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willing2's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:00 AM
I had a friend that insisted on going through it several times and she didn't even have a ticket.laugh

adj4u's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:01 AM
kinda like having to take your shoes off

how many threats has that exercise found

this is a training program to see how much humiliation the "people" will put up with and to ease them into submission slowly

but hey

what do i now

tngxl65's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:33 AM

Ever wonder how many explosives, guns etc. have been found on potential passengers since these inspections started? What's the percentage? I am sure the TSA and DHS won't be sharing the true numbers. If they did this farce would be exposed for what it truly is.

Now don't get me wrong I am sure there are people like me who have a pen knife on their key chain the might forget to remove...but honestly...what sort of threat reduction are we talking about here?

Just last week there was a passenger on a plane, a former or current member of the armed services I don't recall which, who had explosives and arms in his carry on made it past all the screeners. The holes in security are huge obviously, look at the various stories about things being stolen from luggage in airports. That indicates a lack of security there as well.

In truth there are thousands of ways to cause massive loss of life situations...there simply is not a way to guard against all of them. This is a truth any logical reasonable person knows.

These inspections are in place to create a false sense of security, to further the fear mentality and condition the populace to accept search without probable cause.

Life is full of risks.

All I know that a commercial airliner originating in the U.S. hasn't been blown up or hijacked sinec 9/11. I'm ok with it. And how do you know how many people you've kept from even trying?

Lynann's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:42 AM
haha Bought right in haven't ya?

Let's look for just a second at just a few ways I could cause massive loss of life. Umm never mind let's not...I am likely already on a list.

Airliners are a drop in the bucket.

If the government was truly concerned about security in the US they would subject trucks, trains and ports to the same sort of security that they do my mother when she flies to Florida.

But...go ahead...buy the hype...remain afraid of what they tell you to be afraid of despite the fact that all you are doing is surrendering your rights, eroding the Constitution and conditioning the people to accept illegal and unreasonable searches.

I have news for you buddy...you aren't safer...there are lots of ways to kill large numbers of civilians that have nothing to do with airplanes.

franshade's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:44 AM
I agree it's a false sense of security.

I am one of the lucky ones to be 'randomly' selected for these searches. Don't truly believe there is any special checking going but more of a hindrance for travelers (speaking for myself of course). I travel light and wear appropriate clothing to make all it thru with ease at all "random checks points', now they want to be able to see thru my clothing - GTFO!!! again just my opinion.

Lynann's photo
Wed 04/29/09 10:06 AM
Gee...all this security and...haah


Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kenton Weaver's parents knew the 13-year-old boy with Autism had a burning desire to take a plane ride, but never did they imagine he'd manage to buy a ticket, snatch his dad's car, drive to the airport and take a cross-country flight.

But that's exactly what he did, leaving his dad's suburban Boca Raton house before dawn and landing around midnight east coast time in San Jose - just a few hours from his mom's home.

Kenton Weaver is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. These children often have a couple deeply held fascinations and Kenton has two: food and planes.

Both parents are relieved their boy survived his first-time behind the wheel all the way to Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport and a coast-to-coast solo airplane ride, but the boy's journey leaves many troubling questions.

"I can't believe he pulled this off," said his mom, Kim Casey who lives in the Fresno area. "I'm flabberghasted."

His father, Dean Weaver, suspects Kenton used a stolen credit card number to buy a ticket on Southwest Airlines, but how could someone sell him that ticket without the actual card or photo ID?

The 13-year-old doesn't have a passport, driver license or any photo ID his father knows of, so how'd he get past airport security?

San Jose police found him in their airport last night. In addition to his mother, the boy's mother, uncle and grandfather live in the area - which was probably one of the destination's appeals. And last night he stayed with his uncle, Dean Weaver said.

Weaver hasn't made any immediate plans to fly his son back.

"I think I'd like for him to stay there for a while. I'm obviously not set up here to keep him, though I've tried," Weaver said. "I have another son, 8 years old. My fear is next time he gets in the car, he might take his little brother."

The youngster has always been a bit of wanderer, his mother said Wednesday morning as she headed north to meet with her son.

"Even at four- or five years old we've have problems with this" with him leaving home, that is, she said. "He's very bright, but at the same time has very little common sense and few inhibitions."

Kenton is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of Autism. These children often have a couple deeply held fascinations and Dean Weaver says Kenton holds two: food and planes.

"He'll do anything to go to an airport," Weaver said. "He wants to be a pilot. He applies for jobs at the airport. He collects (toy) planes. He's just fascinated."

This was not Kenton's first attempt to get to the airport.

Twice in the last week, authorities returned Kenton to his dad's house from the local Tri-Rail station where Kenton was trying to get a ride to the airport.

He told his dad he wanted to visit friends from their previous home in St. Louis, Weaver said.

"Recently he had really become extremely fixated on leaving town on a plane. He said he wanted to visit some friends in St. Louis, but I think he really just wanted to ride a plane."

Weaver has employed a team of professionals to help Kenton both academically - he attends Eagles Landing Middle School - and medically.

The boy takes medicine to address his mood swings and nervousness, Weaver said.

When the boy was hauled back home after the Tri-Rail attempts, Weaver tried giving the boy a stern talk. He said he'd also taken other precautions.

But when he woke up at 6 a.m. Tuesday, Kenton wasn't in the house. When Weaver stepped outside to look around, his 2006 Ford Explorer was gone.

"I immediately knew. I didn't know how far he'd drive, because he hadn't driven before. I was so afraid he was going to hurt someone else with the car," Weaver said. "Was he on a bus? On a plane?"

The car turned up on the third level of the airport parking garage, without a scratch.

adj4u's photo
Wed 04/29/09 10:13 AM
13 and no legal travel papers

yet still made it through all that security

so much for being safer

after all a 13 year old with a mental disability proved it to be useless

why am i not surprised

oh yeah remove your shoes and proceed threw the cattle sties through the let me see ya naked machine

talk about a farse security my azz

programing at itz best

franshade's photo
Wed 04/29/09 10:50 AM
Wondering would the parents sue the airport if he had to pass thru one of these body imagining scans? would it be considered child porn?

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 04/29/09 10:56 AM
I've had to go thru the TSA security every day since I work at the airport out here. People can come to me and whine and moan about long lines, pat downs and such after they have to go thru that everyday for a year.

Just saying >_>

franshade's photo
Wed 04/29/09 11:27 AM

I've had to go thru the TSA security every day since I work at the airport out here. People can come to me and whine and moan about long lines, pat downs and such after they have to go thru that everyday for a year.

Just saying >_>

Does it make you feel safer working there?

As for the moans, whines and pat downs (sorry mind jumped in the gutter for a second pitchfork

adj4u's photo
Wed 04/29/09 11:31 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 04/29/09 11:31 AM

I've had to go thru the TSA security every day since I work at the airport out here. People can come to me and whine and moan about long lines, pat downs and such after they have to go thru that everyday for a year.

Just saying >_>

this is exactly what is eroding the rights afforded to the ""people"" by the constitution

indifference (at least you are getting paid to go through it others are paying to go through it)

just saying drinker

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 04/29/09 12:08 PM

I've had to go thru the TSA security every day since I work at the airport out here. People can come to me and whine and moan about long lines, pat downs and such after they have to go thru that everyday for a year.

Just saying >_>

Does it make you feel safer working there?

As for the moans, whines and pat downs (sorry mind jumped in the gutter for a second pitchfork

Guys pat down the guys and ladies pat down ladies....I WANT TO GET PAT DOWN BY A WOMAN! I have not felt a woman's touch in months...pitchfork

franshade's photo
Wed 04/29/09 12:13 PM

I've had to go thru the TSA security every day since I work at the airport out here. People can come to me and whine and moan about long lines, pat downs and such after they have to go thru that everyday for a year.

Just saying >_>

Does it make you feel safer working there?

As for the moans, whines and pat downs (sorry mind jumped in the gutter for a second pitchfork

Guys pat down the guys and ladies pat down ladies....I WANT TO GET PAT DOWN BY A WOMAN! I have not felt a woman's touch in months...pitchfork

see you're joining me in the gutter now huh? no body scan needed pitchfork

and you never responded, passing thru those check points, do you feel safer working there?

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 01:53 PM

Privacy? Body image? Safety? I choose safety, thank you very much.

Doesn't bother me anymore than getting an xray at the doctors office. If I must fly, I prefer not to fly with a terrorist or several. And I am sure other passengers would like to know that I am not carrying a concealed weapon. I would think terrorists would be on the side of those privacy advocates. They depended on us to be more concerned about privacy then safety. No?

What am I missing? I would think that those that died in those planes on 9/11 would have given up a moment of discomfort for the peace of mind of knowing they would get home to their families.

Your right to choose what's best for you, I chose otherwise. Nothing to do with body image, just my personal feel of being violated. It is very different than the xray at the docs office :wink:

You are just relying on the person reading the scan to make you feel safer, that's on you.

As for being more concerned about privacy than safety - that's a big vague lol, as all you are doing is handing off your safety to someone else not to a safer way of things.

As to what you are missing, is that I don't agree. Everyone I am certain (regardless of 9/11) wants the comfort and peace of mind of friends, family members returning safely from their journeys. Would it have made a difference, sad to say, we will never know. We can all guess and assume, but we shall never know.

But then again this is my opinion nothing else.

The body image part was not in response to you, it was in response to someone elses post, but I didn't miss that you wouldn't agree. :wink: I wouldn't be relying on the person taking the scan so much as the machine itself making it very clear I am unarmed. To me it's very similar to an xray at the docs office where I am expected to disrob, though that doesn't bother me either, I am sure they have seen bodies enough not to be weirded out by them after a while. The scanner I saw that did this same thing had a curtain on it, wasn't like the scan was there for all to see.

If we had had that technology before 9/11 there is a very good chance those creeps would have had less of a chance to overtake anything. I am not expecting 100% here but reasonable would be nice. Hell I don't expect 100% that the damn plane won't go down.

I won't drive all the way a cross country when I can take a plane and get there faster either. That's Just me though. I don't look at it as being violated, I see it as being protective, of not just myself but those flying with me. Everyone will see it differently I suppose but it's ok by me.

franshade's photo
Wed 04/29/09 02:02 PM

Privacy? Body image? Safety? I choose safety, thank you very much.

Doesn't bother me anymore than getting an xray at the doctors office. If I must fly, I prefer not to fly with a terrorist or several. And I am sure other passengers would like to know that I am not carrying a concealed weapon. I would think terrorists would be on the side of those privacy advocates. They depended on us to be more concerned about privacy then safety. No?

What am I missing? I would think that those that died in those planes on 9/11 would have given up a moment of discomfort for the peace of mind of knowing they would get home to their families.

Your right to choose what's best for you, I chose otherwise. Nothing to do with body image, just my personal feel of being violated. It is very different than the xray at the docs office :wink:

You are just relying on the person reading the scan to make you feel safer, that's on you.

As for being more concerned about privacy than safety - that's a big vague lol, as all you are doing is handing off your safety to someone else not to a safer way of things.

As to what you are missing, is that I don't agree. Everyone I am certain (regardless of 9/11) wants the comfort and peace of mind of friends, family members returning safely from their journeys. Would it have made a difference, sad to say, we will never know. We can all guess and assume, but we shall never know.

But then again this is my opinion nothing else.

The body image part was not in response to you, it was in response to someone elses post, but I didn't miss that you wouldn't agree. :wink: I wouldn't be relying on the person taking the scan so much as the machine itself making it very clear I am unarmed. To me it's very similar to an xray at the docs office where I am expected to disrob, though that doesn't bother me either, I am sure they have seen bodies enough not to be weirded out by them after a while. The scanner I saw that did this same thing had a curtain on it, wasn't like the scan was there for all to see.

If we had had that technology before 9/11 there is a very good chance those creeps would have had less of a chance to overtake anything. I am not expecting 100% here but reasonable would be nice. Hell I don't expect 100% that the damn plane won't go down.

I won't drive all the way a cross country when I can take a plane and get there faster either. That's Just me though. I don't look at it as being violated, I see it as being protective, of not just myself but those flying with me. Everyone will see it differently I suppose but it's ok by me.

Yay, I don't disrobe for xrays - maybe I should see your xray tech :wink:

but I believe you are putting too much faith in the person reading/viewing the scan not the machine - let's say I'm viewing the machine you pass with a gun, I sneezed and didn't catch it (just an example)

where there is a will there is a way, I'd just rather get dinner before I am seen without my clothing :wink:

The best thing is that we have the choice, me to drive and you to fly. While I do wish us both a safe journey, I don't believe that passing thru a body scan machine, being randomly selected or anything else makes me any more safe, to me it's all a facade, things happen regardless of how prepared or unprepared we are, it's just life. But like I said it's my opinion.

As for guessing regarding 9/11 - here's my take - had we the technology, TSA, body scans, etc., there is no saying things would have ended differently, why because we will never know.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/29/09 02:45 PM
If they didnt check my guess is the same people would gripe about how lax security was at the airports.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/29/09 02:48 PM
Have you ever heard the saying,
"You can't have your cake and eat it too."

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/29/09 02:49 PM

If they didnt check my guess is the same people would gripe about how lax security was at the airports.

me thinks

Winx's photo
Wed 04/29/09 04:17 PM
I don't have a problem with it.

franshade's photo
Thu 04/30/09 06:20 AM

Have you ever heard the saying,
"You can't have your cake and eat it too."

but Fanta, if it's my cake I can eat it tongue2

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