminati." ("C.F.R." stands for the Council on Foreign Relations.)

Did the Carradines play the dangerous game of double-agents?

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:00 PM
scared The Draconians killed himscared

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:05 PM

Even if he wasn't killed, this would explain why he was into this type of stuff.


Carradine: Killed By "Kung Fu" Illuminatus?

David Carradine may have been killed by an illuminatus, a supposed enlightened one, even if the victim also turns out to be the perpetrator. Maybe he was murdered because he had become a "seeker"? Carradine, it appears, was investigating "secret societies." (See update at the end for the latest on the Carradine family's "Kung Fu" conspiracy angle.)

John Carradine/David Carradine: OTO?

Here is where the Carradine name pops into the story.

In Craig Heimbichner's Blood on the Altar: The Secret History of the World's Most Dangerous Secret Society, it notes that the cofounder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jack Parsons was the OTO's Agape Lodge cofounder. The OTO, he characterizes, as a group involved in sex-magick, pedopilia, and other tales of power and perversion. (BTW, agape is Greek for "brotherly love.")

Heimbichner observes (p. 121), "His Agape Lodge was affiliated with many Hollywood writers and actors, including John Carradine, father of [David] the star of "Kung Fu" and the cinematic blood-geyser Kill Bill. The elder Carradine read one of [Aleister] Crowley's poems at the inauguration of the Agape Lodge No. 2 in 1935." (Author Heimbichner also mentions actors Dennis Hopper and Dean Stockwell, and filmmaker Kenneth Anger, as Thelemites, the term for OTO members.)

Two of the OTO's most famous: Jack Parsons's girlfriend, Marjorie Cameron and Dennis Hopper.

Indeed, the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) is easily researchable online, as clearly having ties with many people, from the actor John Carradine to the gay activist Harry Hay.

The groundbreaking 2000 book, Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons by John Carter and the 2005 copycat work, Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons by George Pendle, give more details, especially in the realm of "following the money."

The Parsons books note that the stimulus for the Agape Lodge came from a visit to the Vancouver branch of OTO, in which Wilfred T. Smith met Aleister Crowley. Soon Smith was sending money to Crowley for the Hollywood OTO. It was Smith who registered and incorporated The Church of Thelema at 1746 North Winona Boulevard in 1934. With Parsons in the background, Smith asked Crowley's permission to form a branch of OTO under the name Agape Lodge.

John Carradine visited the house perhaps because he was a member of OTO, or, as Pendle wonders, for "research purposes: He was soon to play the organist of a satanic cult in the film The Black Cat."

John Carradine (1906-1988) appeared in The Black Cat (1934), playing the "cult organist" who was killed in an explosion (along with the rest of the cultists) when the Bela Lugosi character blows up the cult's headquarters. Lugosi is shown activating the bomb, followed by an exterior shot of the house exploding.

John Carradine's wild sexual ways, as one of The Bundy Drive Boys, is also discussed in Hollywood's Hellfire Club (2007) by author Gregory William Mank and contributors Charles Heard and Bill Nelson.

So, was the father to the clan a dedicated OTO member in the 1930s, or in stereotypical Hollywood fashion, merely getting closer to his topic, as Heath Ledger would do recently with the Joker role, to more deeply understand the forbidden subject matter being researched? Was David Carradine doing something similar in Bangkok and elsewhere?

The elder Carradine, we now know, worked with those who were trying to understand the modern versions of the Illuminati. John Carradine is listed as the narrator for Gary Allen's cassette recording of the tape, "The Establishment - C. F. R." It is noted as an "in-depth look at the 'invisible government' that controls the United States. C.F.R. as a modern manifestation of the conspiracy begun by the Illuminati." ("C.F.R." stands for the Council on Foreign Relations.)

Did the Carradines play the dangerous game of double-agents?


Of course, it always comes down to the secret societies and conspiracies.

If this were true both Carradines would have been found tied up

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:06 PM

scared The Draconians killed himscared

I did notnoway :wink: laugh

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:08 PM
Hey I wanna know if women do this too?

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:24 PM

scared The Draconians killed himscared

I did notnoway :wink: laugh
shades I always suspected you were a secret Draconian "Dragoness"scared

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:25 PM

Hey I wanna know if women do this too?


Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:26 PM

scared The Draconians killed himscared

I did notnoway :wink: laugh
shades I always suspected you were a secret Draconian "Dragoness"scared

LOL, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 07:57 PM

that the actor's body was found nude, with ropes around his neck, wrist and genitals

i'm no expert at asphixiation, but how did the wrist get tied as well without someone else helping? I've neveer tried to tie myself up so I really don't know how someone would do that


You have never tried to tie yourself up?? What????rofl

I believe people who are into this kind of thing would be able to do it since they do it by themselves most of the time.

not lately...have you?laugh

i would think...could be wrong...that someone else is needed to tie wrists...but i'm not into that

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:02 PM

that the actor's body was found nude, with ropes around his neck, wrist and genitals

i'm no expert at asphixiation, but how did the wrist get tied as well without someone else helping? I've neveer tried to tie myself up so I really don't know how someone would do that


You have never tried to tie yourself up?? What????rofl

I believe people who are into this kind of thing would be able to do it since they do it by themselves most of the time.

not lately...have you?laugh

i would think...could be wrong...that someone else is needed to tie wrists...but i'm not into that

LOL, I just thought it was hilarious when I read your post. You actually thought about it, tieing yourself up that

No, if you think about it and how your hands work you could see that you could do it.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:05 PM
i know...i think too's a curse. maybe i get it from the cops I know or something laugh

now they didn't say HOW they were tied laugh

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:06 PM

i know...i think too's a curse. maybe i get it from the cops I know or something laugh

now they didn't say HOW they were tied laugh

If you leave enough rope inbetween each wrist it would be really easy to do.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:07 PM

i know...i think too's a curse. maybe i get it from the cops I know or something laugh

now they didn't say HOW they were tied laugh

If you leave enough rope inbetween each wrist it would be really easy to do.

you sound like an expertlaugh :tongue:

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:11 PM

i know...i think too's a curse. maybe i get it from the cops I know or something laugh

now they didn't say HOW they were tied laugh

If you leave enough rope inbetween each wrist it would be really easy to do.

you sound like an expertlaugh :tongue:

Thanks to you I actually thought about tieing myself J/K

No I can just think about it and see it could be done. I think the last knot I tied in a rope was a lasso.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/11/09 08:12 PM
:banana: i found drangoness' kink :banana:

pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork