Topic: Have you ever been tasered...
Marley's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:02 PM

Never been tasered, but have been pepper sprayed and hit with a baton. bigsmile

You could be a fun date.

tngxl65's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:05 PM

Never been tasered, but have been pepper sprayed and hit with a baton. bigsmile

You could be a fun date.

Reminds me of that movie 'Blind Date'

johncarl's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:08 PM
try the hole and not taking a shower for 2 weeks.oh good timeslaugh laugh laugh

As_love_Fades's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:18 PM
Oh I TASER myself all the time.

It's the only stimulation I seem to get these days.


AndyBgood's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:18 PM
Actually I accidentally nailed myself. Made me jump out of my frikken skin!

It'll make a cat jump about ten feet up too!

Lilypetal's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:20 PM
I accidentally tasered a friend. ohwell

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:31 PM

no.....but been beat up by the sorry bastards....police

Did you move on?
Yea for sure im a criminalnoway

galendgirl's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:32 PM

Oh I TASER myself all the time.

It's the only stimulation I seem to get these days.


That's just sad...

prisoner's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:35 PM
:banana: an ex-gf put me in handcuffs once,if that counts for anything. be seeing you

Meg8771's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:45 PM

Never been tasered, but have been pepper sprayed and hit with a baton. bigsmile

You could be a fun date.


Eddiemma's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:48 PM

Never been tasered, but have been pepper sprayed and hit with a baton. bigsmile

Have you really? What happen? If you don't want to say on here then e-mail me Myra...

krupa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:49 PM

accidentally peed on an electric fence at night (didn't realize it was there)...I would guess it would be similar...cause it was no f**kin fun. One minute doing my moment face down biting the ground.....

galendgirl's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:51 PM

accidentally peed on an electric fence at night (didn't realize it was there)...I would guess it would be similar...cause it was no f**kin fun. One minute doing my moment face down biting the ground.....

OMG...if Freud read that he'd be retracting that whole "penis envy" theory! No woman would EVER!

krupa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:54 PM
One of those sensations that you never me the goosebumps just remembering.....egads.

SitkaRains's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:45 PM law enforcement authorities? Or an irate lover?

Nope...I have had little shocks and knees melting a time or two...Does that count

nolaking's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:51 PM
yas I have, it really really really sucks, made me piss on myself

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:12 PM law enforcement authorities? Or an irate lover?

Yeah. A couple of times, actually.


AndyBgood's photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:58 PM

accidentally peed on an electric fence at night (didn't realize it was there)...I would guess it would be similar...cause it was no f**kin fun. One minute doing my moment face down biting the ground.....

I did that by mistake myself. It felt like getting punched from the inside and it hurt for a couple of days peeing after that. The funny thing was I took my pain in silence and watched someone else do it a short time later. Thank god the things only trigger every other second. I got two jolts and that was more than enough.

drinker Damn that cheap beer!drinker

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 05:09 AM law enforcement authorities? Or an irate lover?

No, but I was pepper sprayed once, 7/1/1. It was to be a lesson that alcohol in this body is bad, m'kay? Odd thought. Never mind. too crude.pitchfork

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 05:20 AM
I have never been pepper sprayed thank goodness but once I was cooking and cutting up raw jalapeno peppers. I didnt understand that peppers like that contain oils that penetrate the dermis of the skin. Normal washing wont remove it either. In fact the hot water just accentuates the pain. Oww! Whatever you do, be careful when working with raw peppers. In fact I do believe thats what they use in some of those mace/pepper sprays.