Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:04 AM

laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:33 AM
Fanta -- Well, it was an honest mistake!


buckethand56's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:35 AM
I try to be the same person, don't aleays turn out that way

FallenAngel4U's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:36 AM
reputation....What reputation LMAO
flowerforyou laugh

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:38 AM
What a precious picture FAflowerforyou flowerforyou

slikylisa's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:38 AM

FallenAngel4U's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:40 AM
Thanks you Fanta
its my daughter and her son
She took it with her cell
and very appropriate for Mothers dayflowerforyou

Meeshep's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:45 AM
Can't say I have a reputation here but I have been told that I am the
same weither on here or in person. Now weither that's a good thing or
not is another question intirely.

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:53 AM
I'm the same person in real life that I am here, but I don't go around
discussing in detail (or even thinking about) the topics I discuss in
here. What I talk about here in the forums is simply what I think about
certain things, which is somewhat far removed from the activities of my
daily life.

What I do in "real" life is I spend a lot of time doing my editing work,
then I spend a lot of time gardening, shoveling, raking, mowing,
weedeating, planting, watering, I run errands and do regular shopping
every two weeks, I go to the zoo and walk for exercise and a mental
break from the "grind," and I spend some time (not much) talking to my
neighbor, and a good bit of time playing with my dogs.

And not as often, but when schedules permit, I'll go and visit my
daughter and we'll go to lunch or shopping or whatever.

I take a lot of pride in the hard work I do to keep my yard looking nice
(which is no easy task and it's a work in progress; I still have TONS
left to do with landscaping and planting, etc. (especially in the
backyard) that only time, strength and finances are keeping me from
being able to do all at once. But since I'm doing everything by myself I
really get a sense of satisfaction out of that.

Generally I'm a pretty happy person but I'm not the kind to talk about
things that are going well...cuz that's boring. I come to discussion
forums to debate and discuss, so I usually participate in the
discussions and topics where I can present an opposing viewpoint. I
don't much see the sense in participating in forum "discussions" wherein
everyone agrees with everyone else. I feel like it's "Okay, we all agree
with each other. Well, don't we feel validated now? Hmm, now what do we
do? I know! Let's find another topic we can all agree on!"

Just an observation.

I'd much rather see lively, healthy debate (even "heated," to a point)
than to see a bunch of ho-hum "group hugging" type stuff. That's just

drinker flowerforyou

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:58 AM
This could be tricky, as I really have no idea how I am perceived here.
Well, maybe I do. I think that people see me as a religious,
boring,almost goody two shoes woman. Couldn't be further from the truth.
I am in fact, spiritual and believe in God. That being said, in person,
I actually am quite funny, loud in laughter and spur of the moment
outspoken, deliberate, silly and just a little dirty.

While I am very compassionate in heart, and fair: I can also be irate
and can easily have an unfair first impression. My faith does a good job
of keeping my truths in check, but my humanist side also lets in the
mistrust and failures of people and gives me pause. So, I am not so
different from many of us here.

It is the delay of the forums that gives me time to have an impression
to others. If it were in a crowd setting or one on one; the "now" me
would most likely sound different. I wouldn't have time to analize
before I spoke.

I think I would be liked more if one knew me in

masterpiece2's photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:22 AM
i am the same pretty much as in real , but in real iam funnyer
and laugh a lot but you cant hear that here and i sometimes come out and
say something funny for no reason lol ,

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:41 AM
Humm pretty much the same, humm except real life not so easy to turn me
off lmao. I do have fun and very much a talker. Life is too short must
have laughter in my life humor is what gets me throuh the day. And will
say anything or talk about anything its just life we might as well enjoy
it as we go.bigsmile

Arabella5's photo
Thu 05/10/07 10:17 AM
My reputation precedes me, from that OTHER site laugh

Everyone thinks I am the farmer chicken lady....

Silly people bigsmile

newguy's photo
Thu 05/10/07 10:22 AM
When you meet me in person your gonna love me even morebigsmile

kntrygal1964's photo
Thu 05/10/07 10:39 AM
im not as tough as ppl think iam.

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 10:40 AM

TwilightsTwin's photo
Thu 05/10/07 10:42 AM
Ask Chris,

I am about the same on the computer...minus the wild hand gestures,
goofy facial expressions, and excited TEE HEE HEE's

redmange420's photo
Thu 05/10/07 12:31 PM
I'm an asshole, either place.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 05/10/07 12:34 PM
new guy this isn't the diva post, love.laugh laugh laugh

thanks everyone for sharing and being so open..flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

josehon's photo
Thu 05/10/07 12:35 PM
i guess i am in a way different..i'm much more open on jsh than in real
life. but my attitudes and sentiments here and in real life are the