Topic: Where are all the gentlemen?
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Fri 05/15/09 08:41 PM

I'm in urgent need of some spoiling...

I need to be reminded that I'm really just a princess trapped in an overworked, under-appreciated, single mommy's body...

Gentlemen? There's nobody here but us cheekens. Cluck cluck! laugh

ron62449's photo
Sat 05/16/09 10:14 AM
I met a woman a few weeks ago. Agreed to meet at this dance. Had a good time, even held hands. We were to go to church next morning. The last thing she said to me when I walked her to her car and oped the door for her was "what a gentleman I was". When I woke up the next morning she had sent an e-mail 'her plans have changed, said she'd see me Friday at the place we met. Not there. Do women really want a gentleman?


no photo
Sat 05/16/09 10:26 AM

I met a woman a few weeks ago. Agreed to meet at this dance. Had a good time, even held hands. We were to go to church next morning. The last thing she said to me when I walked her to her car and oped the door for her was "what a gentleman I was". When I woke up the next morning she had sent an e-mail 'her plans have changed, said she'd see me Friday at the place we met. Not there. Do women really want a gentleman?


Women want a man with a backbone. One that is assertive but not aggressive. Perhaps she wanted more than you to hold her hand. Or maybe it was just you that she did not want holding her hand. in either case it is obvious that she is not interested and called you a gentleman in an attempt to find something positive.

One thing irks me about what you say... Why do you make a blanket statement? One woman rejects you and you ask if "women" want a gentleman? Perhaps you are not as thoughtful and gentlemanly as you believe....

Monier's photo
Sat 05/16/09 10:32 AM

I met a woman a few weeks ago. Agreed to meet at this dance. Had a good time, even held hands. We were to go to church next morning. The last thing she said to me when I walked her to her car and oped the door for her was "what a gentleman I was". When I woke up the next morning she had sent an e-mail 'her plans have changed, said she'd see me Friday at the place we met. Not there. Do women really want a gentleman?


I had this conversation with my best friend last night. She claims the average woman is too stupid to realize a good thing if it was right in front of her face with a sign saying 'I'm Awesome'. Says all her girlfriends talk about wanting a great guy and kids, but then continue on talking about the jerks they are seeing and how they can't get rid of them.

To answer your question, yes there are some pretty fantastic women out there who will love you just for you. What probably happened was she thought the both of you did'nt click or for some reason or another you were'nt what she was looking for and was too much of a coward to be straight up with you.

Keep being yourself and a Gentleman. Sometimes it really is 'just them'

SimplyElla's photo
Sat 05/16/09 12:54 PM
Edited by SimplyElla on Sat 05/16/09 12:58 PM

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 12:57 PM
-Beep- I'm sorry. All the gentlemen are away right now. Seems they got kicked off the island from the heartbreak they've endured in the years. Try again later. Have a nice day.

(My actual voicemail. Mwahaha)

pushbuttonpoet's photo
Fri 05/22/09 11:25 AM

There's a huge difference between pessimism and realism.

I am SOOOOOOO FREAKING GLAD someone here can make that one discretion between the two!

What the heck is so wrong with looking at things realistically? You can not paint on smiles when you are on a a sinking ship in the middle of nowhere! Now griping about it while trying to save the ship is not pessimism. That is just an observation of a fuqued situation. A pessimist sits on the side lines not doing anything other than try to claw the eyes out of another passenger to get off the ship. How many optimists will you find in a disaster?


Also you said a very funny word...


Yeah, by who's yardstick?

Survival isn't pretty. Not everyone has money to make all the bad go away.

Tough times make us get super critical of ourselves. This leads to behaviors to try to minimize the impacts of change but sometimes these behaviors are detrimental. Other times we have to face adversity and when we have to do it alone we become 'shelled' or 'calloused' in ourselves which not only affects ourselves but those around us. Loneliness is a drag and can make us all make horrible mistakes and one of them is attacking ourselves in our own minds.

If you allow yourself to live in a victim's mind set you become a enduring victim yourself. Youth has major disadvantages in that you did not have the wisdom or experience to deal with your a fore mentioned intrusions of your person. Brooding on it does not do you any good. The reality of it is you have to find ways of coping with yourself and stop seeing a weak and frail person in the mirror. One thing that may help and I recommend this a lot is finding a Martial art form that feels right for you. I always recommend Judo because the emphasis is on self defense. That is only one component to doing something with your life besides wasting it on self pity.

If your pic is not misrepresentation you are hot. Who are you kidding? On top of that your brain definitely does more than act as a paperweight. Even the smartest and strongest people have to come out from under the shadows of other people's insanity and dysfunction. Breaking chains of past is hard but not impossible. Also not letting loneliness eat at you from within is VERY Hard. The thing is jumping into another relationship can be just as hazardous to yourself as having been in a bad relationship. I would advise (Uh oh, the doctor is in) you focus more on yourself. You sound like you are also at a cross roads trying to make some heavy decisions about yourself. It is hard to make a decision on what to do with ourselves but maybe you should pursue what you want to do with yourself more and not focus on the pain. I am not saying ignore it but face it in small doses first until you can finally face what is really eating at you.

I may be guessing a lot about you but I have seen this before in others. Relationship was bad, past trauma at the hands of family members (trust me about understanding how family can be your worst enemy) as well as other external factors can make any sane person act strange trying to deal with the hypocrisy and evil that is innate to life itself.

Yes part of it is you but the rest is environmental but the question is do you adapt and overcome, or do you shrivel up and conform, or do you pull up roots and move on to a new environment?

Here is a question a lot of people never seem to have any single one line answer to,

What do you ultimately want for YOU?

Knowing that can be half the battle.

Other than that keep a stiff upper lip!

Its a rocky road ahead but at least there is a road!


Rocky Road Ice Cream....


Now I crave it. Shooot!

You're a beautiful person.
Thank you.

pushbuttonpoet's photo
Fri 05/22/09 11:27 AM

I don't care for spoiled milk

or spoiled eggs

or spoiled meat

are women different?

Quite different indeed.

Now who are you Charles Bukowski or something?

you can call me Chuck

I actually considered it...
But I didn't think you'd catch the reference...
And I really didn't feel like spending more time explaining what I meant...

Condescending much?

it's okay

it amuses me

I'm glad I'm not the only one...

pushbuttonpoet's photo
Fri 05/22/09 11:30 AM

i still ated dem allindifferent

Well dang it...
Spit them out!

pushbuttonpoet's photo
Fri 05/22/09 11:31 AM

I'm in urgent need of some spoiling...

I need to be reminded that I'm really just a princess trapped in an overworked, under-appreciated, single mommy's body...

Gentlemen? There's nobody here but us cheekens. Cluck cluck! laugh

Dang ol' chickens!
Always running around pooping where you eat...

TBRich's photo
Fri 05/22/09 11:33 AM
I honestly have to think that for every woman who asks where did all the gentlemen go, that they have already driven a bunch of them away

OrangeCat's photo
Fri 05/22/09 11:33 AM

4x4guy's photo
Fri 05/22/09 11:34 AM
ok ok im here no need to worrie

OrangeCat's photo
Fri 05/22/09 11:34 AM
I am gonna agree with TBR

earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 05/22/09 11:41 AM
laugh Appreciate the fact you have a healthy child, and a job....

There are alot of people out there that arent as fortunate. Youll find someone when its the right time.

Mr_Music's photo
Fri 05/22/09 11:48 AM

I'm in urgent need of some spoiling...

I need to be reminded that I'm really just a princess trapped in an overworked, under-appreciated, single mommy's body...

Well, at least it's good to see that you're not presumptuous or anything. whoa

no photo
Fri 05/22/09 11:53 AM
surprised Sadly all the princess spoiling gentlemen have moved out of Oregon. ohwell

MeChrissy2's photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:01 PM
I have a wedgie.grumble

TBRich's photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:02 PM

I have a wedgie.grumble

Do you need some needle nose pliers?

OrangeCat's photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:03 PM