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Topic: Ladies, please rate.
OneMind's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:35 PM
Oh god, yes. Rate me rate me!!!

Jill298's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:37 PM
huh I hope you don't say it like that in bed too...

Queene123's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:58 PM
repeating your self over and over are you being >

OneMind's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:16 PM

repeating your self over and over are you being >

That is very Zen.

MelodyGirl's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:21 PM
Hi happy

Your profile reads nicely. You may want to add something about the type of lady you wish to attract.

If you can, add more pix. Your main doesn't exude friendliness, and that is the first impression other get before they click your profile. Smile, smile, smile! :tongue:

Enjoy the site! :banana:

OneMind's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:33 PM
Edited by OneMind on Wed 04/15/09 09:35 PM

Hi happy

Your profile reads nicely. You may want to add something about the type of lady you wish to attract.

If you can, add more pix. Your main doesn't exude friendliness, and that is the first impression other get before they click your profile. Smile, smile, smile! :tongue:

Enjoy the site! :banana:

Excellent points, all. I kind of wanted to leave myself open as to the sort of woman I'm looking for; at my age, one can't afford to be too picky. I do have other photos, but I really think this one captures my essence - I know the photo is small, but I swear, I am smiling! It's my "looking off into the near distance, slightly amused by someone's remark" smile.

OneMind's photo
Thu 04/16/09 12:24 PM

Hi happy

Your profile reads nicely. You may want to add something about the type of lady you wish to attract.

If you can, add more pix. Your main doesn't exude friendliness, and that is the first impression other get before they click your profile. Smile, smile, smile! :tongue:

Enjoy the site! :banana:
O.k., I went and had another look and added some stuff about the type of woman I'm looking for. Let's see if it helps.

7z3r05's photo
Thu 04/16/09 12:31 PM
are you wearing a beret?

no photo
Thu 04/16/09 12:42 PM

are you wearing a beret?

A Green Beret? :tongue:

7z3r05's photo
Thu 04/16/09 12:57 PM

are you wearing a beret?

A Green Beret? :tongue:

raspberry beret? huh

OneMind's photo
Thu 04/16/09 04:12 PM

are you wearing a beret?

A Green Beret? :tongue:

raspberry beret? huh
Should I be surprised that a 22 year old virgin has never seen an ordinary every day flat cap before?

no photo
Thu 04/16/09 04:30 PM

are you wearing a beret?

A Green Beret? :tongue:

raspberry beret? huh
Should I be surprised that a 22 year old virgin has never seen an ordinary every day flat cap before?

shades Relax we're only joking. A sense of humor will REALLY REALLY help you around here. smokin

OneMind's photo
Thu 04/16/09 05:42 PM

are you wearing a beret?

A Green Beret? :tongue:

raspberry beret? huh
Should I be surprised that a 22 year old virgin has never seen an ordinary every day flat cap before?

shades Relax we're only joking. A sense of humor will REALLY REALLY help you around here. smokin

Oh good and here I was afraid no one would get my joke. It's called wit; almost a dead art in this anti intellectual country.

Dan99's photo
Thu 04/16/09 05:48 PM

are you wearing a beret?

A Green Beret? :tongue:

raspberry beret? huh
Should I be surprised that a 22 year old virgin has never seen an ordinary every day flat cap before?

shades Relax we're only joking. A sense of humor will REALLY REALLY help you around here. smokin

Oh good and here I was afraid no one would get my joke. It's called wit; almost a dead art in this anti intellectual country.

Hahahaha very amusing. Id say your post was more sarcasm than wit, but still, its nothing more than that 22 year old virgin deserves! lol

7z3r05's photo
Thu 04/16/09 05:49 PM

are you wearing a beret?

A Green Beret? :tongue:

raspberry beret? huh
Should I be surprised that a 22 year old virgin has never seen an ordinary every day flat cap before?

good one. nice beard.

OneMind's photo
Thu 04/16/09 06:04 PM
Edited by OneMind on Thu 04/16/09 06:07 PM

are you wearing a beret?

A Green Beret? :tongue:

raspberry beret? huh
Should I be surprised that a 22 year old virgin has never seen an ordinary every day flat cap before?

good one. nice beard.

I thank you. Now let's hear from the fairer sex, shall we?

beautyfrompain's photo
Thu 04/16/09 06:25 PM
Edited by beautyfrompain on Thu 04/16/09 06:25 PM
Never married at 53?
You are surely set in your ways by now.

Profile looks good. Could use some more pics.

7z3r05's photo
Thu 04/16/09 06:28 PM
Ha. So this is what all the deathcab for cutie fans are gonna look like in 30 years

Holly4459's photo
Thu 04/16/09 07:13 PM

Oh god, yes. Rate me rate me!!!

OneMind's photo
Thu 04/16/09 08:23 PM
Edited by OneMind on Thu 04/16/09 09:19 PM

Never married at 53?
You are surely set in your ways by now.

Profile looks good. Could use some more pics.

With the divorce rate at - what? 60%? 70%? I guess I just saw the writing on the walls early on. Set in my ways? Perhaps. Most married couples are truly set in theirs. Who knows, maybe "my ways" are good and wise ones, for me anyway, especially with the divorce laws so radically skewed in favor of women these days. Although having said that, and slightly off topic, I certainly agree that a women should be cared for and I'm always happy to pay for everything - dates, "rent" or in my case, H.O.A., just so long as she's (still) living with me and were "together". That's the way I've always done it. As you say, I'm "set in (my) ways". Would that more men were set in those ways ;-)>

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