Topic: Darrell Scott Testamony (Columbine School)
LAMom's photo
Sat 05/05/07 01:53 PM
((( Catch )))
Yes, Very much worth Remembering and should never be forgotten
I have read it several times and each time it brings tears to my eyes,,,
Thank you for Remindng us

catchme_ifucan's photo
Sat 05/05/07 01:59 PM
I so sorry for what you went thru. Nobody has a right to do that to
another person.
It happened at alot of schools back when the jocks could do no wrong.

wonderman37's photo
Sat 05/05/07 02:00 PM
it is true the holy spirit wants me to let you know jesus wants everyone
to cry out to him with a open heart that is why theses rampages are
still happening

no photo
Sat 05/05/07 02:13 PM
its a good post, something we need to be reminded of, we as human beings
not as what ever chosen religious path your on....what they did was
reprehensible. When it comes down to the line it doesn't mater what your
religion is what matters is what your faith is.. faith comes from
within not from a book or a building.This post is in the right
section...well done Sissy!!!!

catchme_ifucan's photo
Sat 05/05/07 02:25 PM
So True sissy

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/05/07 02:38 PM
I wonder how many of us would have kept our faith with a gun pressed to
our head. That girl knew her answer was going to be life or death and
she chose faith. WOW!!
I see where she received that faith from now!! Her parents are truly
strong people. I wonder what I would have done.....flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 05/05/07 02:42 PM
Good point many of us would have stayed true to what we
believe..would we accept death for it??? I can say yes simply because I
have no fear of death or dying..its inevitable, and faced with it daily
for many years you become intimate with death.For what I have faith in
what I believe ..I can die for and not think twice about it.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/05/07 02:53 PM
I found it, I think Ill cry in a minute though:

Rachel Scott was slain while eating lunch with a friend, Richard
Castaldo, on the lawn in front of the school's cafeteria. She was killed
by multiple gunshot wounds to the head, chest, arm, and leg. Afterwards,
her car was turned into an impromptu flower-bedecked memorial in the
school's parking lot by grieving students.

Early news reports claimed that one of the gunmen, after having first
shot Rachel in her leg, asked the wounded girl if she still believed in
God, and that she had answered "You know I do", provoking a second,
fatal shot to her head at point-blank range. Rachel’s parents contend
in their book, Rachel’s Tears: the Spiritual Journey of Columbine Martyr
Rachel Scott, that their daughter was targeted by the killers and died
as a martyr for her Christian faith, based on videotapes made by the
teenage perpetrators in which they are said to mock Rachel for her

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/05/07 02:59 PM
I'm curious: are there any reports of survivors who said they were asked
the same question and said no, and were spared?

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 05/05/07 03:19 PM
I couldn't tell you that Sheila.
I can tell you that there was a guy that was walking across the country
carrying a cross behind him dressed in a white robe, in her honor. It
had writings on it and he was displaying a sign as to his entent. He was
walking to this young ladies house to honor her parents with a Bible
that had been signed by a bunch of students from, I can't remember
where. Oh his back was a pic of her hanging on a rope.
I had passed by him on the interstate when I was trying to read what it
said and wondering why he was dragging that cross.
I went to the next exit and stopped and got him a couple of bottles of
water and a bottle of gatorade, along with some kind of snack. I went
back to him and we talked for awhile.(it was my sis and me and her ex
husband)He had an amazing story. He thanked us for stopping and we
prayed for his safety and the families recovery through God, and we
pulled off and watched him begin on his journey.
I suppose he made it. He had stated that he was 2/3 there. I wish I
could remember where it was he was taking the Bible to.


scttrbrain's photo
Sat 05/05/07 03:20 PM
* rephrase....not a pic of her hanging on a rope
On a rope was a pic of her, hanging on his back.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/05/07 03:51 PM
There were two there that day that died for their faith. It must be

Cassie Bernall, a 17 yr old student at Columbine high school in
Littleton, Colorado, was known for carrying her Bible to school every
day and wearing a "What Would Jesus Do?" bracelet. Cassie was in the
library, reading her bible at the Littleton, Colo., school April 20,
1999 when a gunman burst in. He went up to Bernall and stood
face-to-face with her, witnesses said...."Do you believe in God?" the
gunman asked. Bernall said she believed in Jesus Christ as her Lord and
Savior, and was shot in the temple, witnesses said. Bernall, who became
a Christian two years ago, was studious and a member of her youth group
at West Bowles Community Church in Littleton. Previously, she had
dabbled in the occult, including witchcraft.............

Eyewitness accounts of other surviving students said that when Rachel
Scott was confronted by one of the gunmen, she gave a bold testimony of
her faith. The killer asked her, "Do you believe in God?!!" She boldly
answered, "Yes I do!" She was instantly gunned down.

FedMan's photo
Sat 05/05/07 03:59 PM
AMEN!!! catchme, If everyone would sit back and think for a moment,
everytime the non-christian people of this country wina battle to keep
God and prayer out of this or that, it seems more and more terrible
things happen to this country. Then right after something bad happens
such as 911, or columbine, most everyone starts praying to the very God
they turned their backs on.

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 05/05/07 04:12 PM
Thank you. I kept wanting to say Colorado. That was where he was headed.
I was afraid to say that for fear of being wrong.
So, I guess it was Cassie. I'm sorry I lead us to believe it was for the
other young lady.
It had been a few years.
Did anyone else see him walking?

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 05/05/07 09:32 PM
Thank you for the post, you seem to post just the thing needed to remind
us of where we have been and where we are headed. Keep them coming and
others will worry about debating the points.

bigsmile bigsmile


jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/05/07 09:50 PM
I am a Christian and I don't believe for one minute that if I had a gun
held to my head and was asked, "Do you believe in God?" that, if I said,
"No," that would be akin to renouncing my faith.

And of course I'd be highly ticked if I got shot anyway.

But if someone holds a gun to my head, I'll even say "I love George W.
Bush," if that's what it takes to spare my life.

I'm no idiot.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 05/05/07 09:54 PM
Not to detract from those who may have died upholding their faith.

IMO it would not have made a diference what those young people said at
that moment.

Those boys went there to kill. They would have killed reguardless of
what was said.

The rest was just helping them feed their egos.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Sat 05/05/07 10:05 PM
I agree it wouldn't of mattered.

At least if their faith in their God was that strong & it gave them
comfort to continue their faith, Instead of feeling like their God
deserted them in a time on need, more power to them. Blessed be.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/05/07 10:05 PM
I completely agree.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/05/07 10:07 PM
Oops...thought I was posting after AB..I completely agree with his post.

I do not believe God deserted them. Or, I should say, I would not
believe God deserted me.