Topic: Right-wing extremist out of the closet
yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:24 AM
laugh I thought the extremist on all sides were already out of the closet. what is the big deal when people say he's half white???? it's true. just like he is half black

Foliel's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:47 AM
I didn't vote for eithe obama or mccain but meh I will sit back and see how obama actually does in the next 4 years.

willing2's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:50 AM

I didn't vote for eithe obama or mccain but meh I will sit back and see how obama actually does in the next 4 years.

I wish you would reconsider just sitting back and observing.
Without actions, we will all lose many more of our rights.

no photo
Wed 04/15/09 10:03 AM

Hussein is half white.

He's not white enough for many people.

I have no opinion on the man.
I have question and opinion on the actions.
His actions, speak treason.

Emphasizing the presidents middle name is just as inflamatory and divisive. McCain and Palin loved doing that to get their base all riled up.

One could make assumptions why you use it in that way that would fit a racist, so don't wonder if people might think you are, though I am not saying you are. I would just say that you love to stir up the emotions.

The PC thing has been twisted as well.

Your assumptions are duly noted.
Direct question. You insinuate racism. Are you calling me racist?
Let's see, 9-11 stirred emotions, creating a willingness to kill

What is a problem is that you read what you wanted to read and not what I actually said, Willing. I said it could be taken as racist, that did not say 'you' were racist!! There are RACISTS here that would be more than happy to tell you that is why they use Hussien, and worse, they want to dismiss him in anyway they can and they aren't afraid to say it. So it wouldn't be much of a stretch to think you might also be racist by using his middle name.

So if I assume right now that you are NOT racist, let me ask why you deliberatly use his middle name?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/15/09 10:06 AM
IMO (not a mind reader) but the middle name gets used to compare the president to the ex leader of iraw that did things to his people...again i don't know but that's how i see it being used

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 04/15/09 10:13 AM
Call me a bigot, I don't trust any of them, the jury is still out, my investigation continues, it's not personal or racial based, it is simply wise to question the motivations of any who lead many, and what they deem as "acceptable" on our behalf.

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 04/15/09 10:33 AM
There are left wing extremists too, like Harry Reid and the shemale Pelosi. It makes me wonder if its not just democratic propaganda to get their base fired up at the expense of the right wing.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/15/09 10:40 AM
laugh sorry but I think this topic is silly. by definition of extremists...they aren't in the closet anyway laugh not to mention...there are extremists on ALL sides of EVERY issuelaugh

InvictusV's photo
Wed 04/15/09 10:45 AM
"But..those positions are not THE President. There's a big difference."

She said minorities are being held back by republicans. If there is a racial component to what republicans believe as she stated, then would those minorities have been appointed to those positions?


yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/15/09 10:46 AM
not to mention....THE president isn't supreme ruler. congress has a hand in it as well...good or bad

willing2's photo
Wed 04/15/09 10:59 AM

not to mention....THE president isn't supreme ruler. congress has a hand in it as well...good or bad

Presidents have the final word.
To become Law, he has to sign it or veto it.

no photo
Wed 04/15/09 11:32 AM
i went 2 college lady! lets be civil not gonna say anything demeaning 2 u so dont start unless ur ready 2 get mud flung back @ u!!

no photo
Wed 04/15/09 11:34 AM

left wing extremists have existed and manipulated young adults minds 4 years! just try turning in a report 2 ur college professor with ur true opinion and research on the declining american dollar and see if he doesnt flunk ur ass wether ur right or wrong! any extremist wether RIGHT or LEFT is not a good thing. if we can all learn 2 stay in the gray and stay openminded and maybe keep the communication open between both parties will we then be able 2 pull ourselves out of this mess......2 BAD CLOSE-MINDED PEOPLE DONT COME WITH CLOSED MOUTHS!!!!! sounds like you're jealous of people that went to college, IMO.
<-----------i went 2 college lady! lets be civil not gonna say anything demeaning 2 u so dont start unless ur ready 2 get mud flung back @ u!!

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 04/15/09 12:20 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 04/15/09 12:21 PM

Everone should be upset of the sate our counrty is in right now. All politacal partys need to be removed from power. The coruption has taken a strangle hold of the country. Greed from hill and wall street needs to be adressed before any lasting recovery will take hold! Yes I'm outraged you all should be too.

100% agree. What I see today is on corrupt party is taking over the other corrupt parties', unfinished work.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/15/09 01:20 PM

not to mention....THE president isn't supreme ruler. congress has a hand in it as well...good or bad

Presidents have the final word.
To become Law, he has to sign it or veto it.

yes but once it gets through to him

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/15/09 01:26 PM
the right wing vs the left wing never gets old huh?slaphead

no photo
Wed 04/15/09 02:25 PM

the right wing vs the left wing never gets old huh?slaphead

What if we had cheerleaders?

Here we go left wing. Here we go!

Let's gooooooooo, right wing! Let's gooooooooo, right wing!

L-E-F-T-W-I-N-G! Left wing! Left wing! Left wing!

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/15/09 02:31 PM
laugh i'm in the middle. i'll take everyone on

no photo
Wed 04/15/09 02:34 PM

laugh i'm in the middle. i'll take everyone on

Better be careful how you say that rose. Some of these horn dogs might get the wrong idea.


willing2's photo
Wed 04/15/09 02:36 PM

laugh i'm in the middle. i'll take everyone on

Ya' want mayo with that sandwich?:wink: