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Topic: Life is short. Have an affair.
Jill298's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:31 PM
:angry: the motto of a new "dating site" I just saw on TV. What a bunch of crap. :angry: rant explode That's just what people need... advertisments condoning affairs. explode

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:33 PM
I would be happy with just one afair laugh

beautyfrompain's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:35 PM
Doesn't surprise me.

Monier's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:36 PM
That is hilarious laugh

IndnPrncs's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:37 PM
isn't if funny how we accept certain things and don't believe things should be so strict but then people take it to the umpteenth level just to the point of ewwwwwwwwwwwww

MelodyGirl's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:38 PM
Rack that up there with "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!"

It's all about selfishness, dishonesty, and instant gratification. grumble spock slaphead grumble

Jill298's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:38 PM
pisses me off. We got enough problems goin on without advertisments encouraging you to cheat on your spouse because well "life is short". If my husband told me he cheated on me because 'life is short' he might find out exactly how short his life has become :angry:

Engraven_Image's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:46 PM
I've seen that one, and also another banner for it on the net somewhere that said "Date Married Singles" the f@ck does someone categorize someone that is married as being single? My ex had an affair, and I was hurt, but not as much as when I seen how much it hurt my sons and how much it still does. Sites like that should be illegal to operate and banned and advertising anything to do with an affair or cheating should be banned as well.

jaxx15's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:47 PM
Yeah it's all over the radio here in Florida......

Jill298's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:47 PM

I've seen that one, and also another banner for it on the net somewhere that said "Date Married Singles" the f@ck does someone categorize someone that is married as being single? My ex had an affair, and I was hurt, but not as much as when I seen how much it hurt my sons and how much it still does. Sites like that should be illegal to operate and banned and advertising anything to do with an affair or cheating should be banned as well.
I agree. Cheating can destroy families. It breaks hearts. It's not something that needs to be advertised as something you should do so easily.

Jill298's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:48 PM

isn't if funny how we accept certain things and don't believe things should be so strict but then people take it to the umpteenth level just to the point of ewwwwwwwwwwwww
why don't we just have mini porno commercials while we're at it?

Engraven_Image's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:51 PM

isn't if funny how we accept certain things and don't believe things should be so strict but then people take it to the umpteenth level just to the point of ewwwwwwwwwwwww
why don't we just have mini porno commercials while we're at it?
Hello..."Trojan TOUCH!"rofl

Monier's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:57 PM
Sure seems like they want us to think having character and morals puts you in the minority these days. They may be correct.

How about this for a motto

'Why try to do what's right?, do what makes you feel good!'

That would probably also sell

popcornncoke's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:58 PM
NO THANK-YOU.Years ago,Been There,Done That. Very Hard Lesson.I had the world in my hand,didn't know it until I lost it.

Jill298's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:58 PM

isn't if funny how we accept certain things and don't believe things should be so strict but then people take it to the umpteenth level just to the point of ewwwwwwwwwwwww
why don't we just have mini porno commercials while we're at it?
Hello..."Trojan TOUCH!"rofl
nooo I'm talkin full on buck naked lil mini porno commercials. laugh

darkowl1's photo
Fri 04/17/09 11:04 PM

isn't if funny how we accept certain things and don't believe things should be so strict but then people take it to the umpteenth level just to the point of ewwwwwwwwwwwww
why don't we just have mini porno commercials while we're at it?
Hello..."Trojan TOUCH!"rofl
nooo I'm talkin full on buck naked lil mini porno commercials. laugh

rofl rofl rofl too funny!!!!

bluesky35_01's photo
Fri 04/17/09 11:05 PM
If you hit someone you go to jail, if you break a legal contract you get sued, if you cheat on someone nothing happens? Why is that? Why is cheating not a criminal offence? I would say it prolly destroys more families and creates more anger in the world then drugs, maybe??

If your not happy with your partner, leave or get a divorce, why would you want to put someone through that. All it does is shows what kind of a selfish, greedy, scumbag you ARE!

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 04/17/09 11:05 PM
The perfect site for those seeking instant gratification and cheap thrills...

And for the rest of us seeking expensive thrills???spock

Brilliant think If your into swinging I guess but a lot of swingers I know are not movie star pretty. Actually they are kind of scary.ill

I think I would rather be on a more class site like this...

Jill298's photo
Fri 04/17/09 11:05 PM
hey why not??? I already had to explain to my 10 year old what herpes is because of those damn commercials :angry:

Jill298's photo
Fri 04/17/09 11:07 PM

If you hit someone you go to jail, if you break a legal contract you get sued, if you cheat on someone nothing happens? Why is that? Why is cheating not a criminal offence? I would say it prolly destroys more families and creates more anger in the world then drugs, maybe??

If your not happy with your partner, leave or get a divorce, why would you want to put someone through that. All it does is shows what kind of a selfish, greedy, scumbag you ARE!
it's so you can cheat and do whatever the F you want to and still keep your spouse and kids at home.

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