Topic: The Spiritual World and Mystical Magic in Progress | |
Most people don't think things through and follow the possiblity of several lines. It's not that magick is difficult or tricky, it's that it's not set up and laid out right, covering all possibilities.
We won't discuss "love spells", but I get tired of listening to folks try and manipulate the weather. It can be done, but should it? I did read an excellent book called Weather Shamanism and it broke down some of the cause and effects of dabbling with it, and then the types of people who play around, or are more serious about it. I consider meditation different then magick, though a good meditation can create magick, or can give you what you want. It is more thought out though. |
I can just imagine how many people dabble with magick and end up ruining their lives or others or making things worst in the end. It certainly isn't something one should take lightly. I appreciate those who really learn in a responsible way and don't take advantage of their uses in the studies of magick.
I did a rain dance once before. Actually that is how I was finally named from the tribe I hang out with all the time. I am called Wimay which translates to "lazy foot" because I had my kneecap shattered from a bullet while working as a humanitarian awhile back. Because I couldn't dance correctly they admired me because I still tried with all my effort and never gave up. Sure enough it rained later on, which is amazing, but to think rational, I am sure one of the chiefs just looked at the weather channel to predict when it will rain. ![]() Nevertheless, it was highly entertaining and I created more friends that day. |
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i believe that magick is for self empowerment,and to evolve into what we truely are but things in life changed this for man not to believe nor practice..
yes i do have many dreams that i feel that i talk to my friends to warn them,or give advice.. i seen myself in a dream where it was shadowy figure of myself all in black with dark black eyes and roared like a tiger/lion seen future events in my life..sometimes at random i could hear people talk BS about me... |
I have begun to enter into the spiritual world, and have been studying magic and the occult for 25 years now. (I began at 5.) I am finally piecing together the start of the path. Magic is indeed real and truly, every human has within them the ability for it. Whether or not they are ready for the knowledge is another matter entirely. It's also personal to each of us. What I aim to accomplish, is make a large multi-medium art project with bits of the truth of what is really going on here scattered and hidden throughout the art. With the end result being, after seeing the whole project with all of it's interlocking pieces, those that have the wisdom to understand it and the intellect to decode the message will understand it all, and be transformed into sorcerors. This movie will also (I am hoping anyway) unite humanity against our common foe, the ego.
That sounds like a truly wonderful project Causality. I would love to see it when completed.
Like you, I too am concerned with helping humanity in general to find positive and constructive ways to become liberated from lives that are driven entirely by self-motivation. I'm also starting a project along these lines. In my case, it is a book that describes pathways that will reveal everything that is required to understand the futility of self-centeredness, and the wonderful and fulfilling fruition that comes from being a constructive productive part of the whole. In my first book called, "The Labyrinth Way", I show, in a step-by-step fashion how to recognize our true self, not as an individual, but as a cosmic spiritual being. I don't portray the ego as something bad or to be avoided. On the contrary I confront it head-on, but only after much spiritual preparation. The ego (a very strong sense of self) is first encountered as the Chariot. This is well along in the pathway and much necessary preparation has already been addressed. The idea I attempt to covey here is not to fight against the ego but rather to embrace it from our already established spiritual essence. I feel that we should not attempt to fight against this natural tendency, but instead we should step (outside of ourselves) and direct the ego on its journey. Not through struggle, but with true spiritual ease. It is a learning process. This is precisely what the Chariot symbolizes with the two horses struggling to go in separate directions whilst the chariot driver struggles with the rains to keep them under control. I feel that the 'ego' or "Sense of Self" is a natural part of the human condition and should not be shunned. Instead it should be embraced and understood. This is where education and good mentoring need to come in at an early age. The main thing to avoid is to not fall into the trap of allowing the 'ego' (our sense of self) to become the driving motivation of our desires and intents. As we travel the path of the Chariot we meet Gemini, Strength, The Moon Goddess, The Hermit, The Nurturing Wisdom of Cancer and the Purity of Mars before encountering the "ego" once again from an entirely new perspective. This time we are far more mature and we have the initial experience and teaching of the journey of the Chariot under our belt. Here we view the "ego" (a sense of self), not in a bad light at all, but rather as a very valuable tool. Our "Gift of Self" is the most wondrous thing. It doesn't need to be driven by "self-motivation", it can, and should, be driven by a desire to serve the whole through the abilities, skills, and talents, of the individual. In Leo (as it is portrayed in "The Labyrinth Way"), we encounter a mature sense of 'self'. The self that wants to contribute to the whole. It's no accident that the Wheel of Fortune is our next stop on the pathway. The Wheel of Fortune simply reminds us that opportunity abounds all around us eternally. All we need to do is step up and take responsibility to use these opportunities for the good of the whole. The very next figure we meet on the path is the God of Jupiter. Jupiter represents the God of All. The Holy Spirit. The Greeks called him Zeus, the God of Gods. This is a reminder that we are now mature individuals with plenty of opportunity to serve the higher good of all humanity The next figure we meet is Virgo. She has her lessons to teach concerning service to others. From there we move on to the Tarot Justice - this reminds us to view the world from all perspectives, unbiased by our own self-interest. Libra follows which is basically represent he service of Virgo on an even higher and more profound scale of social servitude. Of course, there is a lot more to my story of "The Labyrinth way". I only touched on some of the aspects of the 'ego' or "Sense of Self' here because they resonate with what you have described. So I'm doing something along similar lines as you, except rather than viewing the ego as our foe, I embrace the ego in a positive manner showing how we don't need to reject it or refute it, but rather we can embrace and use our 'sense of self' for the higher good. My teaching is that the ego (the sense of self) is only harmful when it becomes the focal point and driving motivation of our desires and intents. When educated properly about our egos (our sense of self) we can view it from a higher spiritual perspective and use the self for the greater good of all humanity. |
That sounds like a truly wonderful project Causality. I would love to see it when completed. Like you, I too am concerned with helping humanity in general to find positive and constructive ways to become liberated from lives that are driven entirely by self-motivation. I'm also starting a project along these lines. In my case, it is a book that describes pathways that will reveal everything that is required to understand the futility of self-centeredness, and the wonderful and fulfilling fruition that comes from being a constructive productive part of the whole. In my first book called, "The Labyrinth Way", I show, in a step-by-step fashion how to recognize our true self, not as an individual, but as a cosmic spiritual being. I don't portray the ego as something bad or to be avoided. On the contrary I confront it head-on, but only after much spiritual preparation. The ego (a very strong sense of self) is first encountered as the Chariot. This is well along in the pathway and much necessary preparation has already been addressed. The idea I attempt to covey here is not to fight against the ego but rather to embrace it from our already established spiritual essence. I feel that we should not attempt to fight against this natural tendency, but instead we should step (outside of ourselves) and direct the ego on its journey. Not through struggle, but with true spiritual ease. It is a learning process. This is precisely what the Chariot symbolizes with the two horses struggling to go in separate directions whilst the chariot driver struggles with the rains to keep them under control. I feel that the 'ego' or "Sense of Self" is a natural part of the human condition and should not be shunned. Instead it should be embraced and understood. This is where education and good mentoring need to come in at an early age. The main thing to avoid is to not fall into the trap of allowing the 'ego' (our sense of self) to become the driving motivation of our desires and intents. As we travel the path of the Chariot we meet Gemini, Strength, The Moon Goddess, The Hermit, The Nurturing Wisdom of Cancer and the Purity of Mars before encountering the "ego" once again from an entirely new perspective. This time we are far more mature and we have the initial experience and teaching of the journey of the Chariot under our belt. Here we view the "ego" (a sense of self), not in a bad light at all, but rather as a very valuable tool. Our "Gift of Self" is the most wondrous thing. It doesn't need to be driven by "self-motivation", it can, and should, be driven by a desire to serve the whole through the abilities, skills, and talents, of the individual. In Leo (as it is portrayed in "The Labyrinth Way"), we encounter a mature sense of 'self'. The self that wants to contribute to the whole. It's no accident that the Wheel of Fortune is our next stop on the pathway. The Wheel of Fortune simply reminds us that opportunity abounds all around us eternally. All we need to do is step up and take responsibility to use these opportunities for the good of the whole. The very next figure we meet on the path is the God of Jupiter. Jupiter represents the God of All. The Holy Spirit. The Greeks called him Zeus, the God of Gods. This is a reminder that we are now mature individuals with plenty of opportunity to serve the higher good of all humanity The next figure we meet is Virgo. She has her lessons to teach concerning service to others. From there we move on to the Tarot Justice - this reminds us to view the world from all perspectives, unbiased by our own self-interest. Libra follows which is basically represent he service of Virgo on an even higher and more profound scale of social servitude. Of course, there is a lot more to my story of "The Labyrinth way". I only touched on some of the aspects of the 'ego' or "Sense of Self' here because they resonate with what you have described. So I'm doing something along similar lines as you, except rather than viewing the ego as our foe, I embrace the ego in a positive manner showing how we don't need to reject it or refute it, but rather we can embrace and use our 'sense of self' for the higher good. My teaching is that the ego (the sense of self) is only harmful when it becomes the focal point and driving motivation of our desires and intents. When educated properly about our egos (our sense of self) we can view it from a higher spiritual perspective and use the self for the greater good of all humanity. Mayhaps we could each reference the other's project, so that people may view both. Maybe they will even find a better path by balancing the two opposing viewpoints? |
Mayhaps we could each reference the other's project, so that people may view both. Maybe they will even find a better path by balancing the two opposing viewpoints? Absolutely. People should definitely be exposed to different views. What works for one person may not work for another. It's always good to have choices. Choices is what life is all about. ![]() |
I have studied various paths and types of religions and found that the one for me is very earth based. Magick using herbs, words, intent, will and energy works for me. Sometimes it takes awhile for a spell to produce the result, but that's where patience comes into play.
I had 3 "sisters" at one point, women who were of like minds and shared the same beliefs. We were closer than kin because we were united in one purpose. One of my sisters strayed and did things that, quite frankly, made my hair stand on end. She knew what she was doing was wrong, knew the cost of her acts would be extremely high and yet she did it anyway. My other 2 sisters and I bound her. How do I know magick exists? Because that night, during the ritual I blacked out. My elder sister and a witness told me that I began to chant in a language I have NEVER studied nor heard and my eyes went black when I looked at her. All I remember is feeling warm and being in total darkness. She told me that the energy raised and released was enough to make the witness to the binding clutch his cross and drop to his knees. I took NO joy in doing what we did, but it had to be done. I've had visions of dark robed figures, who I later found out to be the 7 Judges, I've had prophetic dreams on occassion and that is one gift that scares me. I've seen things no one else that I know can see but can feel. To me Magick is as real as the air that I breathe, and the skin on my body. Sometimes it's beautiful, lighter than air and fills my blood with bubbles of pure joy. Other times it's scary as all get out and makes me want to hide under my covers. But I cooperate with All That Is and I thank Them for the gifts They give me. I dream in technicolor and love that! |
To be perfectly honest with you John I'm afraid to wield it. I mean I do spiritual transformations in my own private life. And I'm learning and refining the techniques more and more everyday. The power is phenomenal. It's scary. The problem is that it's like wielding a the sword of Excalibur. Yes it can bring you and others great pleasure. But it also carries with it the potential for great pain. And it's been my experience that the pain can be inflicted unintentionally. It's quite easy to poke someone's eye out with the sword of Excalibur totally by accident if one is not careful. You can stab yourself or someone else in the heart with it and not even mean to do it. I guess I shy aware from the responsibility that comes with it. I'm not convinced that I have the discipline to wield it properly. Not that I would intentionally do wrongful things with it. But like I said above, power is power and power can hurt. I've never had a lust for power. I think there needs to be a certain desire for power. Even if it's entirely for the purpose of doing good. I think a person really needs to have a strong desire to even wield good 'power'. You asked for an example. Well, a while back, 'I cast a spell'. Although, I'm personally not thrilled with that terminology. Let me phrase this differently in my own terms. I cast out an emotionally charged wish into the ocean of cosmic consciousness. I borrowed various methods and techniques of 'witchcraft' from several different sources. It took me about a week to 'cast this spell' (or make this emotional request of the cosmic consciousness). I performed rituals, and made symbolic gestures, and included incantations and hermetics tailored for this 'spell'. Being that this was one of my very first spells, I was willing to be quite patient. I did not expect instantaneous results. On the contrary I was very pragmatic about the whole thing. Even though I sincerely believed that the spirit of cosmic conscious would help me, I was still being quite pragmatic clinging to the idea that I would also need to help myself. But that's not the way it worked out. My spell came to pass within the week. In fact, it came to pass so quickly and so profoundly that I almost didn't even recognize it! I simply wasn't expecting that kind of result that quickly. It took me by surprise, and I quickly backed away and rejected the results. I'm not ready for that kind of power. It's scary. I continue to learn and refine my magickal 'abilities' as they call them. Of course I have no magickal 'abilities' at all. The universe has magickal 'abilities'. All I'm doing is learning how to communicate with the universe, and the universe itself doesn't scare me at all. She's total love, I know it. Like when I cast out my wish, she answered it. The universe wants to answer my wishes. The question now becomes, "Do I truly want what I wish for?" So now I'm taking things more slowly now. Very well put, Abra. You can definitely "put your eye out" if you're not careful. I have learned this the hard way on a couple of occasions. |