Topic: Does anyone feel cheated??
Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:43 PM

IMO..i don't want a politician (no matter who) try to please both sides....I want him/her to do what's best for the people

Both sides include the people to me, Rose.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:44 PM

IMO..i don't want a politician (no matter who) try to please both sides....I want him/her to do what's best for the people

Both sides include the people to me, Rose.

sorry...maybe i misunderstood....when i saw both sides...i assumed you meant republicans and democratsflowerforyou

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:47 PM

IMO..i don't want a politician (no matter who) try to please both sides....I want him/her to do what's best for the people

Both sides include the people to me, Rose.

sorry...maybe i misunderstood....when i saw both sides...i assumed you meant republicans and democratsflowerforyou

Republican people and Democrat people and Republicans and Democrats in the House and everybody else.laugh

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:56 PM
Thank you winx, I respect you very much. It is hard to talk about these things because of the emotions surrounding politics..I guess that is why they don't like it talked about in the work enviornment..hehehe.. But If I might politely point facism what you were voting for?? Cuz that is what you are getting,,,government controling private businesses and acting like it is still a private business...that is scary..

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:59 PM

IMO..i don't want a politician (no matter who) try to please both sides....I want him/her to do what's best for the people

Both sides include the people to me, Rose.

sorry...maybe i misunderstood....when i saw both sides...i assumed you meant republicans and democratsflowerforyou

Republican people and Democrat people and Republicans and Democrats in the House and everybody else.laugh

in other words...all sides?? lol. there are alot that aren't left or right...some are in the middle, some are lopsided lol

could amke an interesting Dr Seuss book come to think of it lol. sort of like one fish two fish red fish blue fish lol

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:00 PM

Thank you winx, I respect you very much. It is hard to talk about these things because of the emotions surrounding politics..I guess that is why they don't like it talked about in the work enviornment..hehehe.. But If I might politely point facism what you were voting for?? Cuz that is what you are getting,,,government controling private businesses and acting like it is still a private business...that is scary..


It would be easier for us if you used the quotes.laugh flowerforyou

No, I'm not voting for Fascism. I don't think we'll become a Fascist country either. It's my understanding that some of what's going is temporary.

Lionfish's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:06 PM
The rise in national debt is necessary. Right now, the American economy needs a stimulus. Rather build new roads that start new wars.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:07 PM


It would be easier for us if you used the quotes.laugh flowerforyou

No, I'm not voting for Fascism. I don't think we'll become a Fascist country either. It's my understanding that some of what's going is temporary.

Sorry, I am not sure how all that stuff works...Have you ever known a governmental it social security,( just to help the ones that fell through the cracks) or anyother entitlement that has been temperary??

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:08 PM

I agree winx, it didn't start with him, but you would think that if the damage was started before him, he would work to repair the damage, not take more, bigger shots at the damage and make it worse?? This debt that we are strapped with is more then we will ever be able to pay for..what happens when our note holders( china, Japan, Russia) decide that we are not worth the note and decide to foreclose on us??

I brought this up in another thread. Where were all the Republicans and fiscal conservatives from Jan. 2001 - Jan. 2009? I'll tell you. They were kissing Junior's ass and rubber stamping all his policies. I must also say that there were many spineless Democrats who went along as well. So I can't blame the Republicans entirtely.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:09 PM
Lionfish, so now government debt IS good huh??? I guess lowering taxes for those that actually pay them was a good thing huh...

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:11 PM
I agree Jimmy, I didn't agree with the spending then and I don't agree with it then, but spending more now does not make a bad situation better...this was tried when facism was tried during the FDR years..they tried the same programs and all it did is extend the depression.

DaveyB's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:33 PM

IMO..i don't want a politician (no matter who) try to please both sides....I want him/her to do what's best for the people

Both sides include the people to me, Rose.

sorry...maybe i misunderstood....when i saw both sides...i assumed you meant republicans and democratsflowerforyou

Republican people and Democrat people and Republicans and Democrats in the House and everybody else.laugh

in other words...all sides?? lol. there are alot that aren't left or right...some are in the middle, some are lopsided lol

could amke an interesting Dr Seuss book come to think of it lol. sort of like one fish two fish red fish blue fish lol

rotflmao, I could not agree more. For those who don't know Dr Seuss was very political and if you have any doubts read; "The Bitter Butter Battle"

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:36 PM
I gotta scoot now, but I enjoyed talking with all of you..till next time.. take care.

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:37 PM

I agree Jimmy, I didn't agree with the spending then and I don't agree with it then, but spending more now does not make a bad situation better...this was tried when facism was tried during the FDR years..they tried the same programs and all it did is extend the depression.

First off, delso, I will disagree with your description of FDR's policies as fascism. I hate the fact that we now have to spend this much to deal with the current crisis. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but I feel the alternative would be worse.

The saddest part of all this is that when Junior took office, we had an opportunity to actually pay down the debt. We cold have zero or at least minimal debt if weren't for Junior's reckless tax cutting and the invading of a country that posed no threat to us.

There's a book that is very worthwhile reading. It's called "The Price of Loyalty" by Ron Suskind. It is the story of Bush's first Treasury secretary Paul O'Neill. O'Neill had also served under Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Bush, Sr. His qualifications and reputation were/are impeccable. He was forced out by Junior(as were others) because he did not agree with Junior's policies and had the audacity to say so.

Here's a preview:

Good lord that's long. I hope it works.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:48 PM
So it is good to strap this mamoth debt..more then all the worlds debt, for what..for government to control private business and to use our tax system to punish those that make more money then they think they should?? Ok it is possible to make an arguement that FDR wasn't a fascist, socialist you cannot deny at the least..any time the government sticks its hands into the private sector, we end up paying for it dearly. I don't have children, but your children are now burdened with a growing...need I say..a far bigger debt then anyone imagined during the bush years. Sure it would have been a bad thing for things to crash...but it wouldn't have lasted longer and wouldn't have burdened our children for a life of slavery to the government... When a fire burns everything to the ground and you have total loss, a funny thing happens soon, life begins to heal itself and regenerates itself..without government help!!

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:51 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 04/11/09 01:54 PM


It would be easier for us if you used the quotes.laugh flowerforyou

No, I'm not voting for Fascism. I don't think we'll become a Fascist country either. It's my understanding that some of what's going is temporary.

Sorry, I am not sure how all that stuff works...Have you ever known a governmental it social security,( just to help the ones that fell through the cracks) or anyother entitlement that has been temperary??

Actually, they changed welfare to a 5 yr. limit, once-in-lifetime.

I've been hearing on the news about some of the things being temporary. It's just to get us through the hard times now.
I can't remember the details.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:51 PM

The rise in national debt is necessary. Right now, the American economy needs a stimulus. Rather build new roads that start new wars.

Of course it is. In an unstable system we need to pump as much money as possible to increase taxes. That's what it really is. A universal tax increase. But this is necessary to keep the fiat system afloat. Problem is it will all come crashing down someday. The longer it waits, the worse it would be.

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:57 PM
You know delso, I find myself struggling to want to agree with you. I wish that things just worked out by letting market forces just do what they do. That's just not the case.

I want our government, who we elected, to exert the necessary pressure, influence and regulation where necessary to achieve societal goals.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:16 PM
Social engineering has never worked, and it won't this time either, but unfortunately we are in so deep that I only see the destruction of our country because of it..What if China called our note and wanted it paid...what would we do??

Our government playing in private business is just screwing up the whole thing, made an unsustainable future with no means to recoupe what we are can't possibly generate enough in taxes to pay even a portion of it off.

Citibank has the money to pay back the TARP money that it didn't even want, but Obama won't let them pay it come??? because they want the government to control the banks, and if they pay off the money, they can't control them...government can't even balance the budget, or stop spending money, how can we believe that they will fix the current crisis???THEY WON"T!

In 10 years...the debt will be 9 or 10 trillion dollars...that doesn't scare you????

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:32 PM
We're in a bad way. No one wants to increase the national debt. But the last 8 years has put us in a position where there is no good solution. No other administration, Republican or Democart, has put us in such dire straits. It's going to take a while to recover. A LONG while.