Topic: Why cant it be fixed again? | |
My questions seems to be a bit retorical. Im not asking for what shall we do, what programs shall we fend for or fend off. But rather, when or how long will it take for us as a whole, a congregation, a unified voice of te world say enough. Enough bigatry and hate, enough intolerance, enough greed, enough being the one who has to have the last say, enough doing only what is required to make your fellow humans live. For the love of pete, I know it is a niave notion to think that some crazy stas will aline and with it will come the realization that ALL men/women on the planet have hurt each other and their chances to simply just coexhist. Is any one country responsible for the way that the planet turns on its axis, hell know. Do some do more for others, yes. but thats not the point. Middle easterners thingk we're messed up, crazy thought I know, but we think their messed up as well. They hate the thought of us and our ideals because it conflicts with their own. we hate their ideals because it conflicts with what we believe to be human rights. but somewhere we share this earth, and Id hate to see it come to a point where we kill everybody just so that we dont have to .... what? Live and let live? Hold each other up to the unattainable standard of truthfulness? The world is a political place, no denying it, but when one crowd thinks that their way is the way and everybody else should die- theres something very wrong. Someone please- just shoot me now and get it over. doc |
to me we are fixing a world maybe a different world but a world full of
joy an peice look how many charities are out there today think about all the people who cant work out that volunteer their services to shelters like a food kitchen or salvation army or helping hands meals on wheels how many walked into a walmart store or stores without seeing a donation bucket for katrina was alot of them for it . maybe we didnt get them all but for the people we did get ask them how they feel about this world . i bet some of them love life one day at a time. as far as disagreements thats part of the fight for life its a rough game either you fight or you get nothing out of life I like to think we can change things by papper or in here . the pen is mightier than the sword. |
your seeing some and not the other. we live in a world, the world doesnt live in the states. we need to open our eyes to a big wide world brother. |
Splitting hairs here, doc, I know, but...
The world, (Earth) is not a political place...people are...humanity is. We dont get to blame the Earth for our actions... We, as people need to stand up, call out the BS, not turn a blind eye..not shrug and go 'well the world has gone to the dogs'.. What is it we want? Tolerance and acceptance? Right? So that is the mandate...not a biggy...and lead by person, one village, one state, one country at a time.. Someone needs to shoot something? Start with Ego.. |
Well hello my little Aussie friend from down under.
Ego, has its good and bad. Ego gives us he confidence as a race to say, you know what? i can beat that. And then succeed in doing just that. when i say the world the earth the planet, im speaking in general terms about the human race. thanks for pointing that out jessie. as far as what we that is truely the trillion person question isnt it? for me, all i can say is.... all i want is to be left alone, to live my life the way that i see fit. with of course the obedience to human law, you know the stuff i mean, no killing, raping, stealing sort of crap. just the be good to others and they'll be good to you. I dont want everyone to live life the way i do, hell who would write the books and movies, and music that i like and could never reproduce? perfection is what i want, never goig to happen, to many agendas my small minded suppossed intellectual types who think that long after they leave this place the world will remember them. now when your talking about leaving that strong a legacy then your going to have to step on more than a few toes, make enemies and p1ss off the world. is the world ready to except that theyve done wrong, or is the blame knocking at only my backdoor? doc |
Sorry Doc, you sounded a little depressed even cynical in your first
post. You explained better in the second. I don't hate anyone who goes about thier business in their own country and abides by their rules. I may be speaking too broadly, but I think most Americans and Canadians and many people of other countries feel the same way. It is the globalization of the world that has caused friction in those countries where it is necessary to be isolated to maintain a particular, secular way of life. It is they who see us in a bad light. This is so, because the advancement in technology, can not be halted, not even in thier countries. This has an affect on the population of those countries and they begin to, shall I say defect, from the way of life that has been their tradition. From what I have been reading lately, it seems we can not stop what technology has led us to. The new world order, globalization, is on the corner. Will it get to the door in time for us to see it in action? I doubt it. Will it get here in time to save the world from the damage we have caused it. If we didn't have hope, we wouldn't even try. But we're trying, and that should give you something to hold on to. In the mean time we deal, day by day, with the issues we feel most capable of doing something about. Jess, had a very wise responce. Nice. |
well said redy
Hey doc>
'is the world ready to except that theyve done wrong, or is the blame knocking at only my backdoor?' ________________________________________________________________ Got a different question. Is the world of humanity ready to lay aside the wrong that each part of it has done one to the other and step into the future learning from but not living in the past? Can we open the doors of the future and step through as a species? Or will we live each within their own race and kill each other off? |
Red and AB-
sometimes I feel small when people like yourselves join in the conversation. Both of you have spoke elegantly and brought up very different thoughts. AB you saying what Im asking, but as always with a better articulation than this guy can foster. Is the world ready to grow the f uc k up, as bl8ant as i can put it, and not some of it but all of it. Red - depressed is only the half of it, but it does not detract from the intent of the question that i have had for so long. you speak of globlization and even tho i agree it is inevitable i do not believe that it will be within our reach in this life time. not while the hatred and BS is going on with no one to stop it. having hope and trying to change it are two different gorilla's. kinda goes along with your defecting comment. change for the sake of change is just posturing. too much fakeness, whether it is caring or sympathy or machoism - whatever...... argh!!! i want to say so much more, but truely how many ramblings from a crazy person can anyone be subject to? sorry to cut this one short, im in the middle of something at the moment. I wil try to come back later on if at all possible. doc |
Until evolution catches up to man,the violence factor, and ego driven
gotta-haves to be someone, will never stop. People live to deceive themselves into a lull, then have hysterical fits and finger point to every direction of the globe... Of course we could do it. But, could isn't anywhere in the near future. Progress is one thing. Progress at the expense of this planet we call home for now is just plain stupidity. Man is given a chance, once again, to get it right. And, once again, power feels too damned good. Thing is, with all natural laws, the highest pedestal falls the hardest, and with that comes the immediate result, and the shockwaves. As long as man think they can claim anything on this planet, it will never end. And, as long as they pray to the invisible magic guy instead of getting off thier asses and creating goodness... yuh, I think we know. |
I said that same thing emo 3 pages ago!
People dont want to hear the truth. You would do better to make something up that sound good.... They want a quick fix that does not exist!! |
Contratictions, and false truths are easier to face than Reality!
They want to preach tolerance and ignore the facts. This thread has went on for days with question after question and no solutions or even a glimpse at Reality. It begins to bore the hell out of me!!! |
I'm sorry but i believe mankind is inherently good and that we are not
responsible for every little catastrophe or temperature change that takes place on Earth.People are waking up and insyead of sitting on your asses and being cynical or belittling peoples faith ask yourself what the f@#$k you are doing to make the planet a better place or to bridge the gap.I see many little kindnesses everyday,i hear stories of greater ones.Just because the good things dont get publicity doesnt mean they dont happen.If you guys think mankind is so bad and the Earth is doomed then pull your kids from school,quit your jobs and sit there in your despair and cynicism.Me,I'm looking at the hope of our planet as I'm sure many parents around the world are:my kids n grandkids.Educating the next generation is where the great ideas for a peaceful world and a green planet are going to come from.Its up to this generation to do that instead of all the chicken little crap . |
What we, you, us need to do is to protect ours...
Just like you do when you find out a sex offender lives two doors down. Protect America and let everyone else take care of their own problems. Maybe we can withstand the end result of the rats in the box expieriment that is Reality. I di not make that **** up. Ask a social psycologist, I studied it. It is a fact!! America during the 60's warned of population explosion and we conciously took care of it here at home. Now we let all the ones that didnt listen send their problems here. We arent helping them, we are killing ourselves. Without immigration (0) our pop would be in a decline as the baby boomers peak in age and begin to die. With controlled immigration we can level out and prosper. With unlimited, unchecked pop we will soon be in the same mess as the rest of the world. Wake up, before its too late. A bleeding heart will eventually bleed out. Go watch the video that bearnwhiskey put up a link for if you dont believe me. Teach the rest of the world to solve their own problems and maybe they can survive too. |
could you repost the link fanta??
Cutelildevil, I'm not sure what you read into this discussion, but I
think you many have misunderstood. Of course there have been similiar discussions in other topics too, maybe I'm Anyway, I think the point is, that as individual people we can only do so much. I can recycle, I can help plant trees, I can stop needless travel and try to carpool. I can write my representatives on matters of state and legislature that concern me. I can donate, time, money and goods - but where does that get us? We are, if not the wealthiest country, certainly one of the top, and in this whole country, we can not seem to address world issues in mass. This is what the topic is about. It's about a feeling of helplessness, about being at a loss as to how to proceed. Obviously, there is no lack of good intention, but there is a lack of proper information, of government backing of world issues. Our government is currently involved in some major globalization efforts, yet how many citizens are aware of this? How many realize that we, as a people are not being included in the decisions that will affect our existance. And still, countries remain at odds, children starve, people fight, innocent die, disease is out of control, fresh water becomes becomes more scarce and we all feel so small. So do you have a suggestion? Is there anything you think we can do to unite poeple, countries in order to push efforts along to regain the echo systems we are destroying? Is there a suggestion on how we can unite as an international force, to stop war, destruction and more death? Do you see the complexity of these massive problems? Do you feel in control? |
Because armydoc there are those "pooooolitikically correct" tree hugging
idiots who are ruining it for everyone. |
That video only shows the effects of population from legal imigrants. As has been pounded at us the Social Security system can not support the baby boomers with the taxes only they have put into it because of the 'bubble'. If you looked at the green area of the chart you should have noticed that huge hump in the middle. Allowing more LEGAL immigrants in will feed more into the SS system which will pay for the retirement of the those in the 'bubble'. What they have done is killed the future of our grandchildren to insure their retirement in the here and now. Read only have the facts you can only establish half the truth. Those at the top of the 'bubble' know what they are doing and they control the strings that move our government. They will never listen to what that video is saying because they have the other half the information. |
AB, it's the same here in Canada. I feel as though I'm paying in to a
system that simply won't/can't exist when I'm ready to retire at the current pace. |