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Topic: PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder)
TBRich's photo
Wed 06/10/09 12:09 PM
Thank you all for posting these warnings for us unsuspecting men

Seakolony's photo
Wed 06/10/09 12:31 PM

Thank you all for posting these warnings for us unsuspecting men

Unsuspecting my foot!! laugh laugh

TBRich's photo
Wed 06/10/09 12:36 PM

Thank you all for posting these warnings for us unsuspecting men

Unsuspecting my foot!! laugh laugh

I think that this was the start of the werewolf myth, where once a month someone turns into a screaming banshee! (but we love you anyway)

Seakolony's photo
Wed 06/10/09 03:51 PM

Thank you all for posting these warnings for us unsuspecting men

Unsuspecting my foot!! laugh laugh

I think that this was the start of the werewolf myth, where once a month someone turns into a screaming banshee! (but we love you anyway)

too funny rofl

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Wed 06/10/09 07:37 PM

Anyone have this disorder? I have suffered with it ever since I got my period as a young teenager. Since I've been on birth control it's been better, but lately it's been just as bad as it used to be without the birth control. I get extremely moody, extremely crampy, and I bleed for like a month (which isn't supposed to happen when you're on the depo shot). I thought getting on the depo shot would cure this problem, but it hasn't. I plan to get a surgery as soon as possible to prevent me from having children and to stop my periods. It affects my everyday life and my schooling too much to live like this and plus I cannot have kids anyway due to my mental and physical problems. Just curious if anyone else suffers from this as severely as I do. You ever get to the point where you just curl up in a corner and cannot move because it hurts too much? Or do you ever lash out at everyone around you for no reason whatsoever? Or are you so tired that you just can't stop sleeping? Let me know...

I am exhausted the week prior, crampy, back achy, but only get irritable sometimes. I did have mine every two weeks when it started. BC helped it, but the BC made me extremely ill. I would get very nauseaous when taking the medications orally. I had a tubal ligation after my third child. I now am having syptoms of tubal ligation syndrome. The doctors never told me there was a syndrome linked to tubals. If they had told me, I do not think I would have had it.

What is the syndrome like? Do you have cramps, bleeding, moodiness? Again, I am not getting a tubal ligation, but a hysterectomy, so is it possible for me to get the same syndrome given those circumstances?

no photo
Wed 06/10/09 08:22 PM
Q. Why does it take 500 women with PMS to change a lightbulb?


MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 06/10/09 08:29 PM

Anyone have this disorder? I have suffered with it ever since I got my period as a young teenager. Since I've been on birth control it's been better, but lately it's been just as bad as it used to be without the birth control. I get extremely moody, extremely crampy, and I bleed for like a month (which isn't supposed to happen when you're on the depo shot). I thought getting on the depo shot would cure this problem, but it hasn't. I plan to get a surgery as soon as possible to prevent me from having children and to stop my periods. It affects my everyday life and my schooling too much to live like this and plus I cannot have kids anyway due to my mental and physical problems. Just curious if anyone else suffers from this as severely as I do. You ever get to the point where you just curl up in a corner and cannot move because it hurts too much? Or do you ever lash out at everyone around you for no reason whatsoever? Or are you so tired that you just can't stop sleeping? Let me know...
:smile: I feel that way too sometimes:tongue:

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 06/10/09 08:30 PM

Q. Why does it take 500 women with PMS to change a lightbulb?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Seakolony's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:35 AM
Edited by Seakolony on Thu 06/11/09 06:36 AM
Are you getting a full hystorectomy or are they leaving in your ovaries? No you can not get tubal ligation syndrome from a hystorectomy. It happens in the tying of the Filopian tubes. Ligation means they are burned closed. You still have menstruation with tubal tying. I would suggest you keep your ovaries though to help with the production of Estrogen or you may find hair growing in strange and unusual places.

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Fri 06/12/09 06:57 AM
oh okay good...no I'm not getting my ovaries taken out....so there won't be a chance of me getting the syndrome then...that's good....no my adoptive mom had the full hysterectomy because she had a massive tumor wound around everything and now she gets severe migraines and has to be on this patch for hormone...it's really annoying and awful for her....so no i wouldn't be having that kind...just the kind to not have a child and not have a period because i'm constantly ill...thanks for clarifying!

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 06/18/09 03:03 PM
Update: I saw my doctor and got bloodwork done which showed that everything was normal except I have high cholosterol which I already practically knew. Then I saw a gynochologist who is stopping my depo shot and has me on estrogen. I'm on the second day of taking my estrogen and I'm now having a full blown period, but it looks like it's already tapering off. They said it should and if it doesn't to call them back. The plan is to keep me on this estrogen and then when the depo is practically out of my system (mid-august) my gynocologist hopes to insert a device inside me (those little birth control devices that last for 5 years) and so that will be my birth control and it should stop my periods. He said the thing he hates about depo is that once it is given and you have problems with it he can't do anything to take it out of you (meaning, he can't **** the shot back out of you). With a pill or this device he can take it out and we can try something else. So, the first step will be this estrogen pill and then this device. If that doesn't work then it'll be trying several birth control pills (again) and then a vaginal ring. If all of that fails then I can have a hysterectomy. The issue is that insurance has to see that you've tried everything possible before they will help pay for such a severe surgery. So I'm hoping that little device will work. I don't want to keep trying and failing just to end up with a hysterectomy in the end because if that happens I will be writing a very cruel letter to insurance for making me go through all of this crap that they could have prevented by just letting me get the damn hysterectomy now. I'm also scheduled for an ultrasound in a week or so to make sure there isn't anything else weird going on in there that will make my gynocologist want to be giving me a hysterectomy or something now. Anyway, just thought I'd give you the update and I will continue to do so as I find out more...

unsure's photo
Thu 06/18/09 09:41 PM

I have done my research on YAZ and it would not work for me personally (I need much more than it is--it is a very small dose and I need a bigger dose; the same goes for depo). Well as of recently I have been struggling severely with my PMDD. I am trying to get through school but am sick every single day. I am bleeding heavier, having severe cramps, migraines, diareha, just wanting to sleep all the time, constantly thirsty because I'm losing fluids, etc. I'm going to call my doctor within the next day or two to try and get into her ASAP so that she can send me to get blood work done and send me to an OBGYN. As long as my bloodwork is normal (my thyroid or anything else isn't causing all this bleeding) I'm going to see the OBGYN and have her write up why the surgery for me is NECESSARY vs. OPTIONAL for insurance purposes. We need insurance to cover a lot of it or else I won't be able to have it done this summer (thanks to the economy and our finanical issues). But I know I can make it very clear that it is necessary for me to have this surgery because I have been suffering like this since 11 years old (when I got my period) and because I will never have a choice about having children because of my physical and mental disabilities. If I was actually pregnant there would be no way I could take all the medications I do (which I NEED) and my knees would not be able to physically handle all that extra weight (they can barely handle the weight I have now) and having a kid you have to be on the floor constantly with them and I cannot get up and down off the floor because my knee problems (8 surgeries kinda screws that up). Plus with my physical and mental problems I would pass on so much to that poor child. And trying to raise it? With my mental issues? I would screw that poor child up. I can barely handle myself and I think that is going to be a constant thing with me so having a child is not even an option for me.

So the surgery I've chosen is the hysterectomy where they remove the uterus and I will have them remove the cervix because there is no reason to have a cervix if you aren't going to have children (it just helps the baby come out) and it's just there so women will get cervical cancer. Why keep it if that's all it will do to me (give me cancer)? So this is what I want to do and will hopefully get a chance to do before my next school term starts the end of august. If I cannot get it done before then I don't think I'll be able to continue school because I am constantly ill with this stupid PMDD. Because of school and the PMDD I haven't been able to post on the forums on here, but more importantly I can't live a normal life. Anyway, just thought I'd update you all.

I had the Depo shot and I was one of those that it did not work well for me. I was actually allergic to it but we did not know this UNTIL I took it for the first time...so my first 18 days were horrible. I bled a lot and had severe migraines, I was actually put into the hospital for 5 days.
I decided to have a hysterectomy BUT I had already had my children and I knew that I didn't want anymore. I did get put on hormones for about a year and then I was taken off really quick. I had colon cancer and staying on hormones was not an option for me. One year of hormones seemed to work and so far I do not have any side effects of the mood swings or the hot flashes. Maybe I am one of the lucky ones?
I think you really need to talk to your OBGYN and explain everything going on and talk to them about what your options could be. I am sure that they would have several different ways to go with your problem. Getting my hysterectomy was a good thing for me because just a few months later that's when my OBGYN suggested that I get a colonoscopy and sure enough, it was cancer.
Good Luck flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:53 PM

Update: I saw my doctor and got bloodwork done which showed that everything was normal except I have high cholosterol which I already practically knew. Then I saw a gynochologist who is stopping my depo shot and has me on estrogen. I'm on the second day of taking my estrogen and I'm now having a full blown period, but it looks like it's already tapering off. They said it should and if it doesn't to call them back. The plan is to keep me on this estrogen and then when the depo is practically out of my system (mid-august) my gynocologist hopes to insert a device inside me (those little birth control devices that last for 5 years) and so that will be my birth control and it should stop my periods. He said the thing he hates about depo is that once it is given and you have problems with it he can't do anything to take it out of you (meaning, he can't **** the shot back out of you). With a pill or this device he can take it out and we can try something else. So, the first step will be this estrogen pill and then this device. If that doesn't work then it'll be trying several birth control pills (again) and then a vaginal ring. If all of that fails then I can have a hysterectomy. The issue is that insurance has to see that you've tried everything possible before they will help pay for such a severe surgery. So I'm hoping that little device will work. I don't want to keep trying and failing just to end up with a hysterectomy in the end because if that happens I will be writing a very cruel letter to insurance for making me go through all of this crap that they could have prevented by just letting me get the damn hysterectomy now. I'm also scheduled for an ultrasound in a week or so to make sure there isn't anything else weird going on in there that will make my gynocologist want to be giving me a hysterectomy or something now. Anyway, just thought I'd give you the update and I will continue to do so as I find out more...

The coil (the thingy you get inserted) is really working well for the women I know and for me, too. I used to have my periods so heavy that I actually had to stay in bed for 2-3 days. Now I have none at all. And I feel better balanced emotionally. I hope it works for you as well. Good Luck with it.

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Fri 06/19/09 12:16 PM

Update: I saw my doctor and got bloodwork done which showed that everything was normal except I have high cholosterol which I already practically knew. Then I saw a gynochologist who is stopping my depo shot and has me on estrogen. I'm on the second day of taking my estrogen and I'm now having a full blown period, but it looks like it's already tapering off. They said it should and if it doesn't to call them back. The plan is to keep me on this estrogen and then when the depo is practically out of my system (mid-august) my gynocologist hopes to insert a device inside me (those little birth control devices that last for 5 years) and so that will be my birth control and it should stop my periods. He said the thing he hates about depo is that once it is given and you have problems with it he can't do anything to take it out of you (meaning, he can't **** the shot back out of you). With a pill or this device he can take it out and we can try something else. So, the first step will be this estrogen pill and then this device. If that doesn't work then it'll be trying several birth control pills (again) and then a vaginal ring. If all of that fails then I can have a hysterectomy. The issue is that insurance has to see that you've tried everything possible before they will help pay for such a severe surgery. So I'm hoping that little device will work. I don't want to keep trying and failing just to end up with a hysterectomy in the end because if that happens I will be writing a very cruel letter to insurance for making me go through all of this crap that they could have prevented by just letting me get the damn hysterectomy now. I'm also scheduled for an ultrasound in a week or so to make sure there isn't anything else weird going on in there that will make my gynocologist want to be giving me a hysterectomy or something now. Anyway, just thought I'd give you the update and I will continue to do so as I find out more...

The coil (the thingy you get inserted) is really working well for the women I know and for me, too. I used to have my periods so heavy that I actually had to stay in bed for 2-3 days. Now I have none at all. And I feel better balanced emotionally. I hope it works for you as well. Good Luck with it.

Thank you for your response! Knowing that you had your periods this severe and had the tube put in and that it worked gives me hope! I hope it works for me, too, but I've never been one to go with the odds when it comes to percentages, so I'm very doubtful. If it works I will be definitely overjoyed. Thanks for the input! Glad you are doing much better now! flowerforyou

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Fri 06/26/09 07:23 AM
Update: So I was taken off the estrogen--Tuesday being my last day and that night I had a major breakdown, probably due to being taken off the medicine (I thought I'd have to go to the hospital and be institutionalized again but I got through it with the help of a friend). This Sunday I start a new birth control and I have to get my blood pressure checked in 3 weeks. My blood pressure has always been normal, so this better not mess it up. I'm supposed to call after the first month and let them know how it went and all. I also had my ultrasound and am waiting for those results. If I have anything I'll post again to let you know. If things are normal I'll wait until my next post to put that it was normal. Well, that's about it for my update--at least with that part of myself...lol...

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 06/27/09 05:37 AM
I can not really speak to having problems with severe cramps or bleeding.

I did have a tubal litigation and I had absolutely no complications from it.

What I did have was a tremendous relief from knowing I would never again have to go through the agony of multiple failed pregnancies. Or the fear of having another child that would compound the very difficult life I have had dealing with chronic pain related to acute arthritis and depression. When I knew I was free to take the medications that I and my Doctors felt I needed without jeapordizing and unborn child or a a dependent child I was greatly relieved and have never regreted the decision.

What I do regret is making the selfish decision to have a child and adopt a child and put him through the misery that a child with a disabled Mother goes through. Being made fun of by peers, discussed with pity in the presence of teachers and various adults, being excluded from activiities and sport because of catestrophic medicial expenses, being abandoned by a father that didn't want the responsibility of a disabled spouse and child, living in fear that their sole parent might die or worse spend the balance of childhood or adult years in hospitals and them in a foster home, the rejection of women who did not want a disabled Mother in law. I could go on but you get the point.

Was I "bad" Mother for my disabilities? I don't think so. My childrens NEEDS were never neglected by myself. I did or hired someone to do the things I could not physically do when necessary. My children got a quality education and the medical care they needed. They were active in the church and scouting and various activities. They were well socialized and graduated and attended community colleges and married but that was because I was able to control my faculties and even though there were times I had to crawl into assistance offices I go the help I needed.

No offense but with rageing PMDD sympoms I can not honestly see anyone doing that. Sure Yaz or any other medication that might relieve your accute symptoms would be worth a try for your own quality of life but I can not see you satisfactorially compleateing a pregnancy much less providing for and infant and I would not chance it.

Our value as a human being and certainly as a women does not rest on the ability to concieve a pregnancy or bear a child. No God that I beleive in would demand that either. Nor would he enact any punishment for it in spiritual or physical symptoms. That is the worst kind of blackmail ministry I think I hear of outside of useing religion to condone child abuse. Sterilization only prevents conception and does not abort it.

True there are quacks out there and some people have complications but if you have your physcian checked out and have your care done in a board certified hospital or clinic facility and follow their directions to the letter there is much less risk than one unwanted pregnancy.

I would suggest that Planned Parenthood can help you find a qualified physician obtain the funding for necessary procedures with or without a spouses or your parents knowlege or permission unless they have taken guardianship over you. Highly unlikely if you are competent enough to be in college online or elsewhere.

I don't know what kind of birthcontrol you selected but I used a Progestisert years ago and had zero complications with it and it did make my periods regular. Like I said early I never had extream PMS or Pmdd symptoms outside of extreamly long periods until I started BC.

I will also add that I do believe I have been a sucessful, functioning (at least mentally), award winning home maker and employee and volunteer because I accepted the use of medication and stress counseling for my depression which in the early years was accute. It also radically reduced my sleep deprivation, accute fatigue, and somewhat my pain level.

Do what you can to stay in school. It will definitely improve your quality of life and access to care. You are aware that you can get student insurance that might be usefull in covering your surgery expenses if they are medically necessitated. And unless you are directly being given money you most likely qualify for public medical assistance and from the sounds of it Social Security disability and medicare.

My hopes, and prayers and well wishes are with you. Write if you have questions.

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Sat 06/27/09 09:29 AM
Thank you to PacificStar48 for sharing her personal struggles on this thread. flowerforyou Actually I am under my parents insurance/coverage/whatever and will be until I'm 25. I don't want to be kicked off because then they will be paying for whatever insurance I need. With all of my health problems (physically and mentally) no one will want me insurance wise. I'm stuck in school up until I get my masters so I can practice what I want to do (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy with Borderline patients and help diagnose children as well as help others who need it). But I am not even in grad school yet.

With all of my mental and physical problems I know there is no way that I can have a child. I've been around a couple of them due to dating a few men who had them and I've found that I don't hate children like I thought I did. I can be great with kids when I try, but I'm still not 100% fond of them. I never was. I'm just hoping that either whatever I'm experimented with (birth control, devices, etc.) will either fail and I will have to resort to a hysterectomy or we will find one that works (hopefully one like Mirena). Or maybe my ultrasound results will come back and I will have fibroids and he will have to perform a hysterectomy. I want something that is permanent and that will work for me. Birth control pills did not work in the past and depo obviously made things worse. I just want to be able to #1: get through a day without being in constant pain, being ill, being constantly tired and #2: not have to worry about getting pregnant permanently as well as not worry about having a horrible, painful period.

Again I appreciate your thoughts on this and I'm glad you got through okay with your kids. I was actually given up for adoption because my biological mother had the same disorder I have (Borderline Personality Disorder) among many other problems. The three children before me were taken away from her because of her emotional state. I know I would not be able to handle a child. I can barely handle myself most of the time. I have to focus on just being able to get through a day with just plain old me and that is always going to be a struggle for me. That's just the way I was born. Others don't have to struggle like this daily. People say I'd be a great mom, but they don't see the real me when they say that. It's hard enough working on yourself, trying to improve. I can't imagine having a child and trying to raise it. I have a cat and she's enough for me. happy :tongue:

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 06/29/09 02:52 AM
Well I admire you for thinking it through. Hopefully soon they will be able to make some headway on your medical issues. I will keep you in good thoughts. I was adopted by not nearly as wonderful parents as asked for you. Will keep all of you in my prayers.

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Tue 06/30/09 05:59 PM
First off, thanks to PacificStar. flowerforyou I'm sorry you didn't have good adoptive parents. frown I was very, very fortunate because I was not the best child (not all my fault of course) and I don't know how many parents would have put up with me honestly. Okay, on to my update now.

So I've been sick for 2 days due to a birth control pill I was put on that turned out I was already on before. The best part about it was that this time it gave me these horrible dizzy spells where I felt I was going to black out/faint. I couldn't look at the computer/TV without everything spinning. I had a migraine, hot/cold chills, my fingers/toes tingled, my stomach was upset, I had diarrhea, I couldn't eat/didn't want to, etc., etc., etc. So I called the doctor today to tell them about all this crap and guess what they tell me? "None of these things can be from the pill you're on. You must have the flu." Haha. And I get dizzy often? I've never felt like this ever before in my life and they're telling me this. Then they tell me that what I was on before, Tri-Sprintec is not the same as Sprintec. At least they tried to tell me that. Haha. The nurse I talked to wanted to believe she was "god" but I am a patient who knows what is going on with her body and what the hell she's been on before. So, she talks to the doctor and they have me on a new birth control pill now. Why they didn't just put me back on the estrogen pill that gave me no bad symptoms and actually made me feel better than I was I have no idea, but now I'm not something new called Loestrin. If this doesn't make me sick and I don't keep having a period from it then I get to stay on it. Mind you I'm still in school right now and I'm being tested on like a lab rat by these people. If the birth control pills, devices, and all this crap doesn't work and I end up having to get a hyesterectomy anyway my insurance is going to get a very mean letter from me about all of this and all the crap they put me through because they thought they knew my body better than me. If I find something that works and stops the bleeding and stops me from having a kid, great. But if I don't and I still am going to be having the surgery I wanted to have in the first place and I had to struggle through all this sickness and crap along the way then my insurance isn't only going to pay for my surgery but I may even sue them for taking my health away for however long they do. You can't assume you know someone's body when that person knows their body better than you. I mean HELLO, it's THEIR BODY!!!! I'm already sick and tired of being sick and tired and I've barely begun the process. I know I'm ranting but this is a very serious matter that people just don't freakin' get, especially stupid insurance companies. "We won't let you jump to the extreme until you've tried everything else." Well what if you know that everything else won't work? And what if you make them try everything else and you were wrong? How in the world do you make up for that? That's what I want to know. My head hurts. I need to do more homework, but I'm still shaky/not feeling 100% better. Why can't someone else feel all this crap for once instead of me? Let someone else deal with it for once; how about a man; especially someone who works for an insurance company; and then come back to me and let me know how it felt to walk in my shoes if only for 5 freakin' minutes....grumble

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Mon 07/06/09 12:24 PM
Update: Thanks to a new birth control pill (Loestrin24Fe) I was on for a week I had the warning signs from the pamphlet they give you: migraines/headache, blurred vision, dizziness, depression, and insomnia. They say to stop taking the pill if you have these symptoms so I stopped today and already I feel a bit better. I called the damn doctor and left a message saying I'm not going to be on anything for the next two weeks unless he puts me back on Enjuvia (which helped everything) because I have to finish up school and I can't be freakin' dizzy and not able to sleep with severe migraines, etc. while trying to finish up my classes here. I'm waiting for a response from them.

You know what I've noticed with these stupid birth control pills is that there is a warning in every pamphlet saying you shouldn't be on the pill if you have these things: irregular bleeding, depression, high cholesterol, migraines/headaches. I have all of those and yet they are persisting to put me on all of these damn pills that make me so sick. I'm already tired of being their damn lab rat. Can't wait to see what's in store for me 2 weeks from now...haha...

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