Topic: After my divorce
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Sat 04/25/09 06:11 PM
I made a promise to myself to have fun, date women with money..........Have it spent on me for a change..........Well, now that the nation is on lay-off, being home on Saturday nights ain't so bad.........I have learned how to honk and when to honk, and pause in between honking so the damn geese here won't attack me and poop on my car..........:banana: :banana: drinker drinker laugh laugh

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Sat 04/25/09 06:13 PM
Watch out!! That honking could me mistaken for a mating call!!

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Sat 04/25/09 06:15 PM
Guess that dating women with money thing kind of backfired eh?

I hope they honk back at ya'!


TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 04/25/09 06:15 PM
Hummmmmmm so does that mean you did not find any women with money to spend on you?whoa

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Sat 04/25/09 06:20 PM
OKAY..........No respect at all.............I thought only guys named Rodney received this kinda treatment................dammit..................frustrated frustrated frustrated drinker

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Sat 04/25/09 06:22 PM
Im Poor.....but at least,I can pay my own bills.
<-----sneaking away...ohwell laugh

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Sat 04/25/09 06:24 PM

OKAY..........No respect at all.............I thought only guys named Rodney received this kinda treatment................dammit..................frustrated frustrated frustrated drinker

laugh All in fun dude, all in fun!

markc48's photo
Sat 04/25/09 06:33 PM

I made a promise to myself to have fun, date women with money..........Have it spent on me for a change..........Well, now that the nation is on lay-off, being home on Saturday nights ain't so bad.........I have learned how to honk and when to honk, and pause in between honking so the damn geese here won't attack me and poop on my car..........:banana: :banana: drinker drinker laugh laugh
How that working out for ya.laugh

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Sat 04/25/09 06:35 PM

OKAY..........No respect at all.............I thought only guys named Rodney received this kinda treatment................dammit..................frustrated frustrated frustrated drinker

laugh All in fun dude, all in fun!

:wink: :wink: ...i know............all in fun with us all here................drinker drinker drinker flowerforyou

TattooedDude81's photo
Sat 04/25/09 06:43 PM
I made alot of promises to myself after my divorce too, and they've all gone to sh*t so far laugh

markc48's photo
Sat 04/25/09 07:03 PM
I just want one that doesnt b*tch all the time. I have enough money.