Topic: Your dignity or your chin...
Therewolf's photo
Sat 04/11/09 05:25 PM

the broadest insight, is directly proportionate to how much one see's the action's of all other's as meaningful and not less than self, which make for wise insight, into many things that first strike as but ignorance???

Yeah, but I'm not British.




thought your insight was as insightful as insightful can be as insightful insight, lol???

mine was just a rhetorical question envoking statement, of just what wise insightful insight may be???

peace not british man...

My work here is done.

davidben1's photo
Sat 04/11/09 05:33 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Sat 04/11/09 05:42 PM

the broadest insight, is directly proportionate to how much one see's the action's of all other's as meaningful and not less than self, which make for wise insight, into many things that first strike as but ignorance???

Yeah, but I'm not British.




thought your insight was as insightful as insightful can be as insightful insight, lol???

mine was just a rhetorical question envoking statement, of just what wise insightful insight may be???

peace not british man...

My work here is done.

were you on the clock???

have i missed something???

does one expect all to understand itself, instead of seeking to understand all other's???

no matter the nationality, the merit's of true understanding called wisdom breach all divide's of misunderstanding, which is true freedom from the lack of understanding, which only imprison the sight to but one thing, how self think as the basis for all reality in the world???

peace man

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 05:36 PM
Hair in the food is hair in the food,
sick frown sick frown

Therewolf's photo
Sat 04/11/09 05:56 PM

were you on the clock???

have i missed something???

does one expect all to understand itself, instead of seeking to understand all other's???

no matter the nationality, the merit's of true understanding called wisdom breach all divide's of misunderstanding, which is true freedom from the lack of understanding, which only imprison the sight to but one thing, how self think as the basis for all reality in the world???

peace man

Now you're just being silly.

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:09 PM
I've worked in several clean rooms and had to wear the beard nets

I wasn't so worried about it

it was the bunny suits that made me feel silly

davidben1's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:10 PM

were you on the clock???

have i missed something???

does one expect all to understand itself, instead of seeking to understand all other's???

no matter the nationality, the merit's of true understanding called wisdom breach all divide's of misunderstanding, which is true freedom from the lack of understanding, which only imprison the sight to but one thing, how self think as the basis for all reality in the world???

peace man

Now you're just being silly.


a wise man indeed...

your cooooooooooooooooooool with me man......

i really meant u had the good insight???

peace out

Dan99's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:12 PM
Edited by Dan99 on Sat 04/11/09 06:13 PM

were you on the clock???

have i missed something???

does one expect all to understand itself, instead of seeking to understand all other's???

no matter the nationality, the merit's of true understanding called wisdom breach all divide's of misunderstanding, which is true freedom from the lack of understanding, which only imprison the sight to but one thing, how self think as the basis for all reality in the world???

peace man

Now you're just being silly.

But if ones self can look deep enough into ones other selfs wisdom, then the understanding of persons imbicility may not lack other than ones own admission of incomprehension?

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:13 PM

Hair in the food is hair in the food,
sick frown sick frown

It makes me gag.ill

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:14 PM

Hair in the food is hair in the food,
sick frown sick frown

It makes me gag.ill

especially if it is public hair

davidben1's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:48 PM
ironic, as i was seconding your good insight???

why doth the human eye see the worst in all things???

if one expect the least, it will see but the least???

there is half good and half bad in everything the eye see, so the eye trained on "bad", will only have the privilege of seeing the "bad", which is the privilege and right of self sorrowful sight indeed???

if one look for the good, it is a good privilege indeed???

Dan99's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:58 PM

ironic, as i was seconding your good insight???

why doth the human eye see the worst in all things???

if one expect the least, it will see but the least???

there is half good and half bad in everything the eye see, so the eye trained on "bad", will only have the privilege of seeing the "bad", which is the privilege and right of self sorrowful sight indeed???

if one look for the good, it is a good privilege indeed???

The imitation of other selfs insightful style of wisdom merely reflects selfs lack of comprehension of other selfs true intentions, and does not determine either a good or a bad eye, but more of an inner jester that cannot help oneself. Imitation is the greatest for of flattery, apparantly.

davidben1's photo
Sat 04/11/09 07:07 PM

ironic, as i was seconding your good insight???

why doth the human eye see the worst in all things???

if one expect the least, it will see but the least???

there is half good and half bad in everything the eye see, so the eye trained on "bad", will only have the privilege of seeing the "bad", which is the privilege and right of self sorrowful sight indeed???

if one look for the good, it is a good privilege indeed???

The imitation of other selfs insightful style of wisdom merely reflects selfs lack of comprehension of other selfs true intentions, and does not determine either a good or a bad eye, but more of an inner jester that cannot help oneself. Imitation is the greatest for of flattery, apparantly.

wise eye's indeed

prisoner's photo
Sat 04/11/09 08:38 PM

Actually the whole issue is pretty simple if you think about it. The beardnet is necessary for health code reasons. If you have a beard, you're going to have to wear one.

The question of whether it's "uncool" or undignified to wear one goes right out the window if you consider that you're there to work, not pick up women. How dignified is a butcher's apron? How about a hotdog suit if you're a fast food restaurant's mascot?

You work to bring home a paycheck... either for your family or yourself. There's dignity in working, and there's dignity in supporting yourself. Hairnet/beardnet be damned.

And to the young gentleman who proudly proclaimed that he would rather be out of work than be paid 7 dollars an hour... you're a real catch, my friend.
:smile: great post nice to hear a mature voice of reason in the forums i hope to be reading more of your posts sir be seeing you

prisoner's photo
Sat 04/11/09 08:42 PM

Many moons ago i worked part time in a supermarket and often worked on the deli counter. I had to wear a hat and an apron, but that was it. Not sure i could grow a proper beard back then anyway, but im pretty sure i would have told them to stick the beard net up their arses if they made me wear one.
:smile: and you have every right as an individual to tell them to "take this job and shove it" by the same token,management has the right to fire an individual and i fired a lot of punks in my day be seeing you

I wouldnt have said 'take your job and shove it' i would have said 'im not wearing no stinking beard net' and would have kept my job. I was too efficient to be fired for anything, i used to do as i please, in fact i used to tell the management what to do, the dumb peices of **** be seeing you.
:smile: you would not have lasted long under my management,there is an old saying..."Never send a boy to do a mans job." be seeing you

I worked under many people like you.

Retail management is hardly a mans job anyway since you mention that.

be seeing you
:smile: and in "The Real World" i fired many people like you so i guess i got the last laugh in "The Real World" be seeing you

People like me? You fired your most efficient workers? Thats clever.

In 'The Real World' you must have been a really really good manager!!

:smile: i was a great manager,i fired those who didn't follow the rules and i rewarded those who did be seeing you

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 04/11/09 10:10 PM

:smile: i worked in retail management for over 20 years most of the "kids" who work in retail today are lazy and clueless they would rather spend their time at work texting their friends than providing good customer service be seeing you

Nope, we just refuse to change our appearance which we are comfortable with for a meager paying job. Kind of a broad generalization there, isn't it?
:smile: in this economy you should be happy just to have a job, when you signed on for the job you agreed to your pay rate and you agreed to follow company policy. if you want to be a rebel,quit your job. there are plenty of people who would be happy to have it...and they would play by the rules and change their appearence if the job called for's called growing up be seeing you

There is no company policy where I work as far as hair aside from properly groomed, which my goatee and hair is. You would have been fired pretty quickly because I would have called PR, if there is no policy there is nothing you can do aside from grumble in the corner. As far as I'm concerned anyone can get a job, I have every right to ***** about mine as I see fit...don't like it, don't read...not difficult.

prisoner's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:05 AM

:smile: i worked in retail management for over 20 years most of the "kids" who work in retail today are lazy and clueless they would rather spend their time at work texting their friends than providing good customer service be seeing you

Nope, we just refuse to change our appearance which we are comfortable with for a meager paying job. Kind of a broad generalization there, isn't it?
:smile: in this economy you should be happy just to have a job, when you signed on for the job you agreed to your pay rate and you agreed to follow company policy. if you want to be a rebel,quit your job. there are plenty of people who would be happy to have it...and they would play by the rules and change their appearence if the job called for's called growing up be seeing you

There is no company policy where I work as far as hair aside from properly groomed, which my goatee and hair is. You would have been fired pretty quickly because I would have called PR, if there is no policy there is nothing you can do aside from grumble in the corner. As far as I'm concerned anyone can get a job, I have every right to ***** about mine as I see fit...don't like it, don't read...not difficult.
:smile: you have every right as an indivdual to b!tch about your job and as long as you are following company policy,there is no problem as for me,i only fired people that did not follow company policy ...i was doing my job be seeing you

Dan99's photo
Sun 04/12/09 11:36 AM
^^^Ah yes, the 'company policy' type manager. They are the ones unable to make decisions for themselves even when something outside of company policy would be better for everyone concerned, including the company. I preferred the managers with more of a backbone be seeing you

galendgirl's photo
Sun 04/12/09 11:40 AM
Edited by galendgirl on Sun 04/12/09 11:40 AM

I've worked in several clean rooms and had to wear the beard nets

I wasn't so worried about it

it was the bunny suits that made me feel silly

There you go! It's not just about the beard-net...whatever!

Dignity is something I probably lose daily in a dozen different ways by being human and fallible. Thank goodness I can laugh at myself and move on (and BTW - my chin is stubble free! LOL!)laugh

Dan99's photo
Sun 04/12/09 11:49 AM
Actually i dont have a problem looking stupid(i have that kind of face). But when i worked in the supermarket i was smarter than all the managers and liked to push them a bit. For the 8 years that i was working there(on and off throughout school and uni) they tried to get me trained to work the checkouts, and i didnt wanna do that. They never succeeded.

If i cared at all about the job i would have done whatever they asked me, but when you dont care if you lose it or not, you can have some fun. I still worked hard though, and that was enough to let me get away with stuff. I wasnt on time for work once in several years, i always strolled in 15-20 minnutes late, and had an extra 15 minutes or so on my lunchbreaks(which was in spite of myself because i had to clock out).

prisoner's photo
Sun 04/12/09 12:15 PM

^^^Ah yes, the 'company policy' type manager. They are the ones unable to make decisions for themselves even when something outside of company policy would be better for everyone concerned, including the company. I preferred the managers with more of a backbone be seeing you
:smile: i was a "company man" because "the company" was paying me good money. one of my duties was to fire dirtbags and deadbeats who were of no use to "the company",my store or my customers be seeing you