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Topic: Come on In - part 38
bad_girl's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:22 PM
blushing Thanks Wanda, and you are one of those lovely folks:heart:

all these lovely people in one room flowerforyou flowerforyou

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:22 PM
That german choker will be great!! It don't hurt it just pinches a bit to get there attention.
My day was good, thank you Cyn'flowerforyou and yours?

Hi (((Cyn")))flowerforyou , How are today?

{{{Merle}}} and {{{Linda}}}
I am doing great! bigsmile I am going to enjoy the sun and take Truman out of some training. {{Anton}} has given me some good tips on how to use a collar with prongs to use on Truman.

How was your day girls?flowerforyou

bad_girl's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:22 PM
Edited by bad_girl on Tue 04/21/09 03:33 PM
It will, Rascal stays with me when I have that collar on himlaugh he looks and listens real good

Truman is becoming a handful...he is all of 50lbs and brute strength...I am hoping this works to train him to stay by my side.

flowerforyou I am good flowerforyou

And we use the collar with prongs on Rascal because he listens when we put that one on him. He likes to run and jump and in this neighborhood, can't have that happeningnoway

Hi (((Cyn")))flowerforyou , How are today?

{{{Merle}}} and {{{Linda}}}
I am doing great! bigsmile I am going to enjoy the sun and take Truman out of some training. {{Anton}} has given me some good tips on how to use a collar with prongs to use on Truman.

How was your day girls?flowerforyou

grammy09's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:23 PM

:heart: {{{wanda}}} Hi and how are you today:heart:

im good been out side most of the till it rained

how was your day :smile: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou

grammy09's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:24 PM

waving waving waving waving

hey sweetie hows my prev doing today:smile: :heart:

bad_girl's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:24 PM
Good, I am tired and we are getting ready for a storm. It was beautiful all day then I get off and it rainstears but that is okay, I sleep better when it is raining.

How is Allen and give him our love, pleaseflowerforyou

:heart: {{{wanda}}} Hi and how are you today:heart:

im good been out side most of the till it rained

how was your day :smile: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou

grammy09's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:25 PM

waving waving waving waving waving

hello ((rose))flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :smile: always so good to see you

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:25 PM
If I put hanging stuff in there my grass is going to grow up threw the black plastic. frustrated frustrated I don't have anything planted, all pots.
I can hardly wait! I love your gardens! They are Beautiful!!!!!

No problem and this year I am doing more in the one in the front, I will send you that one when I am finished with it.

I love gnomes and I just got a shltload of them so they will be dancing and hanging around in the gardens this yearbigsmile

Well, It was alot of work but, got to get some bigger things to go in it. One of the flowers is just overcoming to it I think. I have frogs in with it and it looks OK is all to me. I'll take some pics tomorrow in the sunlight and email them to you. Now remember, when you see it this is my FIRST one I have ever done! laugh laugh

That is going to be my Saturday project, as you can see from those pictures, I have 6 gardens to work in bigsmile lots of hard work, but well worth it when they are finished

((((MERLE))))flowers Miss you too, MOOOOOORE!!!!!
I got my flower bed done as its getting right now. laugh laugh

{{{linda}}}flowerforyou I miss you guys sooooooooo muchtears

Hi (((Merle)))flowerforyou
Hi (((Rose)))flowerforyou
Hi (((Ed)))drinker :heart:
Hi (((Mikey)))drinker

How is eveyone this evening?

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:27 PM
It will work, I promise! I use it to tain my St. with and they are great!! You will love it.

Truman is becoming a handful...he is all of 50lbs and brute strength...I am hoping this works to train him to stay by my side.

flowerforyou I am good flowerforyou

And we use the collar with prongs on Rascal because he listens when we put that one on him. He likes to run and jump and in this neighborhood, can't have that happeningnoway

Hi (((Cyn")))flowerforyou , How are today?

{{{Merle}}} and {{{Linda}}}
I am doing great! bigsmile I am going to enjoy the sun and take Truman out of some training. {{Anton}} has given me some good tips on how to use a collar with prongs to use on Truman.

How was your day girls?flowerforyou

bad_girl's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:28 PM
Thanks Linda, that is 3 months of daily work, but it is worth it. I get so many compliments from strangers, I even had a woman offer to pay me to do her gardens, I said thanks but no thanks, mine has to be kept up every several days. Oh I have gnomes swinging from the tree out front, off of garden hooks, they are everywhere in my yard.laugh laugh

bad_girl's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:29 PM
It will work Cyn, Rascal is 70 lbs of brute force and he listens like a girl when we put that collar on him and pit bulls aren't girlslaugh laugh

It will work, I promise! I use it to tain my St. with and they are great!! You will love it.

Truman is becoming a handful...he is all of 50lbs and brute strength...I am hoping this works to train him to stay by my side.

flowerforyou I am good flowerforyou

And we use the collar with prongs on Rascal because he listens when we put that one on him. He likes to run and jump and in this neighborhood, can't have that happeningnoway

Hi (((Cyn")))flowerforyou , How are today?

{{{Merle}}} and {{{Linda}}}
I am doing great! bigsmile I am going to enjoy the sun and take Truman out of some training. {{Anton}} has given me some good tips on how to use a collar with prongs to use on Truman.

How was your day girls?flowerforyou

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:30 PM
Thats a good idea, the garden hooks on the outside.

You are so very welcome! My sister loved them too. She saw your pics and she loves the one with the rocks out in the front of it. Me too. I'll get it to looking better as time goes by. But, yours are so pretty.

grammy09's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:31 PM

It will, Rascal stays woth me when I have that collar on himlaugh he looks and listens real good

Truman is becoming a handful...he is all of 50lbs and brute strength...I am hoping this works to train him to stay by my side.

flowerforyou I am good flowerforyou

And we use the collar with prongs on Rascal because he listens when we put that one on him. He likes to run and jump and in this neighborhood, can't have that happeningnoway

Hi (((Cyn")))flowerforyou , How are today?

{{{Merle}}} and {{{Linda}}}
I am doing great! bigsmile I am going to enjoy the sun and take Truman out of some training. {{Anton}} has given me some good tips on how to use a collar with prongs to use on Truman.

How was your day girls?flowerforyou

hey can i use that collar i need something to make allen listen to me

bad_girl's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:32 PM
Edited by bad_girl on Tue 04/21/09 03:32 PM
Okay ladies and gentlemen, we have another storm coming through and I damn sure don't need anything to mess up my computer, not with all the problems I have had. I will try to pop back when the storm blows over.

:heart: I love you guys and miss you all terribly, and I can't wait for the weekend.:heart: Girls get your dancing shoes on and your voices ready for a party this weekend laugh

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:32 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

It will, Rascal stays woth me when I have that collar on himlaugh he looks and listens real good

Truman is becoming a handful...he is all of 50lbs and brute strength...I am hoping this works to train him to stay by my side.

flowerforyou I am good flowerforyou

And we use the collar with prongs on Rascal because he listens when we put that one on him. He likes to run and jump and in this neighborhood, can't have that happeningnoway

Hi (((Cyn")))flowerforyou , How are today?

{{{Merle}}} and {{{Linda}}}
I am doing great! bigsmile I am going to enjoy the sun and take Truman out of some training. {{Anton}} has given me some good tips on how to use a collar with prongs to use on Truman.

How was your day girls?flowerforyou

hey can i use that collar i need something to make allen listen to me

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:34 PM
YOu got it lady!! (((Merle)))flowerforyou ..You have a great evening! Tell Tom we said HI!!
We don't have to wait till the weekend do we????? :banana: :banana:
Sweet dreams if I don't catch ya if you come back.

Okay ladies and gentlemen, we have another storm coming through and I damn sure don't need anything to mess up my computer, not with all the problems I have had. I will try to pop back when the storm blows over.

:heart: I love you guys and miss you all terribly, and I can't wait for the weekend.:heart: Girls get your dancing shoes on and your voices ready for a party this weekend laugh

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

bad_girl's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:35 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

It will, Rascal stays woth me when I have that collar on himlaugh he looks and listens real good

Truman is becoming a handful...he is all of 50lbs and brute strength...I am hoping this works to train him to stay by my side.

flowerforyou I am good flowerforyou

And we use the collar with prongs on Rascal because he listens when we put that one on him. He likes to run and jump and in this neighborhood, can't have that happeningnoway

Hi (((Cyn")))flowerforyou , How are today?

{{{Merle}}} and {{{Linda}}}
I am doing great! bigsmile I am going to enjoy the sun and take Truman out of some training. {{Anton}} has given me some good tips on how to use a collar with prongs to use on Truman.

How was your day girls?flowerforyou

hey can i use that collar i need something to make allen listen to me

bad_girl's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:36 PM
Linda, I am going to send you an email, you are going to piss yourself laughing, I did

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:37 PM
send away, i'm here! I'll be looking for it. Oh real email or here mail?

Linda, I am going to send you an email, you are going to piss yourself laughing, I did

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:38 PM
waving ((((((friends)))))))!:heart: flowerforyou

Another gorgeous 80 degree day...had to soak up a few rays before logging on.shades

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