Topic: bum fights
no photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:28 PM
these concept of "entertainment" has been around for awhile and there
are two forms of it that i know of. the first one involves giving two
bums alcohol,drugs or money and videotape them fighting each other for
it. the 2nd type involves people sneaking up on a sleeping bum and tying
him up and beating him. some go as far as burning the man alive or
beating him to death, all this is done as a form of entertainment. what
is your opinion on the whole thing and do you think that the 2nd form is

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:39 PM
both of wich are sick its like fighting pitbulls ...those people who
find enjoyment in it should be forced into that kind of situation to see
how much they really enjoy it ..we arent in rome anymore

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:42 PM
i never thought it was a good idea but i was sittin here listening to a
guy defend it on 60 minutes and i was wondering the same thing. you
wonder how funny it'll be when a bum murders his girlfriend or someone
in his family, i betcha he ain't laughing then.

TheCaptain's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:45 PM
There will be a moron out there to defend any subject under the son.

I guess we'll see who defends that one.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:47 PM
the 1st form is kinda sick..altho I do think the premise is pretty
funny..the 2nd form isn't just cowardly, it's murder and there is
NOTHING remotely entertaining about cold blooded murder

Lori68Hefford's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:51 PM
I agree with lions...sick and twisted sons of b's

Anyone who has no more compassion for human life should be locked up in
some kind of institution. And not to sound crass but I dont think its
only the bums this is happening to, if you look into the crime of
today's society its happening everywhere to all walks of life. But
someone's social situation does not minimize this hate crime, I only
hope that the athorities are doing something about it, it is no
different than crimes against someone of another race. This is totally
unacceptable behaviour.

Tejasgirl's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:52 PM
Both are absolutely revolting. You must be pretty pathetic to have to
mess with a poor bum for your own entertainment. The first form is just
sad and stupid but the second is murder and a horrible form of murder at
that. Whoever can and would even consider doing that to another living
being regardless of their living situation is mentally ill.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:13 PM
at the very least it is assault and disgusting cowardly behavior by
these punks running away after they had to gang up on someone to kick
there ass

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 10/01/06 07:03 PM
I would rather go cow tipping.

Of course it's sick. How a bout doing the deed of that character in A
Clockwork Orange. Torturing people and not having any empathy or guilt.

The human mind is strange.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:06 PM
nothing strange about it Ghost..gang mentality bullshit has been around
since the dawn of man..oops sry, yer right..the human mind IS strange
when some sick fuck thinks that's entertaining.And I WILL retract my
earlier statement about "bum boxing"...I only thot the premise was funny
cuz my brain works in a Monty Python-esque kinda way..but then I made
the connection between the topic and some video I saw not to long ago
about it..and the premise is not the least bit funny...if anyone was
offended by my amusement by it I'm sorry, but if you could have seen
what my head was initially thinking you woulda laffed too lol.
However like I said earlier, the 2nd type is nothing but cold blooded

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:12 PM
i don't really have a problem with the first type because both are
willing participants. true they are preying on their addictions but i
don't think the bums give a shit so it doesn't matter. it's the second
one that completely loses me. i know people like that and if that bum
had a chance to fight they wouldn't be doing it, makes em a coward in my

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:13 PM
dnt like it.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 09:51 PM

I have seen the first type happen last week. I tossed a box of little
debbie honey buns that had been sat on in the truck into a road side
trash can while I was out collecting seeds off some trees in
Chattanooga. It happened to be a small park and I paid no attention to
the homeless around. About 4 of them saw that the box had a few smashed
honeybuns and came running to the trash can and started fighting over
the food. I took out another box of little debbie donuts and passed them
out to the gentlemen to try and stop the fighting but the greed of one
of them really got to me as he kept trying to swipe the others donuts. I
have to say it was funny watching these people fight for something that
is so cheap, yet very sad that these people valued those $1.29 or so a
box honey buns enough to actually throw punches. Cheaply paid boxers who
are willing to fight for nearly nothing. I can say I find it distasteful
yet the bums are fighting on their own accord without being made fight
so I see no wrong doing in this first type.

I could see this as a back alley biz. Pay a couple bums to fight giving
the winner more money. This way they are boxers/fist fighters and are
willing to do it. I love a good boxing match even though I do not get to
see many.

The second type you mentioned where they tie the person down is assualt
or worse and should be punished very harshly.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 10/01/06 09:55 PM
It goes to show ya the animal instinct in man. A proof of evolution by

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 10:06 PM
Paying bums to fight is pretty warped, but like kingbreeze said, they
are willing participants...Well, as much "willing" as someone so down on
their luck they'd risk injury for so little money. Its crazy, but there
it is.

Now the people attacking the homeless and videotaping it? That's just
evil and stupidity at its purest form. I mean, how souless can you be to
assault someone that has pretty much lost almost everything, and now you
want to not only take his pride but in some cases maybe even his life?
And has anyone noticed that it always seems to be young suburban spoiled
little bastards that don't think its enough to get everything they want,
that they have to take from people with almost nothing?

And stupid...Omigawd, how absolutely ignorant do you have to be to not
only commit assault with intent to harm at best, and second degree
murder at worst, but video tape the daming evidence? People that evil
and stupid need to be nutered so they don't further contaminate the gene
pool, I say. -=x

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 10:19 PM
they are definitely stupid but i wouldn't call them evil. they are just
a bunch of punk ass bitches who wouldn't be doing it if they could fight
back. you notice that not only do they bring a group to beat the shit
out of them but they have to tie them up as well.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 10:22 PM
i like the ulti. fighting my self.