Topic: Did I Remind You I am Sane
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Sat 04/11/09 01:15 PM
Did I Remind You I am Sane

"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells."

It is not my fault that I do not know
where I last placed my Subaru’s car keys.
It is not because I have forgotten them
I just don’t remember where I put them.

If the milk happens to taste a little off
and kinda thick in its consistency,
Don’t ask me why, again, please! don't
I got it fresh out of the hot car boot yesterday.

If the bread seems rather stale
with green stuff growing off the crust,
I’m sure my sweet grandma did said,
it was a grain date loaf not green and outdated.

It is not my fault the battery clock stopped
and all my children were late for school.
I phoned the City Electricity Board asking,
" how do I switch my wall clock back on."

If you ask me to do errands for you today
please write the list on my baby’s brow,
that way I am sure not to forget what to buy
as baby is permanently attached to my breast.

I would invite you back to my place for a cup of tea,
but I think I might not be in on the day you come.
I assure you I am not like this seven days a week,
only on weekends and on the other five days too.

Jess642's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:41 PM
I love it!

Life can so be like that at times...laugh


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Sun 04/12/09 11:06 PM
Thanks Jess