Topic: You be the judge? | |
More news from the Wasilla Baptist Church.
Any thoughts? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Will the Antichrist be a homosexual? By Ron Hamman Religion Views Published on Monday, May 25, 2009 9:15 PM AKDT In answering this question, it is important to assert the question does not originate with me, lest someone out there think that I am bringing some new doctrine out to bolster the political climate. But as the study of Bible prophecy includes verbiage as to the behavior of the one called “that Wicked” by Paul in II Thessalonians, it is not only a legitimate question to ask, but also one to answer. While the word “homosexual” is not in the Bible, the behavior of those who practice homosexuality, and God’s estimation of them, very definitely is. When the word came into existence I cannot tell you, but what we can say for sure is that when Noah Webster published his first dictionary in 1828, it was not included. This means that homosexuality is a modern word invented to replace the word Noah Webster did include, sodomy, defined as a crime against nature. This is historical revisionism in action. Sodomy is defined in scripture by two things, the first being that of where it began: Sodom. In Genesis 13:13 we have the first mention of the men of Sodom, pronouncing that they “were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly.” Their saga is continued in chapters 18 and 19 with their sin being so great that not only does God say that it “is very grievous,” but he himself comes down to destroy them with fire, the rubble of which still stands as a warning to us today. While the Genesis account does not graphically describe their sin, leading some to deny it as being the same as homosexuality, their sin is obviously just that by how it is described: lying with mankind as with womankind. What other conclusion can be reached when they want to “know” the men who were in Lot’s house, the same word the Bible uses in Genesis 4 in relation to the conception of Cain? And that Lot himself understood their intentions is clear; not only did he call such behavior wicked, but he also offered his virgin daughters as substitutes, which the men of Sodom refused. And one more thing: Sodomy is the only sin for which God came down from heaven to destroy. Though God dealt with many other sins in various ways, there is no other for which he came down from heaven to verify and destroy. In the New Testament, sodomy is declared to be “against nature.” And of the men, Paul in Romans 1 says they leave “the natural use of the woman....” In effect, there is no greater sin against God than to reject how he made you, and no greater sin against women than to reject how God made them. But will the Antichrist be a homosexual? Having seen what the Bible says of sodomy, we have no further to look than the book of Daniel, chapter 11 to find our answer. It says, “Neither shall he [Antichrist] regard... the desire of women....” As I said at the onset, I am not the first to draw attention to this, but the verbiage is clear. From a lost perspective, the reason sex sells, pornography is profitable, and prostitution is “the world’s oldest profession” is mankind’s desire of women. From Christianity’s position, it is part of the glue for the bond of marriage and the propagation of a godly heritage. But homosexuality does not regard this — in their unbridled lusts they burn for their own gender. But consider this: The time is ripe for such a leader. Indeed, it should not be surprising that the one who is against everything Biblical and Christian should be a partaker of so great a sin; there is no greater way to reject the Creator than to reject your gender and his design for it. And at what other time have we seen such perversion come out of the closets onto our streets, threatening violence if we do not accept their ways? Is it any wonder that Revelation 13 says that this same Antichrist will make war with the saints of the tribulation, and overcome them? Are they not now readying themselves to make it illegal to “offend” them in any way, calling it hatred to preach against their sin? Is it because they love us? The time is ripe for such a man. But remember that sodomy is the one sin that God left heaven and came to earth to destroy. Could it be that this will be the predominate sin on earth when Christ descends from the clouds to fight against the armies of wickedness? And will it be just a coincidence that the Antichrist will be the very first occupant of the lake of fire, tasting eternal death 1,000 years before even the devil himself? You be the judge. Ron Hamman is pastor for Independent Baptist Church of Wasilla. Contact him at 357-4229. |
you can rest assured if the Bible says will happen...
Were the people in Sodom actually practicing homosexuals? Where does it ever even say that in the bible?
I say stop judging and let us live a life in peace without being judged by organizations or religious texts that say otherwise.
I say stop judging and let us live a life in peace without being judged by organizations or religious texts that say otherwise. Bravo.....bravo |
My first response was to laugh, but then I realized the seriousness with which this author is speaking. It's the same seriousness, the same zeal, the same single minded self proclamation of righteousness that has created so many horror stories, and genocides throughout history. These acts in the name of religion contine to this day.
It is most disheartening to open the front door and see this kind of hate at my door step. Good people can be led to do bad things and following a group of people poised to do bad things makes even the good people in the group fearsome creatures. |
I am not sure everyone realizes why I posted this.
Those that know me I hope understand my motivation. |
I am not sure everyone realizes why I posted this. Those that know me I hope understand my motivation. Well I know you enough to know that you find this to be BS, as I do, though your motivation to post it at the time you posted it might be unclear but then I am tired. Burning for my own kind, that burns alright, burns me up that he would be so clearly ignorant. I just can't imagine how people with brains can believe this crap for so many many years. |
Edited by
Thu 05/28/09 09:11 PM
Just the fact that Christians believe that an antichrist (and end of days in general) COULD happen SCARES the $#%^ out of me. Now they want to use it as a tool for anti gay rhetoric . . . WTF.
Fear is a VERY powerful political tool. |
Thinking about this a bit more I wouldn't say this is about hate, it's about absolute ignorance and manipulation, and keeping people ignorant and manipulated by their fear of God's judement. I can't even stand to post anything more to this topic, it sickens me that any church would stoop this low and pretend he's not doing it deliberately..
Just the fact that Christians believe that an antichrist (and end of days in general) COULD happen SCARES the $#%^ out of me. Now they want to use it as a tool for anti gay rhetoric . . . WTF. Fear is a VERY powerful political tool. Well some of us get exactly why he is saying all this, what's sad is that the millions in the church will not get it. You are right, fear is an amazing tool. HOpefully by morning this will not longer piss me off.. A gay antichrist... actually come to think of it, I hope this gets all over the place, it's actually so bizarre maybe it will wake some folks up to what they are accepting as truth from the preachers. |
Edited by
Thu 05/28/09 09:54 PM
Geezuz, who started all this crap, looks like this guy is not the only wacko out there telling the world the antichrist is gay, and a jew? HUH? No wonder I dont' search the internet for the news anymore, it's too disturbing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On March 16, 2003, on the eve of the United States' invasion of Iraq, Pastor John Hagee took to the pulpit to warn of the coming Antichrist. In his sermon, "The Final Dictator," Hagee described the Antichrist as a seductive figure with "fierce features." He will be "a blasphemer and a homosexual," the pastor announced. Then, Hagee boomed, "There's a phrase in Scripture used solely to identify the Jewish people. It suggests that this man [the Antichrist] is at least going to be partially Jewish, as was Adolph Hitler, as was Karl Marx." This "fierce" gay Jew, according to Hagee, would "slaughter one-third of the Earth's population" and "make Adolph Hitler look like a choirboy." Exposed here for the first time, Hagee's comments identifying the Antichrist as a partly Jewish homosexual arrive in the wake of a furor the pastor provoked by describing the Holocaust as an act of God. Hagee's chilling sermon about the Holocaust prompted Sen. John McCain to reject the preacher's support, an unexpected turnabout after McCain spent over a year soliciting his endorsement. Days after McCain's rejection, I reported that a key McCain ally, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, planned to deliver the keynote speech at Hagee's upcoming Christians United For Israel (CUFI) summit. As the story exploded into the mainstream press, pressure mounted on Lieberman to withdraw. But Lieberman stayed the course, declaring in a prepared statement, "Pastor Hagee has devoted much of his life to fighting anti-Semitism and building bridges between Christians and Jews... I will go to the CUFI Summit in July and speak to the people who have come to Washington from all over our country to express their support of America and Israel, based on our shared eternal values and our shared contemporary challenges in the war against terrorism." Lieberman will be joined at CUFI's conference by Rep. Elliot Engel, a Democratic congressman from New York with a fairly progressive voting record. On Thursday, May 29, I asked Engel's press secretary, Joseph O'Brien, if Engel still planned to attend Hagee's gathering in light of his remarks about the Holocaust. O'Brien told me Engel would respond shortly. So far, Engel has said nothing. Engel is slated to speak on CUFI's "Middle East Briefing" panel this July. He will be joined on the panel by Republican Rep. Mike Pence, Weekly Standard editor and New York Times columnist Bill Kristol, and Christian right activist Gary Bauer. Perhaps these Hagee allies could not fathom that a zealous "supporter" of Israel like Hagee could also be an anti-Semite. They may have believed, as conservative Jewish columnist Jeff Jacoby apparently did, that Hagee's remarks on the Holocaust, as jarring as they were, were theologically correct, and therefore excusable. "As anyone even fleetingly familiar with the Hebrew Bible knows," Jacoby wrote, "it is not 'crazy,' let alone anti-Semitic, to believe that Jewish suffering can be a punishment from God." But now that Hagee's political allies have listened to the preacher's sermon identifying the Antichrist as a homosexual Jew, how can they still share a stage with him? Is attributing Jewish ancestry to the Man of Sin not anti-Semitism in its most classical form? Are the conspiratorial screeds of Nesta Webster,Henry Ford, and David Duke not replete with passages disturbingly similar to this most recently revealed jeremiad of Hagee and to many of his past sermons? Hagee's allies must ask themselves what price they are willing to pay for the backing of his political empire. All of them diminish themselves by standing by side. But those who are Jewish like Lieberman, and who have highlighted their faith to enhance their moral authority, must know now that the price of entering Hagee's kingdom is their soul. No more excuses. All elected officials must withdraw from Hagee's upcoming summit. Found here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh and by the way, that Lieberman is a real peace of work, the guy would sell his own mother if it worked in his favor to do so.... |
Ok my last post for this thread for tonight.
Lynann, why didn't you post this in the politic section? Just curious, because it apprears this is the new tactic the Religious Right will use to put a final nail in the gay marraige thing. In doing a quick search on this it's all over the place already. |
Ok my last post for this thread for tonight. Lynann, why didn't you post this in the politic section? Just curious, because it apprears this is the new tactic the Religious Right will use to put a final nail in the gay marraige thing. In doing a quick search on this it's all over the place already. You cant be serious? |
There were two reasons I didn't post it in the political thread. First because I thought it would be moved and second because I know there are people who consider themselves people of faith that may visit this forum and not the other.
I was hoping to hear the opinions of those people about this pastor's statement. Fear is a powerful tool as we have seen time and time again. The fact that fear is used to control people is nothing new. It has been occurring since the dawn of civilization. That makes it no less ugly however. As we all know, nothing unites people like a common enemy or the fear of powerful enemy...someone "not like us" which is just what this preacher is doing. |
Ok my last post for this thread for tonight. Lynann, why didn't you post this in the politic section? Just curious, because it apprears this is the new tactic the Religious Right will use to put a final nail in the gay marraige thing. In doing a quick search on this it's all over the place already. You cant be serious? I can't be serious about what? You mean about posting this to the politics forum? Seems to me this is where it should be. It's something people voted on to prevent gays from marrying right? I guess I am not sure what your saying to me. Of course I can be quite thick at times so I am probably missing the obvious.. |
There were two reasons I didn't post it in the political thread. First because I thought it would be moved and second because I know there are people who consider themselves people of faith that may visit this forum and not the other. I was hoping to hear the opinions of those people about this pastor's statement. Fear is a powerful tool as we have seen time and time again. The fact that fear is used to control people is nothing new. It has been occurring since the dawn of civilization. That makes it no less ugly however. As we all know, nothing unites people like a common enemy or the fear of powerful enemy...someone "not like us" which is just what this preacher is doing. My neighbors up the street, well one of them goes to a baptist church twice a week, she loves gays and has a few in her family and treats me with respect. But I have to wonder if this new tactic is going to spread through out the christian church, and what the people have to say about it, but personaly I don't think they stand up to their preachers. I am going to ask her today if she has heard about this and what she thinks. Personally I think most church people are afraid to go against the teachings of their own churches, and say nothing when they actually should say something. |
I thought Sodom was destroyed because "they" did not heed god's warnings......Homosexuality was only one of many many "sins" that occurred there.....why does this preacher single out only one sin?????
I thought Sodom was destroyed because "they" did not heed god's warnings......Homosexuality was only one of many many "sins" that occurred there.....why does this preacher single out only one sin????? Well first one has to assume it was homosexuality in the first place. It's kinda convenient for religious folks who are desperate to keep homosexuality in the closet. |