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Topic: The Constitution Dies
warmachine's photo
Tue 04/07/09 08:22 AM

The Constitution Dies - To Thunderous Applause

The Market Ticker
Monday, April 6, 2009

Gee, you folks who thought Obama was the be-all and end-all to “solve” violations of The Constitution under President Bush:

A pair of bills introduced in the U.S. Senate would grant the White House sweeping new powers to access private online data, regulate the cybersecurity industry and even shut down Internet traffic during a declared “cyber emergency.”

Senate bills No. 773 and 778, introduced by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., are both part of what’s being called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which would create a new Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor, reportable directly to the president and charged with defending the country from cyber attack.

This sounds reasonable, at first blush.

But I’ve read the actual draft bill that allegedly was proffered, and while most of the time what is published on WND is about as diametrically opposed politically to my views, this isn’t one of those times.

On page 21 and 22 it is established not only certification of “security professionals” in the computer field but mandatory licensing for anyone performing compute security services not only to the government but also to any “critical infrastructure system or network.”

This would immediately make part of what I do - selling spam-interdiction software to state and local public safety organizations such as police departments - unlawful unless I went through whatever “process” the government sets forth.

Got that? As a guy who has been writing spam filtering software for more than a decade, as the guy who first offered it to his ISP customers back in the 1990s as part of our service to every user, what I did in the 1990s would be made illegal (since we had literally thousands of accounts billed to a government agency of one form or another) and my provision and support of that software (”Spamblock-Sys”) would be unlawful going forward unless I submitted to whatever licensing criteria the government set forth in the future.

Might I be willing to submit to that? Maybe. Will it dramatically increase the cost of that software? Absolutely. Who’s going to pay for it? You are, in higher taxes.

Second, page 40 has some truly frightening implications, among them granting The Department of Commerce plenary authority to invade networks and access the data therein irrespective of Constitutional or legal restrictions against that action.

Finally, there is a provision within this draft allowing The President to order disconnection of any “critically important” infrastructure - but it does not define what that is, once again, granting effective plenary authority to The President to silence communications irrespective of Constitutional protections regarding Free Speech.

First Amendment?

What First Amendment?

The First Amendment is first for a reason - without Freedom of The Press, which happens to fundamentally include the right to freely communicate between ourselves, there is no means by which corruption and evil can be effectively exposed.

The Second Amendment is second for a reason - if The First Amendment falls, you’re going to need The Second Amendment, and fast.

I wonder if we’ll defend the Second Amendment as citizens of The United States if we won’t defend The First!

willing2's photo
Tue 04/07/09 08:38 AM
Sorry to say, it'll probably go through.
We're surrounded by passive, liberals who believe the Messiah BHO, is no threat to our liberties. He is the one in power at this moment. If it were anyone else attempting this, I'd have the same opinion.
There are ways to voice outrage and if some issue comes up, I push for action.
Yes, debating pros and cons is a good thing but, I've been taught, to seek solutions also.

warmachine's photo
Tue 04/07/09 08:43 AM
Edited by warmachine on Tue 04/07/09 08:43 AM

Sorry to say, it'll probably go through.
We're surrounded by passive, liberals who believe the Messiah BHO, is no threat to our liberties. He is the one in power at this moment. If it were anyone else attempting this, I'd have the same opinion.
There are ways to voice outrage and if some issue comes up, I push for action.
Yes, debating pros and cons is a good thing but, I've been taught, to seek solutions also.

Too many people just hang on whatever the party line is and refuse to see beyond those trees to view the forest.

willing2's photo
Tue 04/07/09 08:50 AM

Sorry to say, it'll probably go through.
We're surrounded by passive, liberals who believe the Messiah BHO, is no threat to our liberties. He is the one in power at this moment. If it were anyone else attempting this, I'd have the same opinion.
There are ways to voice outrage and if some issue comes up, I push for action.
Yes, debating pros and cons is a good thing but, I've been taught, to seek solutions also.

Too many people just hang on whatever the party line is and refuse to see beyond those trees to view the forest.

I can't understand why they don't see. No matter, Rep or Dem, they are both herding us to the same outcome.

warmachine's photo
Tue 04/07/09 08:53 AM

Sorry to say, it'll probably go through.
We're surrounded by passive, liberals who believe the Messiah BHO, is no threat to our liberties. He is the one in power at this moment. If it were anyone else attempting this, I'd have the same opinion.
There are ways to voice outrage and if some issue comes up, I push for action.
Yes, debating pros and cons is a good thing but, I've been taught, to seek solutions also.

Too many people just hang on whatever the party line is and refuse to see beyond those trees to view the forest.

I can't understand why they don't see. No matter, Rep or Dem, they are both herding us to the same outcome.

It's a sad thing, that I have to agree with your statement.

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/07/09 08:54 AM
the constitution has been dieing a slow panful death for a long time

it has been going the way of 20s and 30s germany

divide and hate to the point no one cares what happens to ""them""

who cares it does not effect me

but who is gonna be left when it does effect you

wake up people

it is supposed to be uncle sam not mommy dearest

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/07/09 08:56 AM

Sorry to say, it'll probably go through.
We're surrounded by passive, liberals who believe the Messiah BHO, is no threat to our liberties. He is the one in power at this moment. If it were anyone else attempting this, I'd have the same opinion.
There are ways to voice outrage and if some issue comes up, I push for action.
Yes, debating pros and cons is a good thing but, I've been taught, to seek solutions also.

Too many people just hang on whatever the party line is and refuse to see beyond those trees to view the forest.

I can't understand why they don't see. No matter, Rep or Dem, they are both herding us to the same outcome.

imo both dem and rep parties should be on the terrorist watch list and at the top of it

no other two groups have done more to destroy the constitution

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/07/09 08:58 AM
Thomas Paine...

warmachine's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:01 AM
I told people right here on this website that those terror watch lists weren't for "terrorists" they were for Americans, because as history will show you, whenever you allow Government to single out a group, it's only a matter of time before everyone is the target.
Well, guess what? We have a No Fly Terror watch list that has more than a million people on it. We have government granting Boeing a contract to build border patrol camera towers... not on our southern borders, but on our northern ones, now why is that?

It's so amusing to me, this was all supposed to be "Bush is trying to become a dictator", but isn't it obvious yet that Bush was and is just a puppet and so is Obama? Just as Willing stated, they are herding us to the same slaughterhouse.

Winx's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:04 AM
What's a cyber emergency?

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:07 AM
so it shall be

people have become so self centered that

soon there will be no self at all

and yes war you have been working hard to educate

just some will not permit themselves to learn

sad thing is it will soon be too late

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:08 AM

warmachine's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:10 AM

What's a cyber emergency?

I would speculate that it could be anything from some talented hacker trying to firesale the Government or China doing their thing. I would say it's whatever the Puppetmasters decide it's going to be.

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:11 AM

What's a cyber emergency?

what ever they decide it is

probably this thread will qualify

as it is not to their best interest for it to exist

Winx's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:11 AM

What's a cyber emergency?

I would speculate that it could be anything from some talented hacker trying to firesale the Government or China doing their thing. I would say it's whatever the Puppetmasters decide it's going to be.

I guess that it could be anything then. Hmm...

warmachine's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:12 AM

so it shall be

people have become so self centered that

soon there will be no self at all

and yes war you have been working hard to educate

just some will not permit themselves to learn

sad thing is it will soon be too late

I'll keep trying until it becomes unsafe to do so. Then again, the chances are, by the time I figure out it's not safe anymore, it's gonna be too late, but so be it. I've set my position and hopefully enough people decide they're sick of Government playing overbearing stepdaddy and start telling them no.

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:13 AM
one can hope

warmachine's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:14 AM

one can hope


Winx's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:49 AM

What's a cyber emergency?

what ever they decide it is

probably this thread will qualify

as it is not to their best interest for it to exist


yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/07/09 10:01 AM
so what did our military past and present fight for then?

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