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Topic: What to do...
shotglass's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:38 AM
if you cant wake him after all that then yeah you should give up because he is a man and its his responsibility to get up on his own. and i know you are trying to help him but it seems to me if he is that hard to get up then he must stay up half the night or something

nelnel6280's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:43 AM

buy him a screaming meanie (a timer alarm)

and have him set it on the other side of the room

he will get up

no doubt in my mind lol

Where do I find a screaming meanie... That sounds like it will wake him rofl

nelnel6280's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:44 AM

if he does not have the courtesy to let you know the correct time to call that is inconsiderate enough

but to have you do it multiple times and then either not get up or not let you know he was up and you need not call back

sounds like a training exercise

he wants to train you to do what he wants

I think you all misunderstand me.... He merely asked me to wake him up and he has trouble waking up cause of the medicine he takes... No need to make him out like a bad guy

i never said he was

"""a bad guy"""

those are your words

what does that tell you

Well it doesn't tell me anything and maybe "bad guy" wasn't the right words... more or less everyone is making it out to be bad that I was trying to wake him up noway :smile:

no photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:56 AM
you woke him twice the first time he said give me 3 more minutes.. the second time he said ten.. after that he didn't answer. It seems to me you full filled your obligation to wake him. He knew he needed the extra wake up and he answered you. he was awake you can not make him get up however. .... go on about your day feeling as if you did what was asked of you . JMO

nelnel6280's photo
Mon 05/04/09 08:01 AM

you woke him twice the first time he said give me 3 more minutes.. the second time he said ten.. after that he didn't answer. It seems to me you full filled your obligation to wake him. He knew he needed the extra wake up and he answered you. he was awake you can not make him get up however. .... go on about your day feeling as if you did what was asked of you . JMO

happy Thank You well put and that's indeed what I am doing... Oh and as far as I know... 2 hours later now I have not heard from him so I'd say he's sleeping him.....
Lucky Dog tongue2 pitchfork :laughing:

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