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Topic: One Date Rule?!?
PATSFAN's photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:37 AM
I'm in & out of things from time to time

no photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:37 AM

So, how many women here... or men... have heard the other say, " I Can Tell After ONE Date If We're Going Anywhere."

The latest installment of mine has said.. "I can tell we are going to go far, this will work great."

I couldn't saya word I was so shocked and confused.. ha ha.. I thought the date was sucking grass.

What is this BS? One date doesn't indicate everything, it's impossible, right?!

I can tell after one date if I really don't like the person and it's not going to go anywhere. But other than that, I think more than one date is needed.

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:37 AM

:tongue: He wanted sex:tongue:
slaphead Ya I get that ALOT! spock

laugh :tongue: laugh
not me...they want to be fWb'sfrustrated
spock What's a FWB? whoa

SimplyElla's photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:42 AM

:tongue: He wanted sex:tongue:
slaphead Ya I get that ALOT! spock

laugh :tongue: laugh
not me...they want to be fWb'sfrustrated
spock What's a FWB? whoa

laugh laugh Like YOU don't know.. LoLlaugh laugh

writer_gurl's photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:42 AM

:tongue: He wanted sex:tongue:
slaphead Ya I get that ALOT! spock

laugh :tongue: laugh
not me...they want to be fWb'sfrustrated
spock What's a FWB? whoa

friends with benefitsohwell

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:44 AM
Feeling womens behindsbigsmile

SimplyElla's photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:44 AM
Will do Kind_Lady... I guess if I get inside his shoes I can see it differently... We shall see what happens.. I will keep you updated.. He he..

PATS... wth.. HA HA.. you are too cute.. HA HA

metalwing's photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:44 AM

I've known couples who hit it out of the park from the very beginning. I have had dates that I thought were going to go well after a while then BOOM!!! Some weird unknown comes into the party and changes everything.

I met one girl who seemed nice in every way until she found out I had a Harley. She was a "Biker Hater" and thought anyone who associated with anyone who owned a motorcycle was simply "trash". Adios lady.

A lot of people have stereotyped ideas about a whole lot of topics and it takes a while to get exposed to them all.

A lot of people have skeletons in their closet and monsters under their beds.

Oh don't get me wrong things can be awesome the first date around and be never ending from there.. or whatever a good ride at least.. but I am talking about those who opening say "I can tell we are going to go far, this will work great." Ha ha..

I didn't stereotype this guy.. I was open about the date and what not.. it is how he acted and assumed so much in such little time that turned me off... I was looking to date not jump in blind to a "thing" Ha ha ha.

Well if you are looking for a date, and he wants to date .... sounds like a win win situation. Beware the shotgun marriage around the corner! LOL

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:45 AM
Too many rules!!! Throw them all away! Let go of expectations - they rob you of living in the moment. Embrace the experience and decide later if you'd like another one. There is no forever.

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:46 AM

:tongue: He wanted sex:tongue:
slaphead Ya I get that ALOT! spock

laugh :tongue: laugh
not me...they want to be fWb'sfrustrated
spock What's a FWB? whoa

friends with benefitsohwell
Oh Ya SORRY i'm kinda SLOW slaphead Sometimes spock

SimplyElla's photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:47 AM

I've known couples who hit it out of the park from the very beginning. I have had dates that I thought were going to go well after a while then BOOM!!! Some weird unknown comes into the party and changes everything.

I met one girl who seemed nice in every way until she found out I had a Harley. She was a "Biker Hater" and thought anyone who associated with anyone who owned a motorcycle was simply "trash". Adios lady.

A lot of people have stereotyped ideas about a whole lot of topics and it takes a while to get exposed to them all.

A lot of people have skeletons in their closet and monsters under their beds.

Oh don't get me wrong things can be awesome the first date around and be never ending from there.. or whatever a good ride at least.. but I am talking about those who opening say "I can tell we are going to go far, this will work great." Ha ha..

I didn't stereotype this guy.. I was open about the date and what not.. it is how he acted and assumed so much in such little time that turned me off... I was looking to date not jump in blind to a "thing" Ha ha ha.

Well if you are looking for a date, and he wants to date .... sounds like a win win situation. Beware the shotgun marriage around the corner! LOL

Thing is I am looking to get my toes wet and he is wanting to scuba dive it seems.. if you know what I mean.. ha ha...

There will never ever be a shotgun wedding for me.. esp with him.. ha ha.. no thank you!! laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 05/20/09 11:50 AM

Too many rules!!! Throw them all away! Let go of expectations - they rob you of living in the moment. Embrace the experience and decide later if you'd like another one. There is no forever.


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