Thu 05/07/09 08:16 AM
 My bf and I have been together for a year.  We finally told each other "I love you".  Now my ex is trying to contact me again by email and he is saying if I do not talk to him he will just show up at my house.  Should I let my bf know that my ex is bothering me?
Thu 05/07/09 08:18 AM
Thu 05/07/09 08:18 AM
Most definitely! If ya don't then he could think there is more going back and forth between you and the ex than there is.
Thu 05/07/09 08:20 AM
I have the same problem... My ex still hasn't gotten over me and from the start of my new relationship I let my new bf know that I do have baggage but it's not my fault. My new bf is very understanding, however; there are some guys I dated who if I would tell them I was being harassed, it would cause a butt-kicking lol
I would send a very firm e-mail to my ex in that case and tell him he is *not* welcome at your house. If you still feel like you have no control over the outcome and your man is understanding, bring the bf into the situation.
Good luck (:
Thu 05/07/09 08:22 AM
ummmmmmmmmmmm  I would probably also think about a protective order....have all the back-up you can. I would consider that a threat and not take it lightly. If he knows you don't want to see him and you are in a relationship...then he should be man enough to back off....if he is set on seeing you, regardless of how you feel....that spells danger.
Thu 05/07/09 08:23 AM
Thu 05/07/09 08:24 AM
short sweet and to the point very simple
Thu 05/07/09 08:24 AM
ummmmmmmmmmmm  I would probably also think about a protective order....have all the back-up you can. I would consider that a threat and not take it lightly. If he knows you don't want to see him and you are in a relationship...then he should be man enough to back off....if he is set on seeing you, regardless of how you feel....that spells danger.
I agree
Thu 05/07/09 08:25 AM
You should tell him.... You shouldn't hide anything from the person you love
Thu 05/07/09 08:26 AM
Most definitely! If ya don't then he could think there is more going back and forth between you and the ex than there is.
Thu 05/07/09 08:30 AM
ummmmmmmmmmmm  I would probably also think about a protective order....have all the back-up you can. I would consider that a threat and not take it lightly. If he knows you don't want to see him and you are in a relationship...then he should be man enough to back off....if he is set on seeing you, regardless of how you feel....that spells danger.
I agree
For sure...been there, done that...and it doesn't stop until you stand up and take care of it.
Thu 05/07/09 08:31 AM
I have the same problem... My ex still hasn't gotten over me and from the start of my new relationship I let my new bf know that I do have baggage but it's not my fault. My new bf is very understanding, however; there are some guys I dated who if I would tell them I was being harassed, it would cause a butt-kicking lol
I would send a very firm e-mail to my ex in that case and tell him he is *not* welcome at your house. If you still feel like you have no control over the outcome and your man is understanding, bring the bf into the situation.
Good luck (:
Thu 05/07/09 08:31 AM
 My bf and I have been together for a year.  We finally told each other "I love you".  Now my ex is trying to contact me again by email and he is saying if I do not talk to him he will just show up at my house.  Should I let my bf know that my ex is bothering me?
well yea dont you think its only right. for just think if your ex shows up
Thu 05/07/09 08:32 AM
 My bf and I have been together for a year.  We finally told each other "I love you".  Now my ex is trying to contact me again by email and he is saying if I do not talk to him he will just show up at my house.  Should I let my bf know that my ex is bothering me?
Now see Mirror...it's questions like this that confused me in the beginning as to your gender! Man, was I surprised...remember that? That was so funny to me, anyway.
You have a great day!
Thu 05/07/09 08:32 AM
 My bf and I have been together for a year.  We finally told each other "I love you".  Now my ex is trying to contact me again by email and he is saying if I do not talk to him he will just show up at my house.  Should I let my bf know that my ex is bothering me?
Would you expect your BF to let you know?
If the roles were reversed.
Thu 05/07/09 08:32 AM
 My bf and I have been together for a year.  We finally told each other "I love you".  Now my ex is trying to contact me again by email and he is saying if I do not talk to him he will just show up at my house.  Should I let my bf know that my ex is bothering me?
my question is ...when the hell did you go gay??
Thu 05/07/09 08:34 AM
 My bf and I have been together for a year.  We finally told each other "I love you".  Now my ex is trying to contact me again by email and he is saying if I do not talk to him he will just show up at my house.  Should I let my bf know that my ex is bothering me?
my question is ...when the hell did you go gay??
 I was wondering when someone was gonna notice that.  No,Im not gay.  I wrote the question to sound like something a chick would say.
Thu 05/07/09 08:35 AM
Edited by
Thu 05/07/09 08:36 AM
 My bf and I have been together for a year.  We finally told each other "I love you".  Now my ex is trying to contact me again by email and he is saying if I do not talk to him he will just show up at my house.  Should I let my bf know that my ex is bothering me?
my question is ...when the hell did you go gay??
 I was wondering when someone was gonna notice that.  No,Im not gay.  I wrote the question to sound like something a chick would say.
thats all i gotta say about that!!
Thu 05/07/09 08:36 AM
 My bf and I have been together for a year.  We finally told each other "I love you".  Now my ex is trying to contact me again by email and he is saying if I do not talk to him he will just show up at my house.  Should I let my bf know that my ex is bothering me?
my question is ...when the hell did you go gay??
 I was wondering when someone was gonna notice that.  No,Im not gay.  I wrote the question to sound like something a chick would say.
WOW!! i was going to ask someone else for i was just thinking you were
Thu 05/07/09 08:36 AM