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Topic: the man's role
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Wed 04/08/09 12:29 PM

what do you think the man's role in a relationship is supposed to be?
I like it when they can fix stuff.......cause I keep breaking stuff!!!noway laugh

no photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:30 PM
Oh, no one told me specific roles are pre-determined. indifferent

Nova86's photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:31 PM
to piss all of you women off...because we never know WHAT you are talking about and ignore what you are saying the rest of the time LOL

no photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:32 PM
I say to be a partner but to protect and provide security to the family. To parent the children and to wear the woman out in bed. lol....im just goofing off. I really dont know

7z3r05's photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:32 PM
i dont have a role. i just do whatever seems like a good idea at the time.

no photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:53 PM
Why do there have to be specific roles anymore?

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 04/08/09 03:22 PM

Alright everyone, please do not throw things at me too hard!

It is my OWN personal belief that a man should be honored as the head of the household: loved, honored, cherished and treated with respect. As a woman who is in love with that man - I want him to make decisions, with my input, on what is best for US. I want him to know that I am his partner, will support him, love him and do whatever I can for him so that in 5, 10 or 20 years down the line we can stand side by side, look back at the path we have traveled together, and smile as we see wht we have accomplished, through the good and the bad.

I have been in a relationship where I have been the decsion maker, the one who has been the primary person in charge of everything, and I didn't like it.

As the song goes: I want a man to stand beside me, not in front of or behind me, give me two arms that want to hold me, not own me, and I'll give all the love in my heart, stand beside me....

Just my very humble opinion.....flowerforyou
I am not sure why anyone would be hard on your with this thought process. I think this can be achieved no matter who brings home the most money or if they bring home all the money. I guess today there is no set gender roles anymore sometimes I would love it to be the sad fact it isn't there anymore. I would expect this from my man at all times the same as I would give to him.

I stand by my opinion in the world today the gender roles are blurred as I honestly think they should be. IF something needs to be done whether taking the car to the garage or putting a load of laundry in the wash just do it don't name a gender to be assigned the job.

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