Topic: Tarot Card Readings.
SharpShooter10's photo
Fri 04/24/09 04:29 AM
Mornin' (( JB ))

I've had so much coffee I think I feel my hair growing

laugh drinker

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 04:35 AM do you do readings on yourself? And do you find readings by someone else more perceptive or clear. Wondering where I put my cards... Used to sleep with them under my matteress lol.

rara777's photo
Fri 04/24/09 04:36 AM
What do the cards hold for me?

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 06:15 AM

oh oh, do me, do me, pahleeze do me happy



You met (or will meet) someone at a class or seminar or on campus or some trade workshop. Perhaps while on the job training.

The struggle is always a power struggle when two people come together and find their place and roll in the relationship. Too much domination of one over the other can ruin any union. Compromise must be reached.

The last card indicates happiness and commitment. It dawns on you that the person you are with is the one. Happiness and contentment. It is indicative of a permanent enduring success with harmony and prosperity.

Hey thanks Jeannie,flowerforyou

Does it mean I stop divorce proceedings I wonder?! :smile:

Monier's photo
Fri 04/24/09 06:22 AM
One for me please, I have'nt had one in awhile. :smile:

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 06:35 AM
Jeannie has me so excited i'm even gonna be nice to everybody today. lol :wink:

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 07:00 AM

oh oh, do me, do me, pahleeze do me happy



You met (or will meet) someone at a class or seminar or on campus or some trade workshop. Perhaps while on the job training.

The struggle is always a power struggle when two people come together and find their place and roll in the relationship. Too much domination of one over the other can ruin any union. Compromise must be reached.

The last card indicates happiness and commitment. It dawns on you that the person you are with is the one. Happiness and contentment. It is indicative of a permanent enduring success with harmony and prosperity.

Hey thanks Jeannie,flowerforyou

Does it mean I stop divorce proceedings I wonder?! :smile:

I don't know. I can't tell if there is another person involved. The cards do have a happy ending. Just be alert to the possibilities and energies happening and you may have your answer.

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 07:22 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 04/24/09 07:29 AM do you do readings on yourself? And do you find readings by someone else more perceptive or clear. Wondering where I put my cards... Used to sleep with them under my matteress lol.

Yes I do readings on myself for advice and questions I may have. I realize that the higher self knows things that I am not aware of and using the cards are a quick way to make a connection.

I have also used the cards to find lost items. That does not always work because the cards are a limited vocabulary. They only have so many images to work with and you have to try to interpret them.

I lost my car keys one day and it was driving me nuts. I pulled some cards asking (demanding) to know where they were. (silly) The cards did not make sense. I kept thinking "How can these cards tell me where my car keys are, this is silly."

So I kept drawing cards and putting them back in the deck. The one card that kept coming up was the page of wands. I did not know what that meant in relation to where my car keys might be. I was disgusted with the problem. Then I just put the cards back together and was about to give up when a card fell from the deck. It was the page of wands again.

Here is the page of wands card I'm talking about:

I knew that if the cards were a clue, then this was the card to focus on. So I focused.

The first thing I took notice of the card was that it was dark. I thought, "My keys are in a dark place." Then I asked "but where?"

Why this card? There are other "dark" cards in the deck. What is a wand?

The wands represent the element fire. In the picture there was fire, it was a candle.

I asked myself "Where do I keep my candles?" I kept them in a drawer next to my computer. The electricity had gone out one time and I was in the dark so I put my candles there so I could have light if that happened again.

I looked in that drawer and low and behold my car keys were there.

When looking for lost items, and not being psychic, you have to try to read the picture on the card and figure out what it is trying to convey. After pulling the page of wands four times out of four (out of an 80 card deck) I had to face the fact that was the card that held the answer.

But as in all communication, sometimes you just don't understand what is being said.

This is why I do these free readings. I do them for the feedback in order to learn to understand the communication that comes through the cards to me from the higher mind that knows more than I know.

If I did not get feedback from the people on this forum about the readings, I probably would not continue to do them.

I have done readings for people where the deeper message or meaning came to me three hours after they left. I don't doubt the cards, I just want to get better at understanding the messages they convey.

I believe images are the unwritten universal language and they convey messages from the higher mind (or subconscious) that knows more than we are conscious of.

Seakolony's photo
Fri 04/24/09 07:25 AM

Oh so way cool, my mom used to do them, but hasn't washed her deck in a while. Can you do me please, when you get the chance of course?




The queen of Swords figures prominently in your energy. She is the energy of Pallas Athena, the great warrior queen. She is something of a dichotomy, however because her readiness to do battle is combined with femininity and creative intelligence.

You know how to cut through extraneous information to get to the heart of the matter. You tend to be outspoken, your tongue is sharp. Although you're usually fair and just, you can be vindictive. Secretive by nature, you're able to detect secrecy in others. Things don't come easily; you may have to defend your position and fight for what is rightfully yours.

The magician in the first position tells a story of a woman who knows how to take what she has and get what she wants with it. It also symbolizes creative intelligence. You seem to be able to work magic and it is because you have discovered how to get what you want.

The moon: Currently logic and reason are not as important as intuition and incite. Pay attention to your feelings and trust your intuition. What you are experiencing may just be a phase of balancing your psyche between the creative and the grounded in logic energy of the Queen of swords.

Cultivate your other queen, the Queen of Wands who sometimes hides behind the curtain. She is the creator with fire. Let her do her magic.

====The Queen of Wands

Oh thank you so much Jeanniebean and so very accurate to my feelings.

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 06:02 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 04/24/09 06:03 PM

what do you see for me i am out of work and lookin will i find work and will some find and love me for me or what




The Wands suit figure prominently in your energy. This is the most creative energy of the person who has the talent to be self employed or in business for them self. To be totally independent is what you have the burning desire for. You should not give up on this dream or hold yourself back with doubt and fear.

It is time to take your deepest desires seriously and know that you can make them happen. It is time for a spiritual awakening. Find your true path and purpose in life. It is doing what you love to do. Do you know what that is? Don't listen to anyone who would destroy your dream.

You are holding yourself back from living life to the fullest. You project your fears and inhibitions into your surroundings, then you view them as real obstacles when they are only creations of your own mind.

Don't repeat the words "I can't" or "yes but.." when someone gives you a positive suggestion or nothing will change.

Yours is a mental prison and all exits seem to be blocked. However it is your fear of the unknown that holds you back. You have boxed yourself in and convinced yourself that you have no options.

There is a way out. A door, a path that you can open and walk through anytime. Break the bonds that hold you and be bold enough to envision and follow your dream. Decide what you want and intend to have it. When you do, the magic will happen in your life.

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 06:19 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 04/24/09 06:20 PM

What do the cards hold for me?



Seven of swords warns you to take steps to protect your possessions, but it is in the past and reversed, so I am not sure what it means. It's message is to not let people take advantage of you.

The four of wands traditional meaning has to do with marriage, security, buying a house, changing living arrangements or moving. It is a good energy. I am curious to know how it might apply to you because I don't get any feelings about it.

The ten of wands is the workaholic who has taken on a lot of responsibility and has lost a bit of the creative energy usually associated with the wands suit. But what ever tasks you take on you can handle them, but you should think about delegating them.

Since you did not pose a particular question this is the only thing I can tell you about this reading. I would appreciate any feed back on it so I might learn something.

rara777's photo
Fri 04/24/09 10:10 PM

What do the cards hold for me?



Seven of swords warns you to take steps to protect your possessions, but it is in the past and reversed, so I am not sure what it means. It's message is to not let people take advantage of you.

The four of wands traditional meaning has to do with marriage, security, buying a house, changing living arrangements or moving. It is a good energy. I am curious to know how it might apply to you because I don't get any feelings about it.

The ten of wands is the workaholic who has taken on a lot of responsibility and has lost a bit of the creative energy usually associated with the wands suit. But what ever tasks you take on you can handle them, but you should think about delegating them.

Since you did not pose a particular question this is the only thing I can tell you about this reading. I would appreciate any feed back on it so I might learn something.

I guess I should have asked a more direct clearer question.

I basically would like to know that if I am going to be in another relationship with someone special that I had with my wife before she passed away. Would also want to know about career changes. Seeing as I am 57 years old and most employers don`t want to talk to someone my age. No matter what work experience you have.

You are pretty well on the money for what I did ask you.

1. I just got out of a relationship that I felt that I was being taken advantage of.

2. I also wonder about a future relationship. I won`t make the same mistake twice.

3. I`m laid off from a job that I spent the last 20 years at.With no chance of recall. When I am working, I am a workaholic. I also have some management experience, hence the delegation of tasks and creative energy.

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 08:48 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/25/09 08:52 AM
I basically would like to know that if I am going to be in another relationship with someone special that I had with my wife before she passed away. Would also want to know about career changes. Seeing as I am 57 years old and most employers don`t want to talk to someone my age. No matter what work experience you have.

You are pretty well on the money for what I did ask you.

1. I just got out of a relationship that I felt that I was being taken advantage of.

2. I also wonder about a future relationship. I won`t make the same mistake twice.

3. I`m laid off from a job that I spent the last 20 years at.With no chance of recall. When I am working, I am a workaholic. I also have some management experience, hence the delegation of tasks and creative energy.

Okay that makes sense. If I stick with these cards, I would say that you are being influenced by the past experience of someone who took advantage of you and showing some caution or at least trying to be more careful. (seven of swords) But because of it being reversed I would say that it has not soured you to making the right choices.

The four of wands tells us that you want security, a home, maybe a wife etc. It also means buying a new home, or moving. If there is someone new, you might consider a new home to start a new life.

With all of that in mind, it puts a lot of burden and responsibility on your shoulders and even though you can handle it it drains your creative energy. Learn to delegate, and don't think that you have to rush rush to get everything done.

Creativity is never in a hurry, and never competitive.

As for your beliefs about job or career possibilities, stop and think about whether that is just a limiting belief and not the actual truth. Unless you are seeking a job that requires a lot of physical labor, lifting etc (for a younger person) you have more experience than most and management experience.

Focus on cashing out some things in your life and learning to live on less so that if you find a job you enjoy that pays less money you can still do well. The rest of your life should be spent doing something you enjoy, not working for "the man" so you can retire to a nursing home. Live your life to the fullest. Live well within your means. Think about what kind of business you can start on your own. The suit of wands figures prominently in your energy and the King of wands desires self employment. Perhaps that is you.

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 08:49 AM
Would you do a reading for me?

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 08:54 AM

Would you do a reading for me?

Please ask a question or let me know what you want a reading about.

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 08:55 AM
My question is this: Will I get the stability I crave and need?

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 09:05 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/25/09 09:06 AM

My question is this: Will I get the stability I crave and need?



Your magic is still with you but you are at a stalemate right now because of a decision you have to make. Once you've made it your life will resume its forward momentum.

Seven of wands: You will meet the challenge, whatever form it takes. Your next step will be to tie up loose ends of the past and get on with your life. You triumph over the competition by making your own decisions and relying on your inner strength and judgment.

Trust in yourself and in your magick.

TheCaptain's photo
Sat 04/25/09 09:07 AM
I would like to see what the cards hold for me.

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 09:20 AM

I would like to see what the cards hold for me.

Again, I have no question or subject so I am flying in the dark here. Let me know if this means anything to you.


The nine of cups is the wish card... you got what you wished for. But it is reversed.. is there a problem?

The two of swords is a stalemate. It indicates being torn between two things, a decision has to be made. But you are not facing the situation and you are at an impasse. There is something about the situation you refuse to see.

Page of Pentacles: Your sense of responsibility about an existing relationship outweighs whatever emotionsl ambivalence you feel. You are compelled to see things through to wherever they are going to go, even if you heart isn't completely in it. A karmic connection between you and your significant other must be resolved before you can move on.

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 09:26 AM
Edited by Mikey117 on Sat 04/25/09 09:28 AM

will I see any change in my life as far as love goes?


Yes, but only when you decide to let it flow outward.

wow!! Amazing opened up to someone I have been interested in but never talked to seriously and now we are talking SERIOUSLY!!! Thanks!!drinker