Topic: Countries with the most Billionaires | |
Would'nt it be nice to know that your family member will get great service from experts in a hospital that aren't overwhelmed, aren't in debt, and do treat you professionally without you have to worry after the procedure how much money you have to pay. IS nice. and i see care given like this EVERY shift I WORK. of course...i see people that are INPATIENTS....i dont see my hopsital slamming the doors on anyone...perhaps i should transfer to ER.......maybe THATS where we slam the doors at and give horrible medical care.......because at alll of the hospiatls that Ive worked still waiting to see this horrible medical care. ![]() |
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Wed 04/22/09 06:14 PM
I can't even imagine a million dollars, let alone "billions"...some of these rich own.
While I could live happily ever after with a couple of hundred thousand, if I'd have millions or If i want to go far "billions" of dollars..I would want to make a purpose of it a noble cause, that transfers all this material and wealth into something that the world would make me remember about. I don't want to be remembered as 'some rich guy' who owns hundreds millions..just out of that few hundred. giving tuition waivers to many who want to go to school and just don't have the money, or making some sort of job places, and even just giving away money for those, who could be helped by even 20 bucks...I'd give them thousands. I'd pay off debt, save people from foreclosures, open up shelters with free food and drinks. You want to re-awake the economy? Here is the way to do it...give the people money and opportunity to grow, transfer some confidence... not sit on a pile of money and being a greedy and thinking about the next useless golf tournament while the entire world is collapsing around me and people go starving and with no roof above their head! What happened to all the righteous people, where are they? I can't even think of one very rich person out of this "world upper 1%" who feels at least a bit slightly responsible and caring! |
I can't even imagine a million dollars, let alone "billions"...some of these rich own. While I could live happily ever after with a couple of hundred thousand, if I'd have millions or If i want to go far "billions" of dollars..I would want to make a purpose of it a noble cause, that transfers all this material and wealth into something that the world would make me remember about. I don't want to be remembered as 'some rich guy' who owns hundreds millions..just out of that few hundred. giving tuition waivers to many who want to go to school and just don't have the money, or making some sort of job places, and even just giving away money for those, who could be helped by even 20 bucks...I'd give them thousands. I'd pay off debt, save people from foreclosures, open up shelters with free food and drinks. You want to re-awake the economy? Here is the way to do it...give the people money and opportunity to grow, transfer some confidence... not sit on a pile of money and being a greedy and thinking about the next useless golf tournament while the entire world is collapsing around me and people go starving and with no roof above their head! What happened to all the righteous people, where are they? I can't even think of one very rich person out of this "world upper 1%" who feels at least a bit slightly responsible and caring! ![]() ![]() |
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Wed 04/22/09 07:27 PM
First we need to figure out where the problem is before we throw money at it... I suspect the FDA has a shady hand in things, as well as pharmacuetical companies. So, when you can suggest a generic form of medication... I Will be back in a bit. Got studying to do... ![]() Absolutely the FDA has something to do with it. Their lobbyists influence the government to do what they want to do with the public. With their annual 1.2 trillion dollar profits they are one of the biggest criminals the world will ever know, yet few will ever agree with me on this. I can go on and on about the foul practices the FDA does with people and how they get away with crime. To keep the long story short it is a huge business keeping individuals very wealthy beyond the doubt, but not helping people as a general. I am sure you know this better then I do. They will label anything as a disease just to make drugs for people to take and believe that it is the resolution to there problem. How can obesity be a disease for an example. It isn't a disease it is a way of life, and the people are exposed to so much junk food when shopping at a grocery store. Practically every food has so many additional and unneccessary additives that the FDA influence food producers to put into their foods to make you sleepy, more hungry, or what have you. It is all strategically planned to make it look like a normal way of life. What makes it sad as the people accept it and don't mind trusting everything and everyone blindly. Almost like a faith based organization in some way. How do you tackle or make accountable for what the FDA does to the public? How can you bring order or justice to a multi trillion dollar mongol empire that has money to throw in every direction at will? The FDA is very powerful and dangerous. I don't know how to fix the problem to tell you the truth. I would have to be a dictator that the people would trust in order to bring justice for the people back. A Robin Hood type of guy with alot of support and a good hiding place. lol That is something that will never happen as I don't have the charismatic character, money and lots of it, and influence to have huge followers to do so. I do know that many people wish they could do something and do try even if it just brings a small scratch on the service, but not enough to make a huge impact to the people to realize what is happening to us as a whole. I personally believe it is sad that many minds don't agree that a universal health care should be a neccessity in this country, yet instead they believe both health and education is a privilige for those who can afford it or earn it with scholarships. Raising taxes seems also to be a terrible omen in this country. I can see why since the money is always used for the wrong things such as wars or earmarks programs that has nothing to do with helping the people as a whole. If the taxed money would actually go to programs that really make a difference and help people have health care or access to education that offers degrees that would be great. Charities would also be great as you mention as any charity is a help for those less fortunate. Just imagine once a year they would have the Billionaire World Help Organization where the richest of the richest would sit down and talk about how to fund important programs to help people progress or live healthy. CAll it the B.W.H.O Funding Group or something. Invented and not a great title, but you get the point. Solutions, suggestions, actually results would be great to see for the future of our children. |
I am saying if the billionares decided one day to tackle the problem with health care. If they got together there is a good chance that a universal health care would work. I live in a country where we have universal health care. It works in our system and people are taken care of. Perhaps you haven't had a family member die on you because they didn't get proper medical help. Do you think that is fair if the person worked like everyone else and paid his taxes? So what you are saying is that you like how the system works as it is. This means you think it is a privilige to have health care and not a neccessety for everyone. What about the old man who can't pay for his bill when he had a stroke or heartattack? Do we just let him die? As the Democrats and Republicans continue to fight what is right concerning health care people are dying, getting kicked out of hospitals drugged up, and not even permitted to go in one to get treatment for they don't have health care. This was one alternative of fixing the problem in this country. I never said that the billionares are forced to give up 2%, I merely said if the billionaires got together and offered 2% of their WEALTH together on a health care program it would make a difference to the image of this country. Concerning Health Insurance I surely don't want the people of the world believe America is a good advocate or rolemodel about it and I certainly don't agree with politicians who claim America has the best health care the world can have. I can see many other countries that have a better way of solving such problems as a whole for its people. I took your words as "we should take 2% from the rich". It appears, however, that "taking" wasn't your point. National healthcare is communism. You are asking if this is fair to have an older person die, even though he/she have paid their taxes all their life? Let me answer this specific question. I answer by having several questions in return. These questions need not be answered, they are simply showing the ridiculousness of the idea, proposed in your question. - Did this person paid taxes under an explicit agreement to be taken care for, in exchange for taxes extorted, healthcare including? - Is it fair that a rapist gets a short prison sentence, while his victim gets a mental damage for life? Her5e is the remedy to the situation (your style). Let us tax the rapists, not prevent them from rape in the first place. You're doing the same with taxes. Not preventing the crime of taxation in the first place, but trying to make a use of it. - Is it my problem that this person had paid their taxes? Why should I pay mine into the same bottomless pit, only because the original "investor" was to dumb to understand that taxes won't give him anything that he could get by simply saving? - Why are you attaching it to taxes at all? Some people paid like 10000 dollars in taxes for their whole lifetime of working. I pay that much in a month. Why should I have the same level of healthcare? Is that fair? |
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Thu 04/23/09 10:40 AM
I think it would be fair if everyone had equal health insurance (full coverage). It is a neccessity and not a privilige.
I think it is fair that every child who graduates gets a equal opportunity to go to college or a university. It is a neccessity and not a privilige. I think it is fair that everyone regardless how much one earns gets taxed equally the same. I think it is essential to keep up the infrastructure of a country and to afford programs that help the population grow. If you believe that this is unfair then do nothing for the country as you live in is doing exactly that. The country I live in is not perfect but at least the majority can see the difference between what is neccessary for the welfare of the people and what isn't. Good luck with your conclusions and idealogies for this country. |