Topic: I didn't believe.
christinrk's photo
Sun 04/05/09 09:46 AM
I have been searching for something I could never find
Looking everywhere and nowhere at the same time
Pushing away everyone who came my way
Not letting them in and going astray
I think its a word game we all play
To say I love you when you don't mean a thing
I was so lost in a war in my mind
Love was the furthest thing from my mind
No one could love me or so I believed
Until the day once again I gazed into his eyes
Now I realize
I am loveable, and he loves me
So no longer lost feeling alone
There's something to look forward to
A love of my own
I did not believe
And now I do


pkh's photo
Sun 04/05/09 06:27 PM
very nice write