Topic: pain..
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Thu 04/30/09 10:57 AM
The pain I feel deep inside
when you hurt.
The pain I feel
it just seems to be the worse .
Sometimes it rips me apart.
grabs my chest and rips out my heart.
nothing I can do to stop the pain
the moment I'm with out you I feel left in the rain
I watch as it poors down.
I wait and wait but it seems for ever before I see you around.
Maybe it's the drops of blood the ones I cried.
maybe it's the love that people say has died.
but I don't think so the love I have is to strong.
and love don't matter if you're gone.

The pain I feel deep inside
makes me hope you never say goodbye.


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Thu 04/30/09 11:06 AM
flowerforyou flowers flowerforyou
Very Nice Write.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 04/30/09 11:07 AM

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Thu 04/30/09 11:16 AM
Tank you thats means alot to me.