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Topic: Critics assail Afghan law that
scttrbrain's photo
Thu 04/02/09 08:42 PM
It doesn't say it is a religion. It says it is a law. Like the man being legally able to throw acid in the face of a woman he feels embarrased him. Not a religous thing; a law made by some guy that wishes it.


Dragoness's photo
Thu 04/02/09 08:44 PM

It doesn't say it is a religion. It says it is a law. Like the man being legally able to throw acid in the face of a woman he feels embarrased him. Not a religous thing; a law made by some guy that wishes it.


But over there religion is a big part of the law. So it is a strong influence to how the laws are laid.

willing2's photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:03 PM
From Middle East Times
Italy, three members of a Brescia-based Maghrebi family (father, mother and eldest son) were accused of beating up and sequestering their daughter/sister Fatima because she wanted to live a "Western" life.
In the first trial, the three were sentenced for sequestration and bad treatment. The court acknowledged that the teenager was "brutally beaten up" for having "dated" a non-Muslim and in general for "living a life not conforming with the culture" of her family. But on appeal, the family was acquitted because the court deemed that the young woman was beaten up for "her own good."

Canada, by a Muslim woman refugee;

Ontario Islamic Tribunals Enforce Sharia Law--
May 23, 04

Homa Arjoman

Had she stayed in Iran, Homa Arjomand would now be dead.

All — all — of the women's activists she worked with in Tehran have been executed, victims of a reactionary regime that ruled, and continues to rule, by strict adherence to Islam's sharia law.

In 1989, she and her husband paid $15,000 to smugglers to help them and their two young children flee the country. For three days, they rode on horseback through the mountains, sleeping in barns before finally reaching Turkey.

Two years later, the onetime professor of medical physics arrived in Canada as a refugee. And how grateful she was to be in a secular country, where female equality was the law.

That was then.

Last fall, Arjomand, now a transitional counsellor in Toronto for immigrant women, heard the province had quietly approved the use of Islamic law in Ontario's Muslim community.

A group she'd never heard of, called the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice, had gained the right to hold tribunals, darul qada, in which marriage, family and business disputes can be settled according to sharia.

The 1,300-year-old body of laws and rules for living was inspired by the Qur'an, Islam's holy book.

Arjomand was horrified. "The last thing I expected in Canada, the last thing I want, is sharia law," she says. "Women are not equal under it, therefore it is opposed to Canada's laws and values. The government can't let this happen."

EDITOR: Blessed Quietness Journal -- Americans need to understand that the long arm of Muhammed reaches into Canada now in the form of an Islamic independent law enforcement counsel which is immune from Canadian law under discrimination law and alleged freedom of religion. Islam cannot win White race converts unless they are sodomites. They cannot win Blacks unless they are in prison. That is historic. So, the Mullahs are imposing their law on the free world under color of freedom and civil rights.

Next, they will be executing Muslims who violate Sharia Law, and finally, they will demand the laws of Canada, the UK, and the USA include Sharia Law. The police in Dearborn, MI already look the other way when a Muslim man kills his wife for unfaithfulness (Learn that in any restaurant in Dearborn). The ACLU will defend Islam's claim to unconstitutional enforcement of course, and the UN will demand Islam's laws be included in civil law and custom. The solution is for Americans is to attack Muslims who demand the right to hold counsels of law which in any way infringe on the rights of Muslims outside the mosque, or, on the streets and in their homes and daily life.

If we wait to respond to this filthy rubbish from Mecca until they start judging the Kaffir, the Christians, Jews, and alleged pagans, it will be too late. Mullahs will then be issuing Fatwas against Bible believers IN THE USA.

No measure of self-defense can be excluded. Women like the lady above must be defended. Her case is our case if we do nothing. It is the sorry and sick joke of a dry drunk from Houston that our President exalts Islam in the USA while he wages war against the fruit of Islam in Baghdad. We need to defeat Islam, bash it right back through the Mosque door, in the USA.

Meanwhile, what can you do? You, Bible believer, can win souls from Islam. Nothing can stop us from doing this. This is the weapon that brings Islam to its knees.

More of Muslims in Canada;
Canada prepares to enforce Islamic law
Judges will give legal sanction to disputes between Muslims
Posted: November 28, 2003

© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

Canadian judges soon will be enforcing Islamic law, or Sharia, in disputes between Muslims, possibly paving the way to one day administering criminal sentences, such as stoning women caught in adultery.

Muslims are required to submit to Sharia in Muslim societies but are excused in nations where they live as a minority under a non-Muslim government.

Delegates elect council to set up Islamic Institute of Civil Justice (Canadian Law Times)

Canada, however, is preparing for its 1 million-strong Muslim minority to be under the authority of a Sharia system enforced by the Canadian court system, according to the Canadian Law Times.

Muslim delegates at a conference in Etobicoke, Ont., in October elected a 30-member council to establish the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice.

You see, it's not just in Afghanistan, it's nearly worldwide.

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:07 PM

Well what is the purpose of having a wife then? :)

Bruises... How about women that like it hard? They get bruises! Then, if they are allowed, to accuse of a marital rape, such women will have a way of setting their husbands up for a crime.

Just don't marry someone you wouldn't want to be raped by.

Or, do not marry at all. That way, you can accuse your partner of rape anywhere, even in Afghanistan.

Geepers Nogames, Please tell me you don't really think that way about women? Of course when I was young it seemed that men really did think that way. I am happy that I chose to be gay and never have to take that from any man. Just the disrespect alone, I can't even imagine living with that.. I can't believe so many men still have not evolved beyond the ownership thing.

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:11 PM

The topic refers to another culture and understanding their way of life. Mohammed commands the wife gives herself to the husband without question.
To get the sunni vote, the good politician is just reinforcing a promise that's already the Law.

Just says to me that men over there have even further to go before the evolve into humans in my opinion. Just tells me that Mohammed was a cruel insensitive male too. Thankfully I live in the US where I can avoid it all together with out fear of imprisonment or death.

willing2's photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:12 PM
And ya'll don't even want to know how homosexuality is dealt with according to their Law.

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:18 PM

It doesn't say it is a religion. It says it is a law. Like the man being legally able to throw acid in the face of a woman he feels embarrased him. Not a religous thing; a law made by some guy that wishes it.


But over there religion is a big part of the law. So it is a strong influence to how the laws are laid.

Some in the religious right here would love nothing better than to send us back to the dark ages as well. We better hope we never let them get that kind of control.

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:25 PM

And ya'll don't even want to know how homosexuality is dealt with according to their Law.

I already know what the sick sob's do to anyone that doesn't follow their sick ass laws. Sorry this makes me livid. How any human being can treat another human being in the name of religion is just plain disgusting to me, and it always will be. If Canada or anyother free country allows this abuse they are no better than animals themselves.

I just have a very hard time believing this insanity comes from something that is supposed to be so sacred.

willing2's photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:26 PM

It doesn't say it is a religion. It says it is a law. Like the man being legally able to throw acid in the face of a woman he feels embarrased him. Not a religous thing; a law made by some guy that wishes it.


But over there religion is a big part of the law. So it is a strong influence to how the laws are laid.

Some in the religious right here would love nothing better than to send us back to the dark ages as well. We better hope we never let them get that kind of control.

I agree 1,000%.
The Islamic Community is very dangerous to anyone who wishes freedom of expressions. Many may seem tranquil and peaceful. They know, they are under the very watchful eye of other Islamics. If they go against the Quran or Sharia Law, they are in danger of retaliation.
One thing we can do here to not allow further Islamic influence in Government is, when we hear that Muslims want Sharia Law established here, is fight it as if you are fighting for your life.

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:29 PM

It doesn't say it is a religion. It says it is a law. Like the man being legally able to throw acid in the face of a woman he feels embarrased him. Not a religous thing; a law made by some guy that wishes it.


But over there religion is a big part of the law. So it is a strong influence to how the laws are laid.

Some in the religious right here would love nothing better than to send us back to the dark ages as well. We better hope we never let them get that kind of control.

I agree 1,000%.
The Islamic Community is very dangerous to anyone who wishes freedom of expressions. Many may seem tranquil and peaceful. They know, they are under the very watchful eye of other Islamics. If they go against the Quran or Sharia Law, they are in danger of retaliation.
One thing we can do here to not allow further Islamic influence in Government is, when we hear that Muslims want Sharia Law established here, is fight it as if you are fighting for your life.

And it will be a fight for life. I can't imagine someone in Canada allowing this to happen in their government. Tradition be damned, it's sick.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:30 PM

And ya'll don't even want to know how homosexuality is dealt with according to their Law.

I already know what the sick sob's do to anyone that doesn't follow their sick ass laws. Sorry this makes me livid. How any human being can treat another human being in the name of religion is just plain disgusting to me, and it always will be. If Canada or anyother free country allows this abuse they are no better than animals themselves.

I just have a very hard time believing this insanity comes from something that is supposed to be so sacred.

You are very right. We have to keep religion out of the government or remove it from the government here so we will never even get close to the way they run things over there.

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 06:35 AM
What gives us the right to say what other countries do? Do I agree with it HE!! NO...We are a country that lets child molesters out to victimize again!!! We need to worry about what happens in our own backyard!!!!!

willing2's photo
Fri 04/03/09 07:24 AM

What gives us the right to say what other countries do? Do I agree with it HE!! NO...We are a country that lets child molesters out to victimize again!!! We need to worry about what happens in our own backyard!!!!!

How right you are.
Keeping Muslim/Islamic influence out of the US is our business and some of the things listed above are what we can look forward to if we aren't vigilant.

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 07:37 AM

What gives us the right to say what other countries do? Do I agree with it HE!! NO...We are a country that lets child molesters out to victimize again!!! We need to worry about what happens in our own backyard!!!!!

How right you are.
Keeping Muslim/Islamic influence out of the US is our business and some of the things listed above are what we can look forward to if we aren't vigilant.
Religion has no bussiness in goverment!!! Any religion!!!

willing2's photo
Fri 04/03/09 07:48 AM

What gives us the right to say what other countries do? Do I agree with it HE!! NO...We are a country that lets child molesters out to victimize again!!! We need to worry about what happens in our own backyard!!!!!

How right you are.
Keeping Muslim/Islamic influence out of the US is our business and some of the things listed above are what we can look forward to if we aren't vigilant.
Religion has no bussiness in goverment!!! Any religion!!!

I'm talking about the Law Muslims adhere to. Many countries are allowing Muslims to implement their Laws. Mainly, the parts that deal with domestic life and how they run the family. That is just to get their foot in the door.
The Quran is their bible. Sharia Law is not a religion. It just looks like it because they use both as guides to justify their actions.

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 07:49 AM
As horrible as this is, it is a standard part of Sharia law. If you are a supporter of multiculturalism, then you are supporting this law.

Winx's photo
Fri 04/03/09 07:53 AM

Well what is the purpose of having a wife then? :)

Bruises... How about women that like it hard? They get bruises! Then, if they are allowed, to accuse of a marital rape, such women will have a way of setting their husbands up for a crime.

Just don't marry someone you wouldn't want to be raped by.

Or, do not marry at all. That way, you can accuse your partner of rape anywhere, even in Afghanistan.


willing2's photo
Fri 04/03/09 08:01 AM
The section of the Law that keeps me reminded how dangerous they are is;
Convert or die. They are under commandment of Allah and Mohammad to convert all non-believers. They are also under that commandment to kill all who will not convert.
It's not happening here yet, only because they haven't gotten a strong enough voice in Government.

willing2's photo
Fri 04/03/09 08:10 AM
Put particular attention to the last sentence.
Here's a small clip from

The Muslim Brotherhood's US Network

by Zeyno Baran
Published on Wednesday, February 27, 2008

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Washington, D.C. has suddenly become very interested in the Muslim Brotherhood. American policymakers are debating whether to engage non-violent elements of the Muslim Brotherhood network, both inside and outside the United States, in the hope that such engagement will empower these “moderates” against violent Wahhabi and Salafi groups such as al-Qaeda. Unfortunately, this strategy is based on a false assumption: that “moderate” Islamist groups will confront and weaken their violent co-religionists, robbing them of their support base.

This lesser-of-two-evils strategy is reminiscent of the rationale behind the Cold War-era decision to support the Afghan mujahideen against the Soviet army. In the short term, the U.S. alliance with the mujahideen did indeed aid America in its struggle against the Soviet Union. In the long term, however, U.S. support led to the empowerment of a dangerous and potent adversary. In choosing its allies, the U.S. cannot afford to elevate short-term tactical considerations above longer-term strategic ones. Most importantly, the U.S. must consider the ideology of any potential partners. Although various Islamist groups do quarrel over tactics and often bear considerable animosity towards one another, they all agree on the endgame: a world dictated by political Islam. A “divide and conquer” strategy by the United States will only push them closer together.

nogames39's photo
Fri 04/03/09 10:01 AM

those b*stards. we should send in our military and invade their country and...



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