Topic: It"s all Obama's Now
Winx's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:14 AM

ok...what if someone else was elected??? would they be able to use the same excuse???huh

i find it interesting

they put someone in the prez chair

have them totally pizz off the majority of the people

then the next person put there gets major breaks (and pass cause it was the hated guys fault) even tho the new guy is doing a lot of the same things (tho he said he would not in his campaign)

what a brilliant idea those in real power have initiated

brilliant just brilliant

Who ever said that the majority of the people are mad at him?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:18 AM
let me use an analogy....i do bookkeeping for a living. if i took the place of someone that completely messed up the books...what good does it do to blame the other person??? i fix the problem and get back on track and it would be MY fault if i don't do my job and get the books back on track since i am the new bookkeeper

adj4u's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:35 AM

ok...what if someone else was elected??? would they be able to use the same excuse???huh

i find it interesting

they put someone in the prez chair

have them totally pizz off the majority of the people

then the next person put there gets major breaks (and pass cause it was the hated guys fault) even tho the new guy is doing a lot of the same things (tho he said he would not in his campaign)

what a brilliant idea those in real power have initiated

brilliant just brilliant

Who ever said that the majority of the people are mad at him?

are you saying they were not

reading the posts here shows the majority do not like bush

the election results show the majority did not like him

InvictusV's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:38 AM

people just want to love obama.

im not sure what hes done to deserve all this love.......but i am so amazed at people's love for a politican.

I like it that Bush is gone and we don't have McCain/Palin.

so it would not matter who was elected they would get carte balnche because of the bush issues


that would move the puppeteers agenda on a faster track would it not

interesting very interesting

I think it could be worse if we had McCain/Palin.

That is pure speculation Winx. I hope all of you that blindly follow this guy are still around here when his absurd deficit spending begins to really cause a crisis. We cannot sustain trillion dollar deficits. The chicken is going to come home to roost one day. I can't wait to read the excuses that will be given when it does.

adj4u's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:41 AM

people just want to love obama.

im not sure what hes done to deserve all this love.......but i am so amazed at people's love for a politican.

I like it that Bush is gone and we don't have McCain/Palin.

so it would not matter who was elected they would get carte balnche because of the bush issues


that would move the puppeteers agenda on a faster track would it not

interesting very interesting

I think it could be worse if we had McCain/Palin.

why is that could you explain what your thoughts are

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:42 AM

let me use an analogy....i do bookkeeping for a living. if i took the place of someone that completely messed up the books...what good does it do to blame the other person??? i fix the problem and get back on track and it would be MY fault if i don't do my job and get the books back on track since i am the new bookkeeper

If you dont do your job then you will be fired! Still you would never be held responsible for the books being messed up before you took the job!

If you get the books back on track, like you were hired to do, the company would still be missing the money from before and that would not be your fault. Still missing, but not your responsibility and there would be nothing in your power to enable it to be suddenly put back!

Get it?

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:44 AM

ok...what if someone else was elected??? would they be able to use the same excuse???huh

i find it interesting

they put someone in the prez chair

have them totally pizz off the majority of the people

then the next person put there gets major breaks (and pass cause it was the hated guys fault) even tho the new guy is doing a lot of the same things (tho he said he would not in his campaign)

what a brilliant idea those in real power have initiated

brilliant just brilliant

Who ever said that the majority of the people are mad at him?

If anyone did they would be wrong!
68% approval rating proves that!
A small disgruntled but loud few doesn't!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:46 AM

people just want to love obama.

im not sure what hes done to deserve all this love.......but i am so amazed at people's love for a politican.

I like it that Bush is gone and we don't have McCain/Palin.

This is no accident winx!

willing2's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:46 AM
Google, "vote of no confidence" and you will be surprised by how many of his one-time supporters are giving him this vote.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:48 AM

let's say (for the sake of arguement) that I was elected president in 2012....could I blame it on BHO and get away with it??? probably not.

Blame what? LMAO

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:48 AM

let me use an analogy....i do bookkeeping for a living. if i took the place of someone that completely messed up the books...what good does it do to blame the other person??? i fix the problem and get back on track and it would be MY fault if i don't do my job and get the books back on track since i am the new bookkeeper

If you dont do your job then you will be fired! Still you would never be held responsible for the books being messed up before you took the job!

If you get the books back on track, like you were hired to do, the company would still be missing the money from before and that would not be your fault. Still missing, but not your responsibility and there would be nothing in your power to enable it to be suddenly put back!

Get it?

oh...i get it:wink:

adj4u's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:51 AM

final full month of his Presidency, just 13% of American adults said they Strongly Approved of the way that George W. Bush performed his job as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapproved. That gives the President a -30 rating on the Presidential Approval Index


maybe disapproval does not mean they are mad

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:04 PM
Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Jr., Obama, democrat, republican. Is there really any difference between them? Isn't all just politics as normal.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:06 PM

let me use an analogy....i do bookkeeping for a living. if i took the place of someone that completely messed up the books...what good does it do to blame the other person??? i fix the problem and get back on track and it would be MY fault if i don't do my job and get the books back on track since i am the new bookkeeper

If you dont do your job then you will be fired! Still you would never be held responsible for the books being messed up before you took the job!

If you get the books back on track, like you were hired to do, the company would still be missing the money from before and that would not be your fault. Still missing, but not your responsibility and there would be nothing in your power to enable it to be suddenly put back!

Get it?

oh...i get it:wink:

It might take your proverbial company many years to make that money!

The question is how do you make sure another accountant doesnt do it again.

There are things like jail and restitution for the old accountant (Burn the Bush).

how can the company be sure it wont happen again?

Could they require the books be checked more often? (regulations)

And how do you keep the company from complete failure when it is discovered the old accountant had swindled the company and lied on the books?
Borrow more money to pay the bills?
Buckle up and get back to doing business?
(earning the cash back!)
Make the company profitable again!

Never forget to punish the old accountant though or every one who comes after will think they can do it and get away with it too

Winx's photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:20 PM

people just want to love obama.

im not sure what hes done to deserve all this love.......but i am so amazed at people's love for a politican.

I like it that Bush is gone and we don't have McCain/Palin.

so it would not matter who was elected they would get carte balnche because of the bush issues


that would move the puppeteers agenda on a faster track would it not

interesting very interesting

I think it could be worse if we had McCain/Palin.

That is pure speculation Winx. I hope all of you that blindly follow this guy are still around here when his absurd deficit spending begins to really cause a crisis. We cannot sustain trillion dollar deficits. The chicken is going to come home to roost one day. I can't wait to read the excuses that will be given when it does.

I don't follow blindly. I researched. I didn't like McCain/Palin and I didn't like the last four years of Bush.

Winx's photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:22 PM

people just want to love obama.

im not sure what hes done to deserve all this love.......but i am so amazed at people's love for a politican.

I like it that Bush is gone and we don't have McCain/Palin.

so it would not matter who was elected they would get carte balnche because of the bush issues


that would move the puppeteers agenda on a faster track would it not

interesting very interesting

I think it could be worse if we had McCain/Palin.

why is that could you explain what your thoughts are

I spent months telling why I didn't like McCain/Palin. I don't have time for that right now.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:36 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 05/03/09 12:53 PM

Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Jr., Obama, democrat, republican. Is there really any difference between them? Isn't all just politics as normal.

I don't have a susceptible or addictive personality.
I never have,
I dont abstain from cheating, lying, or stealing based upon popularity.

I dont cheat, lie, and steal just because everyone is doing it, and I dont believe Im the only one in the world who lives with these values!

Politics as Normal?

Applying repercussions for wrong and criminal behavior would make the current behavior very unpopular.

I dont feel its politics as it has to be.
Complacent and uninformed voters are what brought us to this point.
Years of it but those times are over.
People are getting informed and they are voting based on important issues.

Now comes Change, and
we are the only ones who can bring it!
Its too big for anyone to do on their own, and
it will have too much momentum for anyone to stop on their own.

It has begun,,,

nogames39's photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:37 PM

let me use an analogy....i do bookkeeping for a living. if i took the place of someone that completely messed up the books...what good does it do to blame the other person??? i fix the problem and get back on track and it would be MY fault if i don't do my job and get the books back on track since i am the new bookkeeper

If you dont do your job then you will be fired! Still you would never be held responsible for the books being messed up before you took the job!

If you get the books back on track, like you were hired to do, the company would still be missing the money from before and that would not be your fault. Still missing, but not your responsibility and there would be nothing in your power to enable it to be suddenly put back!

Get it?


You should be at least doing something to fix the problem. You can't sit there doing nothing, or, like Obama keep creating even a bigger mess, simply because someone else have created some mess already.

His fault is that not only Obama doesn't keep the status quo, he is attempting to completely destroy the country.

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:45 PM
Edited by ThomasJB on Sun 05/03/09 12:55 PM
The only diff between Bush and Obama is what they will spend money on to bankrupt the country.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:54 PM

let me use an analogy....i do bookkeeping for a living. if i took the place of someone that completely messed up the books...what good does it do to blame the other person??? i fix the problem and get back on track and it would be MY fault if i don't do my job and get the books back on track since i am the new bookkeeper

If you dont do your job then you will be fired! Still you would never be held responsible for the books being messed up before you took the job!

If you get the books back on track, like you were hired to do, the company would still be missing the money from before and that would not be your fault. Still missing, but not your responsibility and there would be nothing in your power to enable it to be suddenly put back!

Get it?

oh...i get it:wink:

It might take your proverbial company many years to make that money!

The question is how do you make sure another accountant doesnt do it again.

There are things like jail and restitution for the old accountant (Burn the Bush).

how can the company be sure it wont happen again?

Could they require the books be checked more often? (regulations)

And how do you keep the company from complete failure when it is discovered the old accountant had swindled the company and lied on the books?
Borrow more money to pay the bills?
Buckle up and get back to doing business?
(earning the cash back!)
Make the company profitable again!

Never forget to punish the old accountant though or every one who comes after will think they can do it and get away with it too