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Topic: it must be true
TJN's photo
Sat 04/18/09 04:49 PM

they ALL distort the news to favor their agenda. But if you only watch one of em you get a biased view of events. You have to watch em all and then figure the truth is somewhere between em

I agree. Although I have to admit to feeling slimed by Fox news most of the time. I have to get a rounded view and sometimes one corner of the round is the hate side.
Feeling slimed by fox news? But its ok for msnbc to put janeane garofalo on and let her say what she did and thats ok with you?

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/18/09 04:55 PM
IMO alot of it is hypocracy. some media is ok for some to use but other types aren't. is there a list of reliable sites to use?

AsprinKid's photo
Sat 04/18/09 05:49 PM

If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true!


this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided!

Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC

Cant we all just get along

Tell Faux news the same thing.

you realize that faux is not pronounced like fox, right? btw, the topic is not about fox news.

news has been editorialized for the most part for over a decade now. it's about ratings and agendas, nothing more. all the real reporters that have been doing this for decades are either dying off or retiring.

MSNBC is the furthest left and Keith Oberman is one of the most biased of them all. he has not one shred of credibility left after the last 8 years of nothing but whining and *****ing. he was much better on sportscenter imo.

He has no credibility with whom? The republicans who can't stand him? Fox that hates him? With that I would agree, but he was right in most cases over the past 8 years about the last administration. I have not agreed with everything on his show but most points he made about that administration were glaringly obvious at least to me.

Credibility as a journalist. He's about as credible as Rush. There is no argument there.

How does editorializing strip him of his credibility? He has never hidden the fact that most of what he does is just that, editorializing. It's not like he is pretending he is just a talking head reporting the news. I will agree that he is similar to Rush in so much as he has opinions and agendas and he pushes those unapologetically but that is where the comparison ends. Keith does a hell of a lot better job backing up what he says with something close to facts. i don't always agree with him but i have never heard him spew outright lies like i have with Rush.

no photo
Sat 04/18/09 05:55 PM

If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true!


this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided!

Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC

Cant we all just get along

Tell Faux news the same thing.

you realize that faux is not pronounced like fox, right? btw, the topic is not about fox news.

news has been editorialized for the most part for over a decade now. it's about ratings and agendas, nothing more. all the real reporters that have been doing this for decades are either dying off or retiring.

MSNBC is the furthest left and Keith Oberman is one of the most biased of them all. he has not one shred of credibility left after the last 8 years of nothing but whining and *****ing. he was much better on sportscenter imo.

He has no credibility with whom? The republicans who can't stand him? Fox that hates him? With that I would agree, but he was right in most cases over the past 8 years about the last administration. I have not agreed with everything on his show but most points he made about that administration were glaringly obvious at least to me.

Credibility as a journalist. He's about as credible as Rush. There is no argument there.

How does editorializing strip him of his credibility? He has never hidden the fact that most of what he does is just that, editorializing. It's not like he is pretending he is just a talking head reporting the news. I will agree that he is similar to Rush in so much as he has opinions and agendas and he pushes those unapologetically but that is where the comparison ends. Keith does a hell of a lot better job backing up what he says with something close to facts. i don't always agree with him but i have never heard him spew outright lies like i have with Rush.

I agree, though I am hesitant to say anything about anyone, but of him that is true. He doesn't pretend and I like that. I also don't fault Garafalo for her opinion, it's not like what she was saying was incorrect of some groups.

Atlantis75's photo
Sat 04/18/09 06:26 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Sat 04/18/09 06:27 PM
I find it extraordinary, that many people try to forge their own opinion from someone's else opinion.

I just hope, there are still some people left on this world, who realize, that these talking heads - regardless of which channel - are people with their own opinion, not news and not something to be taken as documents and facts or something everyone should embrace or follow religiously.

They can say whatever the hell they wanna say, it won't change my opinion of what they are talking about, but helps me to understand the person who is saying it and form my opinion about him or her.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/18/09 06:41 PM
I've been saying the media can spin anything any way they want since this was JSH laugh

TJN's photo
Sat 04/18/09 09:34 PM

If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true!


this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided!

Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC

Cant we all just get along

Tell Faux news the same thing.

you realize that faux is not pronounced like fox, right? btw, the topic is not about fox news.

news has been editorialized for the most part for over a decade now. it's about ratings and agendas, nothing more. all the real reporters that have been doing this for decades are either dying off or retiring.

MSNBC is the furthest left and Keith Oberman is one of the most biased of them all. he has not one shred of credibility left after the last 8 years of nothing but whining and *****ing. he was much better on sportscenter imo.

He has no credibility with whom? The republicans who can't stand him? Fox that hates him? With that I would agree, but he was right in most cases over the past 8 years about the last administration. I have not agreed with everything on his show but most points he made about that administration were glaringly obvious at least to me.

Credibility as a journalist. He's about as credible as Rush. There is no argument there.

How does editorializing strip him of his credibility? He has never hidden the fact that most of what he does is just that, editorializing. It's not like he is pretending he is just a talking head reporting the news. I will agree that he is similar to Rush in so much as he has opinions and agendas and he pushes those unapologetically but that is where the comparison ends. Keith does a hell of a lot better job backing up what he says with something close to facts. i don't always agree with him but i have never heard him spew outright lies like i have with Rush.

I agree, though I am hesitant to say anything about anyone, but of him that is true. He doesn't pretend and I like that. I also don't fault Garafalo for her opinion, it's not like what she was saying was incorrect of some groups.

So your saying some of the tea parties were made up of racists?

Atlantis75's photo
Sat 04/18/09 09:48 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Sat 04/18/09 09:52 PM
What the hell is she anyway? Comedian or actress? Why even listen to what she says? It's not like they were asking an political analyst or someone with a degree in political science.

Blame the stupid media, who puts idiots in the spotlight to spread whatever propaganda is the flavor of the day.

Why even listen to Hannity from Fox or Olbermann from MSNBC...they are in the showbusiness, not qualified politicans! Their aim is to get more people watch their stupid shows and they choose topics, whichever attracts more viewers. Whether or not their topic reflects reality or just some dimwitt's opinion that's secondary or doesn't matter.

Forget about these channels as reliable places...they are like watching a star wars movie or godzilla. Get real news by googling and as many opinions and news places you can find to put things in the right perspective and get other's point of view, not one sided propaganda.

TJN's photo
Sat 04/18/09 09:51 PM

What the hell is she anyway? Comedian or actress? Why even listen to what she says? It's not like they were asking an political analyst or someone with a degree in political science.

Blame the stupid media, who puts idiots in the spotlight to spread whatever propaganda is the flavor of the day.

Why even listen to Hannity from Fox or Olbermann from MSNBC...they are in the showbusiness, not qualified politicans! Their aim is to get more people watch their stupid shows and they choose topics, whichever attracts more viewers. Whether or not their topic reflects reality or just some dimwitt's opinion that's secondary or doesn't matter.

I understand that Atlantis.
What I was saying is that you hear people saying that we need to uite as a country. When people spew comments out like that and the media basically agrees with it then how will that help in anyway to unite us?

Atlantis75's photo
Sat 04/18/09 09:56 PM

What the hell is she anyway? Comedian or actress? Why even listen to what she says? It's not like they were asking an political analyst or someone with a degree in political science.

Blame the stupid media, who puts idiots in the spotlight to spread whatever propaganda is the flavor of the day.

Why even listen to Hannity from Fox or Olbermann from MSNBC...they are in the showbusiness, not qualified politicans! Their aim is to get more people watch their stupid shows and they choose topics, whichever attracts more viewers. Whether or not their topic reflects reality or just some dimwitt's opinion that's secondary or doesn't matter.

I understand that Atlantis.
What I was saying is that you hear people saying that we need to uite as a country. When people spew comments out like that and the media basically agrees with it then how will that help in anyway to unite us?

I know, it doesn't but and I understand people get upset by certain figures just blabbering out garbage...and there is really no defense against multi million dollar news media propaganda. Actually there is one, and that is to boycott them by not watching them, having their ratings go down. I don't even watch news on TV anymore, except the weather sometimes..or something really big happening and i want to see live footage.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 04/18/09 10:00 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 04/18/09 10:04 PM

If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true!


this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided!

Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC

Cant we all just get along

I love what the guy at the TEA Party says in his speech and the crowds reaction says it all!

Im not classifying everyone under one label, but
it just goes to show you,
be careful who you Allie your ideas with!

TJN's photo
Sat 04/18/09 10:04 PM

If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true!


this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided!

Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC

Cant we all just get along

I love what the guy at the TEA Party says in his speech and the crowds reaction says it all!

Im not classifying everyone under one label, but
it just goes to show you to be careful who you Allie your ideas with!

None of the media covered any of the tea parties that they werent doing live shows from. thats why i posted a second link of one of them. that is how most of them were.

willing2's photo
Sat 04/18/09 10:06 PM

No one has ever answered a question I asked.
Can anyone name one News Chanel of MSM that is not biased?

Not a news channel really, but PBS is usually pretty good as a source for truth.

Thank you, Sir.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 04/18/09 10:17 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 04/18/09 10:20 PM

17 year old homeschooler has more sense than her


This is a child!
Easily influenced, and in this case it cant be blamed on the public school system.
Undoubtedly her teacher (parents) are Republican and not well informed.
When the WTC was attacked she was 8 or 9 yrs old.
Why do people use children to push their agendas?
Could it be because no one else in the country will fall for the Rhetoric they attempt to feed them?

TJN's photo
Sun 04/19/09 06:37 AM
She is 17. Old enough to form her own opinions.
She wamnt used to push anyones agenda.
Why cant some understand that some of us are angry at what congress is doing and want to let congress know how we feel?
I could put up hundreds more links of normal citizens and not people who have an "agenda" on here but I can see it would be worthless because most of you just have the view that these people are just stupid and dont know whay they are talking about.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 04/19/09 06:47 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sun 04/19/09 07:10 AM

17 year old homeschooler has more sense than her


This is a child!
Easily influenced, and in this case it cant be blamed on the public school system.
Undoubtedly her teacher (parents) are Republican and not well informed.
When the WTC was attacked she was 8 or 9 yrs old.
Why do people use children to push their agendas?
Could it be because no one else in the country will fall for the Rhetoric they attempt to feed them?

When you can vote at 18, why isn't a 17 yr old entitled to an opinion based on their beliefs? Why seek to discredit her opinions based on her age? Is her voice or opinion any less valid than your own? Is it your job to decide what is valid, and are teens with opinions to be seen and not heard in your world? If so, I think I would have to decline a place in it.

I applaud a teen who has an opinion. As far as home schooling, I feel it provides a better possibility for a child to exercize their own opinions rather than be subject to perhaps bias principles of a teacher. Like TV evangelists. A captive audience of students in their formative years is a breeding ground for instilled bias opinions. Look at the Hitler youth. It's not about "history" any more and the principles the country was founded on, it's "social studies" and how to be a "good citizen".

The Constitution and the Bill Of Rights aren't even in the cirriculum any more.

No saluting the flag or pledge of alligence! It's no surprise what our children are becoming. Can your child recite the pledge of alligence even?

willing2's photo
Sun 04/19/09 07:42 AM

She is 17. Old enough to form her own opinions.
She wamnt used to push anyones agenda.
Why cant some understand that some of us are angry at what congress is doing and want to let congress know how we feel?
I could put up hundreds more links of normal citizens and not people who have an "agenda" on here but I can see it would be worthless because most of you just have the view that these people are just stupid and dont know whay they are talking about.

We past out 5,000 copies of the Constitution on Saturday.
Told them to be careful and not leave it in plain site in case DPS pulled them over.

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