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Topic: Coming to terms with weight.
TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 04/22/09 09:40 AM
The way I see it I'm a full figured woman and I do as well state that on my profile. I'm no barbie nor do I portray myself as one. Have I always been this size no but I'm at this time so if they don't like who I'm now they surely would not like me if I was smaller. The way I see it is love me for whom I'm today you may be surprised at the person you get to know. But........there is no reason for anyone to down or belittle another for how they look if they don't like what they see keep walking no sense in spewing your fowl words my way for believe me if you think you're so perfect you better look again. JMObigsmile

So girl brush them off they are not worth the time of day!!noway

talldub's photo
Wed 04/22/09 09:55 AM
Well, i don't know the context of the conversation here but i'll throw my two cents in. Being called fat isn't necessarily an insult, just a statement. Same as someone calling you short or me tall. If YOU want to change your body shape because it makes you unhappy then go for it. If you're happy with who you are then stay that way. Whatever you do, do it for yourself and not for anyone else.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 04/22/09 09:55 AM
Little junk in the trunk never hurt no one

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

JasmineInglewood's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:06 AM

Aww honey, I think you're a doll. flowerforyou

Laugh at those men. They will end up with those skinny, superficial biotches who are dramatic, nagging, greedy golddiggers and making love to them is like F-ing a warm glass of water. :tongue:

Hold your head up and wait for a decent man.

woah... why the hate toward slim girls ohwell

i thought the whole point of this thread was that people shouldn't judge or belittle others based on their looks indifferent

lilith401's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:07 AM

Aww honey, I think you're a doll. flowerforyou

Laugh at those men. They will end up with those skinny, superficial biotches who are dramatic, nagging, greedy golddiggers and making love to them is like F-ing a warm glass of water. :tongue:

Hold your head up and wait for a decent man.

woah... why the hate toward slim girls ohwell

i thought the whole point of this thread was that people shouldn't judge or belittle others based on their looks indifferent

No hate, it was a JOKE...... did you not read the dripping sarcasm and facetious tone?

JasmineInglewood's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:11 AM

Aww honey, I think you're a doll. flowerforyou

Laugh at those men. They will end up with those skinny, superficial biotches who are dramatic, nagging, greedy golddiggers and making love to them is like F-ing a warm glass of water. :tongue:

Hold your head up and wait for a decent man.

woah... why the hate toward slim girls ohwell

i thought the whole point of this thread was that people shouldn't judge or belittle others based on their looks indifferent

No hate, it was a JOKE...... did you not read the dripping sarcasm and facetious tone?

whoops. no i didn't. my bad bigsmile

carry on smartly flowerforyou

lilith401's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:12 AM

TwilightsTwin's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:13 AM
Men and women have different preferences (and some are just plain rude how they express them). Not all men and/or women are shallow, and judge soley on weight/body type. Just have patience when you do run into those type that do. Keep your head high & remember the only critic that matters is yourself.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:17 AM

So..I've been thinking about this a lot lately and it was brought to my attention again yesterday..

I am not the skinniest girl in the bunch.. but my weight is pretty much natural. I haven't gained or lost any weight in the past couple of years and it just frustrates me when a guy brings up my weight =/ like yesterday:

A guy pretty much called me fat.. to my face and seemingly felt no remorse for what he had said. And I told him "Well I am sorry I am not not a tall flawless skeleton"
Everyone has flaws and it is unfair to judge people based off the beautiful and glamorous people they see on the television.

What happened to guys judging you for your personality and not your weight?

And I'm not even all that hefty really =/
I'm 5 ft 1 and 135 pounds. So I have a bit of a curvaceous body but I am not going to go out of my way to go anorexic for picky men.

So.. either love me the way I am or don't bother wasting insults on me. I will not change to fit in with society.

I am definitely "fatter" than you are but I am comfortable the way I am. It is important to love, respect and be comfortable in the skin you have.

I fought all my young life to look like the tele girls, magazine girls. Even made myself sick just eating lettuce and fainted out at work from it. Diet pills, crazy diets etc... always feeling "less than" and the men exploited that fact and me for the whole time I felt like that.

Now, if you don't like me, leave and good riddance. I am definitely not all men's cup of tea but I am some men's desert...lol

If they say it to you, they are trying to make you feel bad, degrade your self esteem, even when you are in a relationship and they do it. They feel no remorse because we have spawned a society that believess being overweight is publically demeanable sin. Stone the fat people, publically humiliate the fat people, etc... and everyone will turn away and not stop it from happening. Which makes us all quilty of it at some level.

Walk around with true felt love for yourself and there will be no stopping you, confidence is the real sex drug.

I wish you luck and don't ever let them get away with it when they do it, hit em with both barrels so they will remember that they do not have the right to say it no matter who they are talking to.

okay, sorry, I rantedoops

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:20 AM

Aww honey, I think you're a doll. flowerforyou

Laugh at those men. They will end up with those skinny, superficial biotches who are dramatic, nagging, greedy golddiggers and making love to them is like F-ing a warm glass of water. :tongue:

Hold your head up and wait for a decent man.

drinker drinker drinker rofl rofl rofl

lilith401's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:22 AM

Aww honey, I think you're a doll. flowerforyou

Laugh at those men. They will end up with those skinny, superficial biotches who are dramatic, nagging, greedy golddiggers and making love to them is like F-ing a warm glass of water. :tongue:

Hold your head up and wait for a decent man.

drinker drinker drinker rofl rofl rofl

Oh you've met one?:wink:

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:28 AM

Aww honey, I think you're a doll. flowerforyou

Laugh at those men. They will end up with those skinny, superficial biotches who are dramatic, nagging, greedy golddiggers and making love to them is like F-ing a warm glass of water. :tongue:

Hold your head up and wait for a decent man.

drinker drinker drinker rofl rofl rofl

Oh you've met one?:wink:

What...a decent man or a skinny, superficial biotch who is over dramatic, naggin, a greedy goldigger and making love to her is like f-ing a warm glass of water...?

Don't know about the glass of water part, but i met many a nagging, overly dramatic biotches.... I even met a decent guy once...smitten laugh

lilith401's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:33 AM
Sigh.... they do exist, huh... those decent guys. They are always with those skinny biotches...laugh laugh laugh

Kidding, kidding....

My ex went with a skinny biotch, but she was hardly naggy or greedy. She was a selfless, tireless doormat.... no, but wait, she kicked my ex's sorry ass to the curb... it only took her six years of his lazy cheating, unemployed ass...happy So she did get tired. I'm guessing he actually got caught with his junk in someone's else's trunk, rather than just suspected....:tongue:

lilith401's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:34 AM
And when this lady turns sideways you can barely see her! The kind where if she caught the flu, she might die....

no photo
Thu 04/23/09 06:11 AM

And when this lady turns sideways you can barely see her! The kind where if she caught the flu, she might die....

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