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Topic: Why are man picky?
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Sun 10/01/06 12:28 AM
I've noticed some picky man. I want to know why are they picky. please
post a reply.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 12:29 AM
picky concerning what?

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 12:38 AM
Everything. They complain about breasts and figures and beauty. I think
picky man don't know exactly what they want. They should be checked out
off the list.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 12:42 AM
possibly, or they know exactly what they want. i guess it all depends on
who you are talking to. some men have a specific interest in certain
looks, i love em all. i don't think there is anything better than a
womans body so i think they are all beautiful. try to relate it to what
you are looking for physically in a man. most woman have likes and
dislikes as well, it's nothing personal.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 10/01/06 12:58 AM
ahhhh don't let it get to ya angel..lotsa picky women out there too
;-)'s human nature, especially when searching for a prospective
mate... we just gotta have the brains to over come those stupid little
"prejudices"..but I do know what you mean, I had a buddy of
mine(somewhat brain dead) who had gone out with gorgeous girls, and as
he got older, gorgeous women...anyway, when we were older there was this
one lady that really liked him, her house was always clean, sometimes
messy( I like to call it lived in) but never dirty. She was an excellent
cook and just such a nice person, and she was rather attractive
physically too BUT, she wasn't up to the "standard" of the women he
usually went out with as far as looks went. Now at almost 40, he's still
single and I do believe he missed the bus on that one..I think whoever
she might have wound up marrying or at least being with was one happy,
lucky man. Hell, if I wasn't already married to my 1st disaster, I would
have been interested lol

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 01:00 AM
Hi Angel,
Dont you think that women are picky about the men that they choose too?
I do believe that men are more concerned initially with a womans looks,
because thats the way that most men are.
If they arent attracted physically to a woman it is difficult for them
to even want to get to know her. I believe it has something to do with
procreation. God made men physical beings,
whereas, women were created to be emotional beings. Women are
more concerned with personality, security, strength and all the
other good things that make a man attractive to a woman. Think
way back to the caveman days. The caveman was out and about
sneaking up behind any unsuspecting young female so that he could follow
his instincts. The cave woman, I suspect, tried to
be with the strongest, smartest, best hunter, who could protect her and
father children who were smart, strong survivors.
Its not a mystery. Its a fact of life.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 01:00 AM
i think that people that put too many restrictions on the physical
beauty miss out on alot of good people and that is a good example animal

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 02:18 AM
because you give them too many choices lol

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:28 AM
well i know im kinda picky cause im not looking for a casual
relationship or anything like that ...the woman i choose to be has to be
what i am really looking for because i want to spend my life and soul
with that person ive had enough bad experiances to know what i want and
what i dont want i really think its a big deal ive had one failed
marriage i dont want to have another failed relationship

TheShadow's photo
Sun 10/01/06 09:56 AM
I think men and women are picky. Because of the way we were brought up
to think what is beautiful and what is not. Yes, you want to be
attracted to them. But, what I think is you should be attracted to what
you think is beautiful. Not what everyone else think is beautiful.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:00 PM
im glad im not picky!.. lol

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:12 PM
Thank you king. Thats a good reply. You have a point too.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:18 PM
Well lionsbrew you should find another solution to be picky at. If
you're looking for what you said. You should be acceptive to those who
might interest you. Trust me my ex wasn't attracted. What attracted me
from him was his personality thats all. Well now forget it he is a loser
and a bad father. So he doesn't seem to have a personality any more. He
is a "moma boy". Guys if you are one and are trying to look for someone.
Try to make sure that person is ok with it. If not leave them and don't
make their life misserable k. Because the one who will sufer is you.
Well if you didn't get my point just don't hesitate to ask k.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:20 PM
Good reply "the shadow". Hope man and woman think like you.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:20 PM

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:31 PM
i know what you mean angel. my last girlfriend could not stand up to her
family either and i generally took the brunt of her anger till i decided
that even tho i loved her to death, things were never going to change
and i did not want to spend the rest of my life going through that. i
know that it is easier said than done but try not to let his behavior
get you down because it is not worth it. i walked away from the best
love of my life(to this date)and although i wish it could have ended
differently, i don't regret it and i am not upset or bitter about it. i
guess you have to come to the realization that they were not going to
change, were not the right person for you and that you are better off
without him. you are young and attractive so i don't think that you will
have any problems finding another one. i hope the next one is a winner,
good luck

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:57 PM
Aww!... Thank you "Kingbreeze". I hope so.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 04:02 PM
It is easy to convince yourself that nothing will ever happen..reality
gives you nothing but negatives alot of the time..sometimes it is
extrememly hard to weed out can miss them entirely///a
girl like you could have any man she wants...Go choose angel go

sexymichy220's photo
Fri 10/06/06 02:36 PM
humm everybody is picky in some way..........but it really makes me mad
if when men want you to be perfect, have this have that and the are butt
ugly, they have some nerves that what I think......

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 10/07/06 08:14 AM
i wasnt talking about just looks angel im being picky about he whole
package not just looks im sorry if you got the wrong impression i dont
want just the casual thing you know what i mean doesnt mean im
close minded to people im just picky to what i want ..and you have to
talk to people and date them to find if they are right for you i just
know what i want is all.

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