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Topic: You took the future and the food off my family's plate...
TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 05/25/09 10:09 AM

Hummmmmmmmmmm guess I misunderstood meaning of the postwhoa noway but..........heck that is nothing new lmaoslaphead

No, you understood it just fine. The title is part of a song (like I typically use).

Shshshshs ya mean I actually got it hehehe for a minute thought it had went way over my head humm which at my height would not take much.bigsmile

no photo
Mon 05/25/09 10:13 AM

Actually the best solution is to move on and show them you will not be taken down. When you loose something at times it will make you appreciate more what you have before you. Only those that give up will life take them down. At times it can be a blessing in disguise even if one must make a big change within their lives as long as there is a will there will always be a way!!!:thumbsup:

It's a nice thought there and true in some cases,,,
but I have to admit,,,
there is one I would like to see reap what she has sown...

not likely though
very talented in getting while the getting is good...

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 05/25/09 10:20 AM

Actually the best solution is to move on and show them you will not be taken down. When you loose something at times it will make you appreciate more what you have before you. Only those that give up will life take them down. At times it can be a blessing in disguise even if one must make a big change within their lives as long as there is a will there will always be a way!!!:thumbsup:

It's a nice thought there and true in some cases,,,
but I have to admit,,,
there is one I would like to see reap what she has sown...

not likely though
very talented in getting while the getting is good...

For those that have patience Karma will come around and do the deed without you having to lift a finger.......I'm a true believer in Karma have seen the results after the fact and it brought a big smile to my face to see Karma in action.bigsmile

no photo
Mon 05/25/09 10:34 AM

For those that have patience Karma will come around and do the deed without you having to lift a finger.......I'm a true believer in Karma have seen the results after the fact and it brought a big smile to my face to see Karma in action.


I would move on and wait for the Karma. I disagree with the theory though that I will have something to learn and appreciate from losing, however. I do now and have always appreciated what I have. My lot in life is not the greatest, but I know there are folks much worse off than I.

robert1652's photo
Mon 05/25/09 01:04 PM

Ive always tried to help the 3rd war countries directly. Cuba.....very grateful. Mexico.......very happy.
send me an Email if you are interested to know how 100 of us in 80s got Fidel Castro angered with our help
What they wanted/needed most????? Medicine......tylenol.

The program was nicknamed "Piana for Havana" google it

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